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Orland Park public works amends waste management contract

Webp meeting240

The village of Orland Park Public Works and Engineering Committee met Dec. 5 to amend the waste management contract.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the committee:

The village of Orland Park Public Works and Engineering Committee is made up of three members of the board of trustees. The committee deals with all issues related to the infrastructure of Orland Park, including water, sewer, garbage, street and sidewalk construction and snow removal. The body meets in the village hall the first Monday of each month. It also makes budget recommendations for the Department of Public Works.


Public Works Committee

Meeting Minutes

Monday, December 5, 2016

6:00 PM

Village Hall


The meeting was called to order at 6:03 P.M.

Chairman Carroll and Trustee Griffin Ruzich Present: 2 -

Trustee Dodge Absent: 1 -


2016-0839 Approval of the November 7, 2016 Public Works Minutes

I move to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Public Works of November 7, 2016.

A motion was made by Trustee Dodge, seconded by Trustee Griffin Ruzich, that this matter be APPROVED. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Chairman Carroll, Trustee Dodge, and Trustee Griffin Ruzich 3 -

Nay: 0


Trustee Dodge arrived at 6:10 P.M.

Chairman Carroll; Trustee Dodge and Trustee Griffin Ruzich Present: 3 -


2016-0847 Waste Management Presentation - Discussion Only

The Village’s current waste hauling services contract requires Waste Management to provide a report each calendar year to the Village via the Public Works & Engineering Committee. A representative from Waste Management, Mr. Mike Morley, will be on hand to give a presentation on current industry topics as well as an update on statistics and trends in waste collection and recycling specific to the Village of Orland Park.

Chairman Carroll asked if it would be an amendment to our current contract or new contract?

Mr. Mike Morley stated that it It could be a separate contract, or and amendment to the current contract. Many municipalities just take the approach of trying it for a year to see how it goes and then decided to renew again or not.

Chairman Carroll stated that many calls are received daily about disposing of just televisions alone. He stated that Plainfield, IL conducted a survey with their residents asking if adding the pickup of additional items was of interest and that maybe the village could do the same thing.

Mr. Morley stated that he could send the survey and survey results from Plainfield to village staff. He stated that he believes Lemont also has a similar survey.

Trustee Ruzich asked the program would be billed.

Mr. Morely stated that it would be on a per home basis and not based on the amount that is picked up. He stated that another important feature of the program is the pick-up of medical sharps.

Trustee Ruzich asked Chief McCarthy if we take medical sharps.

Chief McCarthy stated that the police department tries not to take sharps, but often when people are bringing drugs to be disposed of they also sometimes dispose sharps.

Chairman Carroll stated that if the village elects to go with the program, would it be billed to every home regardless of participations?

Mr. Morely stated yes. A proposal could be given to the village. It is a very flexible program.

Chairman Carroll asked what the average cost per household is.

Mr. Morley stated that generally speaking it is between a $1.25 and $1.50

Chairman Carroll stated that it would be a good idea to put a survey on our website to get residents feedback regarding their interest in the program.

Trustee Dodge stated that he agreed with Chairman Carroll’s idea.

Discussion Only

This item was for discussion only. NO ACTION was required.

2016-0836 Liquid Deicing Purchase

To improve the effectiveness of the village’s snow removal operations, a liquid deicing solution manufactured by SNI Solutions, Inc. of Geneseo, IL is used. The natural deicing solution is a de-sugared beet molasses composition that is non-corrosive and environmentally friendly. This beet juice based product is mixed with salt brine by staff at the Public Works facility and is used as a pretreatment, sprayed on specific roads and bridges prior to forecasted snow events. The deicing solution is also applied directly to the road rock salt as it is dispersed from village trucks to improve the effective temperature range of the road rock salt.

The Village purchases this product through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative

(SPC). The SPC Governing Board has awarded the first of three possible, one-year contract extensions for Natural Deicing (Contract #153) to SNI Solutions, Inc. of Geneseo valid from November 11, 2016, through November 10, 2017. The contract extension contains no price increase, maintaining the $1.48 per gallon price.

Village staff intends to purchase 4,500 gallons of deicing solution to fill the tank to cover initial snow-fighting efforts. Moreover, to take advantage of current contract pricing, staff will purchase an additional 4,500 gallons (totaling 9,000 gallons) of deicing liquid to cover snow fighting efforts through the end of the 2017 snow season.

I move to recommend to the Village Board to approve the purchase of bulk deicing liquid from SNI Solutions, Inc. of Geneseo, IL for a cost not to exceed $1.48 per gallon and a total cost not to exceed the Board approved budgeted amount.

A motion was made by Trustee Griffin Ruzich, seconded by Trustee Dodge, that this matter be RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL to the Board of Trustees. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Chairman Carroll, Trustee Dodge, and Trustee Griffin Ruzich 3 -

Nay: 0

2016-0828 2017 PACE Agreement - Recommended Ordinance

Annually, there is a need for the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the Village of Orland Park, Illinois, to execute the annual Paratransit Service Provider Agreement with the Suburban Bus Division of the Regional Transportation Authority (PACE).

This agreement is always reviewed by the Village Attorney for acceptability prior to an ordinance recommendation being brought forth for Village Board consideration. The agreement is prepared annually by PACE and sent to the Village for review and ordinance adoption that authorizes signing the agreement as called out in the ordinance attached.

Over the past few years, the agreement has arrived closer to the required ordinance adoption date necessitating last minute actions in order to meet meeting and agenda posting requirements and avoid PACE service interruptions. As a result, this agenda item is being considered by the Public Works Committee and the Village Board of Trustees on the same night.

I move to recommend to the Village Board to pass an Ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF 2017 PARATRANSIT SERVICE PROVIDER AGREEMENT (RTA - PACE)

A motion was made by Trustee Dodge, seconded by Trustee Griffin Ruzich, that this matter be RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL to the Board of Trustees. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Chairman Carroll, Trustee Dodge, and Trustee Griffin Ruzich 3 -

Nay: 0

2016-0846 2017 Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality under the Illinois Highway Code - Recommended Resolution

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) requires the Village to pass a resolution each year for the utilization of Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds. The appropriations of funds are for the maintenance of Village streets and rights-of-way by village staff and associated IDOT authorized expenditures for salt and electric within the upcoming year. IDOT requires the passage of the resolution for each fiscal year. The resolution is for the funds estimated for the 2017 calendar year in the amount of $3,903,755. IDOT requires their form to be used for the resolution. Their resolution form (BLR 14230) and the Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Cost (BLR 14231) are attached.

The Municipal Maintenance Expenditure Statement for the 2016 calendar year showing the final amounts of the MFT fund expenditures will be submitted to IDOT early next year.


A motion was made by Trustee Griffin Ruzich, seconded by Trustee Dodge, that this matter be RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL to the Board of Trustees. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Chairman Carroll, Trustee Dodge, and Trustee Griffin Ruzich 3 -

Nay: 0

2016-0845 Fernway Subdivision Roadway and Ditch Grading Improvements

2016 - Amend Scope of Work

The pavement in Fernway Subdivision was originally constructed in the early 1960’s. At that time, the unincorporated roadways were constructed as rural cross sections, well below Village standards. The Village has spent considerable resources maintaining these roadways since annexing the area over 40 years ago. Proper storm water conveyance was impeded in the area because ditches were filled in or had not been properly maintained. To mitigate both the pavement issues and the stormwater conveyance issues, the Fernway Subdivision project is designed to complete roadway reconstruction and ditch regrading. Our pavement management consultant, Applied Research Associates (ARA), recommended that Fernway roadways receive full pavement reconstruction to include ribbon curbs to support the pavement edge. Due to the scale of work and anticipated construction costs, this multi-year project is planned to be completed over a nine-year period, depending on available funding. On July 5, 2016 the Village Board approved a contract with P.T. Ferro Construction Company of Joliet, Illinois in the amount of $937,959.10 for the 2016 portion of project. The current 2016 (Year 1) project, includes the completion of 167th Place (88th Avenue east to Village limit) and a section of Robinhood Drive (167th Street to 171st Street).

Additionally, the Board awarded a contract to Baxter & Woodman to provide required phase II & III engineering services for the first segment of this multi-year road improvement project. Prior to the Baxter & Woodman award, the Village engaged Christopher B. Burke Engineering (CBBEL) to design and engineer roadside drainage ditch grading improvements. Both plan sets were incorporated as the Fernway Subdivision Roadway and Ditch Grading Improvements 2016 bid package.

During the cutting and grading of the ditches for the Fernway project, it was discovered that many of the culvert pipes under residential driveways were severely deteriorated and warranted replacing. Replacing the culvert pipes would be integral to the proper conveyance of stormwater through the newly graded ditches. Additionally, the planned 8’ wide ditch grading became impractical due to the steep grade differential of the side slopes.

In order to restore the graded ditches to a condition that residents would be expected to maintain (gently sloping ditches), the ditch side slopes were widened to a maintainable 3:1 slope. The additional culvert pipe installations, ditch grading and required sod restoration exceeded the contracted total in the amount of $123,822.02.

It is staff's recommendation to amend the scope of work with P.T. Ferro Construction Company of Joliet, Illinois for the 2016 Fernway Subdivision Roadway and Ditch Grading Improvements to include the installation of additional culvert pipes, ditch grading and sod restoration in the amount of $123,822.02 for a total project budget of $1,061,781.12. Because these items were storm water related, the additional work will be funded by the Public Works’ Storm Water Fund.

The pavement reconstruction portion of the project was completed within the anticipated budget.

I move to recommend to the Village Board to amend the scope of work with P.T. Ferro Construction Company of Joliet, Illinois for the 2016 Fernway Subdivision Roadway and Ditch Grading Improvements to include the installation of additional culvert pipes, ditch grading and sod restoration in the amount of $123,822.02.

A motion was made by Trustee Dodge, seconded by Trustee Griffin Ruzich, that this matter be RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL to the Board of Trustees. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Chairman Carroll, Trustee Dodge, and Trustee Griffin Ruzich 3 -

Nay: 0

2016-0844 143rd Street and Crystal Tree Drive Emergency Water Main Repair - Proposal

On November 6, 2016, Public Works staff received a call reporting a possible water main break on the southwest corner of 143rd Street and Crystal Tree Drive, at the entrance to the Crystal Tree Subdivision. During staff’s investigation, the water was valved down to minimize loss, maintain integrity to the system and provide minimum service to the only impacted structure; the gate house containing a bathroom and sink.

On Monday and Tuesday, November 7 and 8, staff continued working to identify the exact location of the 12” main and the break itself. Utilizing the hydro-excavating process, the water main was located nine feet deep, and found to run under the large brick entryway monument and immediately behind the wrought iron fence and brick piers. The water rising to the surface was more than eight feet from the actual main. Using leak detection services, the leak was determined to be immediately behind the brick monument and under large spruce trees.

Staff met with representatives from the Crystal Tree Homeowners Association (HOA) to discuss the situation and impacts to their landscaping. Staff worked with Airy’s, Inc. of Tinley Park, Illinois to formulate an action plan to make the repair. The plan involved the installation of a valve and fire hydrant by Public Works staff on Wednesday, November 9. Staff installed valve allowed for the isolation of the break, re-established full water service to the gate house, and allowed time to vet the options for final repair. A fire hydrant was also installed by staff to facilitate future flushing. To assist staff in gaining access to the work area, the large tree was removed by the Crystal Tree HOA. The water main was isolated and turned off in preparation for the emergency repair work that is tentatively scheduled for the week of November 28, 2016.

Staff evaluated several options to repair the water main. Option one was a typical excavation and clamp. This option is not viable due to the proximity of the entryway monument and large trees. Option two is to install a liner (Slip lining) inside the main to seal the break at a cost of $75,000.00. Option three is to underground directional bore a new 12” PVC Certa-Lok water main adjacent to the existing main at cost of $41,697.00. The underground bore option was identified to be the best repair option with considerations for cost and elimination of future potential problems. Airy’s Inc. of Tinley Park, Illinois submitted a proposal in the amount of $41,697.00 for this emergency repair. To account for any unforeseen issues, staff is also requesting a $5,000 contingency, for a total amount of $46,697.00. Funds are currently budgeted for lining work within the Crystal Tree subdivision. A portion of these funds can be reallocated for this repair.

I move to recommend to the Village Board to accept the proposal from Airy’s Inc. of Tinley Park, Illinois, for the Emergency Watermain Repair on 143rd Street and Crystal Tree Drive in an amount not to exceed $46.697.00.

A motion was made by Trustee Griffin Ruzich, seconded by Trustee Dodge, that this matter be RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL to the Board of Trustees. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Chairman Carroll, Trustee Dodge, and Trustee Griffin Ruzich 3 -

Nay: 0

2016-0856 Custodial Services Contract Amendment and Extension - Proposal

The Village entered into a contract with Total Building Services (TBS) of Elk Grove Village, Illinois in January, 2013. TBS has been the Village's facility cleaning company for many years. The Village desires to amend the existing contract to include an additional day of cleaning for the Cultural Arts Center (CAC) and two additional days of cleaning for the Parks and Grounds Administration.

The Cultural Arts Center (CAC) is currently cleaned 5 days a week at cost of $993.18 per month. The additional day of cleaning (Sat.) will cost $286.00 per month ($3,432.00 annually) for a total annual cost of 15,350.16 to clean the facility.

The Parks and Grounds Administration Building is currently cleaned three days a week (Mon. Wed. and Fri.) at a cost of $161.45 per month. The additional two days of cleaning (Tues. and Thurs.) will cost $140.05 per month ($1,680.60 annually) for a total annual cost of $3,618.00 to clean the facility.

I move to recommend to the Village Board to approve the Custodial Services Contract Amendments with Total Building Service of Elk Grove Village, Illinois through FY18, in an amount not to exceed $388,599.78 annually.

A motion was made by Trustee Dodge, seconded by Trustee Griffin Ruzich, that this matter be RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL to the Board of Trustees. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Chairman Carroll, Trustee Dodge, and Trustee Griffin Ruzich 3 -

Nay: 0

2016-0857 Public Works Emergency HVAC Rooftop Repairs - Proposal

There are a total of 8 Trane® combination rooftop HVAC units of varying capacity and tonnage that services the Public Works Administration building and Vehicle & Equipment garage. These HVAC units are 23 years old and approaching the end of their lifespan.

These units provide both heating and air conditioning needs for specific zones in the facility. During a recent inspection, staff found that three of the HVAC units that serve the Public Works Administration building have critical component failures; more specifically, there are holes in the heat exchangers. A failure of the heat exchanger causes carbon monoxide to be introduced into the building. All three of the units were immediately shut down and effectively removed from service.

These HVAC units provide the primary heat and air conditioning source for the administrative section of the building. Until these units are replaced a back-up radiant heat source is currently keeping the offices heated.

Based on the condition and age of the units the heat exchangers should be replaced immediately.

Staff requested and received a proposal from Trane Supply Co. of Tinley Park, IL, the authorized area dealer, for the purchase of three (3) gas heat exchangers for a total cost of $5,258.69. Building Maintenance staff will perform the labor to install the exchangers.

On December 5, 2016, this item was reviewed by the Public Works Committee and recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.

I move to recommend to the Village Board to approve the emergency purchase of three (3) gas heat exchangers from Trane Supply Co. of Tinley Park, IL for a total cost not to exceed $5,258.69.

A motion was made by Trustee Griffin Ruzich, seconded by Trustee Dodge, that this matter be RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL to the Board of Trustees. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Chairman Carroll, Trustee Dodge, and Trustee Griffin Ruzich 3 -

Nay: 0

5, 2016 ADJOURNMENT: 6:25 P.M.

A motion was made by Trustee Dodge, seconded by Trustee Griffin Ruzich, that this matter be ADJOURNED. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 3 - Chairman Carroll, Trustee Dodge, and Trustee Griffin Ruzich Nay: 0

APPROVED: January 3, 2017

Respectfully Submitted,

/s/ John C. Mehalek