Village of Hazel Crest Administrative Committee met Sept. 25.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
I.Information Updates
II.Accounts Payable
A.September 25, 2018
Bills Payable-2018-0925
A.Exercise the use of the Illinois Debt Recovery Program with the State of Illinois Comptroller’s Office.
B.Amendment No.1, to the agreement dated November 19, 2015 for the 171st Street PRV and Water Transfer Station – Design and Construction Engineering, Baxter & Woodman Consulting Engineers, (see ‘Engineering Fee’).
9 25 18 Amendment No.1 PRV & Water Transfer Station
C.Oasis Beef Hut, 17001 Wood Blvd., Hazel Crest. Owner, Ruby Thelen.
IV.Executive Session
A.A motion to enter Closed Session to discuss appointment, employment, discipline, compensation, performance, and dismissal of personnel; purchase and lease of real property; pending, imminent and probable litigation; and collective bargaining matters.