
South Cook News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Palos Hills City Council announces new business openings

Webp meet

The Palos Hills City Council met Jan. 5 to announce new business openings.

Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the council:

City Council Meeting 

Of the City of Palos Hills 

held Thursday, January 5, 2017 City Hall Council Chambers 10335 S. Roberts Road Palos Hills, Illinois 60465

1) CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bennett called the City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2) PLEDGE TO THE FLAG: Mayor Bennett led everyone in the Pledge to the Flag.

3) ROLL CALL: Upon roll call the following Aldermen responded as present: Knox, Brachman, Lebarre, Marrotta, Schultz, Kleefisch, Stratton, Pasek, Moore and Nowak

4) QUORUM: Mayor Bennett declared a quorum was present.


Ald. Kleefisch, I MOVE to approve the City Council Meeting Minutes dated December 15, 2016 as presented. SECONDED by Ald. Marrotta. Upon roll call the following Ald. voted:

AYE: Brachman, Lebarre, Marrotta, Schultz, Kleefisch, Stratton, Pasek, Moore, and Nowak


NAY: None




Mayor Bennett, the meeting is open to the public for any comments or questions.

There were no comments or questions from the public; the public portion of the meeting was closed.



A. CITY CLERK: No report.

B. CITY ATTORNEY: No report.

C. MAYOR Mayor Bennett, Ladies & Gentlemen next week I’d like to bring back to your attention the racquetball club property (inaudible).



A. BUILDING & LICENSE: Ald. Lebarre, presented and read the Building Department Report for the month of December 2016 as follows: 20 building permits were issued; total fees collected were $3,211.00.

Also, Comm. Hardison has reported to date the Building Department has been contacted 14 commercial property owners and two churches in Palos Hills with regards to their handicap parking spaces. Signage is to be updated immediately, and parking stripping concrete depressed curbs etc. are to be replaced or renovated when the weather breaks in the spring. More letters will be going out to more property owners, and follow up visits are being performed daily to bring the commercial landlords up to compliance with the State of Illinois handicap parking laws and Palos Hills Ordinances.

Also, 2016 ended the 560 permits issued verses 563 in 2015 for a total of fees collected by the city was $111,583.00. Currently the Building Department is aware of 9 new residential projects that are to be submitted early 2017 for spring construction. One commercial property is working towards submitting drawings for a new parking lot adjacent to their building on Roberts Rd.

Also, the Building Department is projecting the adoption of the new Article 15 by February 1, 2017, which will move us from the 2003 National Building Codes to 2015 National Building Codes. This will bring the city in line with surrounding communities and keep the city current for many years to come.

We do have a Building Department Meeting scheduled for Thursday, January 12th at City Hall. The Building Commission would like to finish on that evening so we will stay until we have everything ironed out. He assures me that will b a short meeting.

B. CITY ADMINISTRATION/GOLF: Ald. Moore, just as a reminder we will have a Golf Meeting on Thursday, January 19th at City Hall beginning at 5:30 pm.

C. COMMUNITY RESOURCES: Ald. Marrotta, I MOVE to approve the price quote for the purchase of two solar streets lights for installation at 99th St. at 82nd Ct. and at 99th St. & 84th Ave.; total unit price per unit is $3,063.00 for a total of $6,126.00. Seconded by Moore. Upon roll call the following Ald. voted:

AYE: Lebarre, Marrotta, Schultz, Kleefisch, Stratton, Pasek, Moore, Nowak, Knox and Brachman


Ald. Marrotta, we have sustained some damage on the ice at Glacier Park because of weather as well as vandalism. The Park Commissioner, the Public Works Commissioner and myself have discussed the possibility of canceling Skate Under the Stars. However Commissioner Weakley tells me he can get the ice in shape before January 27th so I would like to defer to Comm. Weakley.

Comm. Weakley, Public Works today went out on that ice and we torched the ice and melted off a lot of debris that had gotten trapped in the ice and we are planning on going out tomorrow with this temperature we have enough thickness to put a piece of equipment on there we will go ahead and scratch any of the bumps off of the ice (inaudible). I feel right now we can have that event on that ice. The real issue is what is going to happen at the end of January as far as the temperatures. I would be more prone to say have at it.

Mayor Bennett, what have we done in the past its on until it is off. Unfortunately when (inaudible) it is the kids going out there and walk in it which they shouldn’t be doing and putting all the footprints and holes in the ice.

Ald. Marrotta, Skate Under the Stars will be taking place, weather permitting, on Friday, January 27th from &:00 pm to 8:30 pm. at Glacier Park which is located at 101st & 78th Ave. This is a great way for families to spend a free night out together. Don’t forget your skates. Please call the Community Center for updated information about the condition of the ice.

Also, AARP will be hosting their driver safety course on Thursday, January 19th and Friday, January 20th from 9: am to 1:00 pm. Drivers must attend both days. Those who attend these sessions will learn defensive driving techniques, new traffic laws, rules of the road and more. Many auto insurance companies offer discounts consult your agent. The cost for this program is $15.00 for AARP Members, $20.00 for non-members. For more information or to register please call the Community Resource and Recreation Department at 430-4500.

D. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Ald. Nowak, we have two new business openings this week; A & P 1st Response located at 9748 S. Roberts Rd. it is a construction office and Genius Kiddos a Tutoring Center located at 11018 Southwest Hwy.

Ald. Nowak, I MOVE to amend the Ordinance to increase the Café Class C2 licenses by One (1). SECONDED by Ald. Stratton. Upon roll call the following Ald. voted:

AYE: Marrotta, Stratton, Pasek, Moore, Nowak and Lebarre 

NAY: Schultz, Kleefisch, Knox and Brachman 



Ald. Knox stated you all have before you a Vendor Warrant dated January 5, 2017 in the amount of $ 474,997.38. I MOVE to authorize the expenditure of same. SECONDED by Ald. Moore. Upon roll call the following Ald. voted: 

AYE: Schultz, Kleefisch, Stratton, Pasek, Moore, Nowak, Knox, Brachman, Lebarre and Marrotta 

NAY: None 


F. LEGISLATION & ORDINANCES: Ald. Knox, Legislation & Ordinance held a meeting this evening to discuss (inaudible) primarily heights and the Committee would like to change the ordinance instead of reading 7 feet to read 9 ½ feet, and the second part that we would like to see changed the consensus was that we sentence and I will read it, the commercial vehicle shall be parked to the side or the rear of the building so as to be screened from view from the view from public right of way as much as possible to be stricken from the ordinance. 

So I now MOVE that we change the ordinance and if I am correct we can have the Mayor’s Secretary type that. SECONDED by Ald. Pasek. Upon roll call the following Ald. voted: 

 AYE: Stratton, Pasek, Moore, Nowak, Knox, Brachman, Lebarre, Marrotta, and Schultz 

 NAY: Kleefisch 

MOTION CARRIED. Ald. Knox, I will be scheduling a date to hold a meeting about the Traveling Expenses Act very soon. 


Ald. Stratton, on February 10th, the Community Resource and Recreation Department will be hosting a Mother/Son dance for children ages 5 to 12 years of age. This event will take place from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Community Center. Please register by February 3rd . Grandmothers are welcome to bring a grandson as well. 

 The Community Resource and Recreation Department is offering school day off trips and camps for school aged children including teens. Please call the Community Center at 430- 4500 for further information.


Ald. Schulz, I MOVE to reschedule the Zoning Board of Appeals hearing that was scheduled for Tuesday, January 24, 2017 to Tuesday, January 31, 2017 at 6:30 pm. being that we did not have enough time to put the notice in the newspaper due to the holidays. SECONDED by Pasek. Upon roll call the following Ald. voted: 

 AYE: Stratton, Pasek, Moore, Nowak, Knox, Brachman, Lebarre, Marrotta, Schultz and Kleefisch 

 NAY: None 


I. PUBLIC SAFETY: Ald. Kleefisch presented and read the Palos Hills Police Department Activity Report for he month of December 2016 as follows: 321 traffic tickets were issued, 334 parking tickets were issued, there were 25 misdemeanor complaints and 6 felony complaints, 1 robbery, 2 burglaries and our C.I.D. Division handled a total of 31 cases. 

 Also, we received a check from Consolidated High School District 230 in the amount of $11,235.37. 





13) ADJOURNMENT: No further business, Mayor Bennett entertained a motion to adjourn. SO MOVED by Ald. Stratton. SECONDED by Ald. Pasek. By voice vote, all voted AYE. The Meeting adjourned at 7:17 p.m. Submitted by Rudy A. Mulderink City Clerk City of Palos Hills