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Village of Palos Park Board of Commissioners met July 9.

Webp meeting 02

Village of Palos Park Board of Commissioners met July 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commissioners:

The Board of Commissioners of the Village of Palos Park, Cook County, Illinois held its regular meeting on Monday, July 9, 2018. Mayor Mahoney called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Answering to roll call were Commissioners Milovich-Walters, Polk, Pavlatos, and Mayor Mahoney. Commissioner Reed was not in attendance.

Also in attendance were Marie Arrigoni, Village Clerk; Rick Boehm, Village Manager; Tom Bayer, Village Attorney; Howard Jablecki, Assistant Village Attorney; Lauren Pruss, Community Development Director, Michael Sibrava, Public Works Director; Barb Maziarek, Finance Director, Joe Miller, Police Chief; Mose Rickey, Recreation & Parks Director; Kathy May, Administrative Analyst; and Cathy Gabel, Deputy Clerk.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON JUNE 11, 2018: Commissioner Milovich-Walters moved, seconded by Commissioner Polk, to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on June 11, 2018 as presented.

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -4- Commissioners Milovich-Walters, Polk, Pavlatos, and Mayor Mahoney 

NAYS: --- 

ABSENT: -1- Commissioner Reed

RECOGNITIONS/PROCLAMATIONS/APPOINTMENTS/PRESENTATIONS: LIBRARY APPOINTMENT: Library Board members are appointed to serve four year terms with the option of being reappointed at the conclusion of the term or appointed to complete the term of a vacancy. Mayor Mahoney entertained a motion to appoint Kathy Finan to fill a vacancy expiring June 2021.

Commissioner Paylatos moved, seconded by Commissioner Milovich-Walters, to approve the appointment of Kathy Finan to fill a vacancy expiring June 2021.

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -4- Commissioners Pavlatos, Milovich-Walters, Polk, and Mayor Mahoney


ABSENT: -1- Commissioner Reed


CONSENT AGENDA All items on the consent agenda are routine or have been brought forward at the direction of the Board of Commissioners and will be enacted with one motion. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately,

Commissioner Milovich-Walters moved, seconded by Commissioner Polk to:

A. approve Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicagoland & Northwest Indiana Raffle License and Raffle Manager Bond Waiver request for raffle to be held July 18, 2018 at Cog Hill Country Club

B. ratify payment of invoices on the Warrant List dated June 25, 2018 in the amount of $43,792.54

C. approve payment of invoices on the Warrant List dated July 9, 2018 in the amount of $117,508,64

D. approve the Supplemental Warrant List dated July 9, 2018 for manual checks, payroll, and recurring wire transfers in the amount of $377,994,26

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -4- Commissioners Milovich-Walters, Polk, Paviatos, and Mayor Mahoney NAYS: -0ABSENT:-1- Commissioner Reed


BOARD, COMMISSION AND COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: INFORMATION & UPDATES: SOUTH 90TH AVENUE RIGHT OF WAY VACATION AND ORDINANCE VACATION A PORTION OF 90TH AVENUE IMMEDIATELY NORTH OF 125TH STREET (OLIVERA -8920 WEST 125TH STREET AND GLOODT - 12500 SOUTH 90TH AVENUE): Indalecio and Patricia Olivera filed an application requesting the Village vacate both halves of the South 901 Avenue unimproved right-of-way that is adjacent to the West property line of property commonly known as 8920 W. 1254" Street in Palos Park, IL. Two property owners adjacent to the ROW vacation were notified of the application. The owners of 12416 S. 90'" Avenue objected to the vacation of the right-of-way adjacent to their property. The owner of 12500 S. 90th Avenue supports the vacation and is interested in purchasing the portion of the ROW adjacent to his lot. Plan Commission held a public hearing regarding the application on Thursday, April 18, 2018 and voted (7-0) to recommend approval of the requested right-of-way vacation of 90th Avenue.

Commissioner Pavlatos moved, seconded by Commissioner Milovich-Walters, to approve the request of Indalecio and Patricia Olivera for the Village to vacate both halves of the South 90th Avenue right of way that is adjacent to the West property line of 8920 W. 125" Street in Palos Park, IL and adopt an ordinance vacating a portion of 90th Avenue, immediately North of 125th Street, (Olivera - 8920 West 125th Street, and Gloodt - 12500 South 90th Avenue).

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -4- Commissioners Pavlatos, Milovich-Walters, Polk, and Mayor Mahoney 

NAYS: -0

ABSENT: -1- Commissioner Reed

HENDERSON RESUBDIVISION – 44 OLD CREEK ROAD: The owner of 44 Old Creek Road has requested approval of a preliminary and final plat for a two (2) lot subdivision. The subject site is 2.16 acres containing an existing home in the R-1-A One Family Dwelling District that will remain on a 1.15 acre lot and a new 1.01 acre lot created to the west. Plan Commission held a public hearing relative to said request on June 20, 2018 and recommended approval of said resubdivision.

Commissioner Polk moved, seconded by Commissioner Pavlatos, to approve a preliminary and final plat for a two (2) lot subdivision for property commonly known as 44 Old Creek Road and adopt an ordinance approving the Henderson Resubdivision.

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -4- Commissioners Polk, Paylatos, Milovich-Walters, and Mayor Mahoney 

NAYS: -0

ABSENT: -1- Commissioner Reed

R.M. POST SUBDIVISION - 8220 W. 119TH STREET: The owner of 8220 W. 119th Street has requested approval of a preliminary and final plat for a three (3) lot subdivision. The subject site is 3.076 acres containing an existing home in the R-1-A One Family Dwelling District that will remain on a 1.07 acre lot and two new 1.00 acre lots will be created to the east. Plan Commission held a public hearing relative to said request on June 20, 2018 and recommended approval of said subdivision subject to the condition that no building permit shall be issued in relation to Lot 2 of said subdivision until such time as the existing improvements and structures as identified for demolition and removal on the Preliminary Demolition Plan, prepared by Landmark Engineering, LLC and dated May 21, 2018 and attached as Exhibit A and made part hereof are demolished and removed from the property within the subdivision.

Commissioner Pavlatos moved, seconded by Commissioner Polk, to approve a preliminary and final plat for a three (3) lot subdivision for property commonly known as 8220 W. 119" Street and adopt an Ordinance approving the R.M. Post Subdivision subject to the condition set forth in Section 2 of said ordinance.

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -4- Commissioners Pavlatos, Polk, Milovich-Walters, and Mayor Mahoney

NAYS: --0

ABSENT -1- Commissioner Reed

COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS AND STREETS/RECREATION & PARKS, NICOLE MILOVICH-WALTERS: Commissioner Milovich-Walters had no formal report this evening however, she reported on upcoming recreation events.

COMMISSIONER OF BUILDING & PUBLIC PROPERTY, G. DARRYL REED: BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT: In Commissioner Reed's absence, Mayor Mahoney reported the Building Department issued fifteen (15) permits from June 20, 2018 - July 3, 2018 resulting in $5,664.82 in fees. Twenty-six (26) inspections were completed during this time, no occupancy permits issued and no exaction fees collected.

COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY, DANIEL POLK POLICE ACTIVITY REPORT: Commissioner Polk reported the Police Department received 1,975 calls for service from June 18, 2018 through July 9, 2018. Palos Park Police also issued 74 adjudication tickets, 34 traffic tickets, 61 written warnings, 66 verbal warnings, completed 33 case reports, arrested 13 adults, 1 juvenile, 8 impounds, 20 senior checks, 55 citizen assists and 20 community contact hours.

PALOS PARK WOMAN'S CLUB DONATES $500.00: The Palos Park Woman's Club presented the Palos Park Police Department with a check for $500.00. It is through their continued support that the Palos Park Police have been able to secure equipment and training and support of the Police Cadet Program. On behalf of the Village and the Palos Park Police, Commissioner Polk extended his heartfelt appreciation to the Palos Park Woman's Club.

BIKE HELMETS: The Palos Park Police Department is distributing bike helmets to children as part of the National Children-N-Safety Program. Head injuries and falls from bicycles are often times the main reason children visit emergency rooms during the summer months, Helmets can be picked up at the Police Department, 8999 W.123rd Street between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday.

COMMISSIONER OF ACCOUNTS AND FINANCES, JAMES PAVLATOS: Commissioner Pavlatos had no formal report this evening.

MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Mahoney had no formal report this evening.

CLERK'S REPORT: Clerk Arrigoni had no formal report this evening.


RENEWAL OF THE AGGREGATION PROGRAM FOR ELECTRICAL LOAD: Manager Boehm reported the Village's current agreement with Dynegy Energy expires on meter reading dates in October, 2018. The Village has again engaged NIMEC, who managed the initial aggregation in September 2012. NIMEC has solicited bids from multiple suppliers and consulted with the Village on their decision to select the supplier that best meets their needs. Four bids were received. The Village Council finds it to be in the best interests of the Village and residents to accept the bid from MC Squared and to enter into a Master Supply Agreement with MC Squared for a period of twelve (12) months. The Aggregation Program shall continue to operate as an opt-out program for residential and small commercial retail customers. NIMEC is not compensated by the Village; instead NIMEC acts as a broker and is compensated by the winning supplier.

Commissioner Polk moved, seconded by Milovich-Walters, to adopt an Ordinance Authorizing the Renewal of the Aggregation Program for Electrical Load.

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -4- Commissioners Polk, Milovich-Walters, Pavlatos, and Mayor Mahoney

NAYS: -0.

ABSENT: -1- Commissioner Reed

CITIZENS AND VISITORS COMMENT PERIOD: Robert Biel - Mr. Biel implored Council to review fence surveys and require a boundary survey be submitted before a fence permit issued.

ADJOURNMENT OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: There being no further business, Commissioner Polk moved, seconded by Commissioner Milovich-Walters, to adjourn the meeting at 8:22 p.m.

Upon voice vote, the motion passed with 4 yes votes.

AYES: -4- Commissioners Polk, Milovich-Walters, Pavlatos, and Mayor Mahoney


ABSENT: -1- Commissioner Reed
