Village of Tinley Park Economic and Commercial Commission met July 9.
Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:
Dino Sanfillippo led the meeting in Chairman Walsh’s absence. Dino called the July 9, 2018 Economic & Commercial Commission meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. There was a motion made by Jim Fuentes, seconded by Diane Galante, to approve the minutes from the June 11, 2018 ECC meeting; motion carried. There was a motion made by Jim Fuentes, seconded by Dennis Reidy, to approve the agenda for tonight’s meeting; motion carried.
Chairman’s Report: None
New Business/Old Business:
South Suburban Land Bank: Patrick was waiting for more information from Russ Rydin including some testimonials and improvement projects. A commissioner suggested also requesting financial information on the company. Another commissioner suggested that the pros and cons of land banking be discussed. Further talk and voting on this item was tabled until more information is available.
Strategic Plan: Patrick stated that feedback from the accreditation process included a request for an updated Strategic Plan; the last one that the ECC did was from 2013. They want the goals from the Village’s Strategic Plan to align with what the ECC’s goals are. The other side of that is the Marketing Plan, but before that he’d like to figure out the Strategic Plan. Patrick passed out a Strategic Plan list of nine items that was compiled from the Village’s Strategic Plan that fall under Economic Development. He asked commissioners to review the list and rank the items listed in order of priority. The ECC has also in the past talked about their own items, including the vacancies on Harlem Avenue and LaGrange Road and there was a place to add and rank those items as well. The accreditation agency wants to know timelines, priority, progress, etc. Some of the items have already been done. Once Patrick receives all the feedback and ranking from the commissioners he pass it along to go up the ladder to be approved by the Board.
Trustee Report – Trustee Berg was not in attendance.
Comments from the Public – none
There was a motion made by Jim Fuentes and seconded by Christine Obbagy, to adjourn the meeting. Vote by voice call. All were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 7:46 p.m.