
South Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Evergreen Park Board of Trustees met October 15.

Webp meeting 06

Village of Evergreen Park Board of Trustees met Oct. 15.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. CALL TO ORDER: by Mayor Sexton at 7:30 P.M.

II. ROLL CALL: by the Village Clerk.


IV. OPEN PUBLIC FORUM: Members of the audience are invited to participate.

Be prepared to state your name and address, for the record, and please limit your comments to a maximum of 3 minutes


1. Approval of Minutes: October 1, 2018.

2. Board action on Resolution No. 24-2018.

3. Mayors request for granting authorization for Resolution NO. 25-2018 to finalize the fiscal year.

4. Treasurer’s Report for SEPTEMBER 2018 for information and file.

5. Board action on Applications for Business Regulation Certificates.

6. Request Board approval of the following Ordinance(s):

A. Ordinance No. 26-2018, “An Ordinance Amending Section 3-58, Fees And Limitations, Of Chapter 3, Alcoholic Liquor, Of The Evergreen Park Municipal Code By Increasing The Number Of Class M Licenses By One.”

B. Ordinance No. 27-2018, “An Ordinance Of The Village Of Evergreen Park Removing A Tax Parcel From Special Service Area Number 2.”

7. Request Board approval of the following Resolution(s):

A. Resolution No. 9-2018, “A Resolution Of The Village Of Evergreen Park Authorizing The Execution Of The Mutual Aid Box Alarm System, Division No. 21, Intergovernmental Agreement.”

8. Request from Police Chief Michael Saunders to sell the following vehicles:

A. 2003 Ford Explorer #A36838

B. 2006 Land Rover #A394625

9. Village Engineer’s report.

10. Village Attorney’s report.

11. Reports on bid openings, bid lettings and disbursements.

12. Miscellaneous correspondence.

13. Request adjournment to Executive Session to discuss real estate, Personnel and litigation.

VI. ADJOURNMENT: The Open Meeting Act provides for public bodies to meet in sessions closed to the public to discuss certain subject matters. No official action can be taken at a closed session; therefore, any decision reached by the Board will be ratified at a subsequent public meeting.

To facilitate closing this building during the continued meetings, we would appreciate your vacating the Council Chambers in a timely fashion.
