Illinois State Senator Toi Hutchinson (d-40th)
State Government: Agencies/Departments/Divisions | Elected State Legislators
Recent News About Illinois State Senator Toi Hutchinson (d-40th)
The Hutchinson holdup: State senator's Boston trip delays school funding vote
South suburban parents are anxiously awaiting news from state lawmakers, wondering if public school funding will be approved and their teachers will report for duty on the first day of classes, just two weeks from today.
South Cook Democrats vote for budget bills
In a rushed vote today, the Illinois Senate approved a set of three budget bills that raise taxes and outline $36 billion in spending.
Chicago Teachers Union pet: South suburbs' Hutchinson leads charge for CPS bailout
State Sen Toi Hutchinson (D-Olympia Fields) doesn't represent the City of Chicago. But she's isn't shy about her support for Chicago's public schools.
ILA: Hutchinson amendment threatens people's right to safety
If an amendment recently introduced in Springfield by state Sen. Toi Hutchinson (D-Chicago Heights) passes muster, Illinois dwellers could face what the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) considers taxation of citizens’ Second Amendment rights.