City of Burbank Council met Sept. 26.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
The meeting of September 26, 2018 was called to order at7:30 pM by Mayor Dan M. Foy in the Council Chambers at 6530 West 79th Street Burbank. Illinois.
Mayor Foy requested a roll call which indicated the following members present: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Grider, Alderman Pacella, Alderman Piznarski. Alderman pyle, Mayor Foy, Clerk Szymczak, Treasurer Viverito and Attorney Vince Cainkar.
Mayor Foy asked all to rise for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Alderman James Grider made a motion seconded by Alderman Contreras to approve the minutes of September 12.2018. The motion was unanimously approved by voice vote and so declared by the Chair
Alderman James Grider made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Gagle to approve the current list of bills. A roll call indicated TAyes and 0 Nays. Voting
Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Grider, Alderman Pacella, Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle
Clerk Szymczak attended a bid opening on Friday September 14,2al8 at 10:00 AM in Council Chambers in reference to the 2019 Bulk Rock Salt Program (19-00000-00-GM). The following companies submitted bids:
Morton Salt Company 584.20 per ton
Detroit Salt Company Decline to bid
Compass Materials Decline to bid
Cargill Salt Decline to bid
Also, Clerk Szymczak stated that City hall would be closed on Monday October 8,2018 in commemoration of Columbus Day.
Alderman Robert Contreras asked for a motion seconded by Alderrnan Piznarski to have the city Affomey prepare an ordinance for Petition #18-08- 1. David Salgado 8400 S. Newland requesting a variation to install a 6 foot privacy fence on front yard side set back. A roll call indicated 7 Ayes and 0 Nays. voting
Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Grider, Alderman Pacella, Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle.
Alderman Mitch Pizrarski made a motion seconded by Alderman Contreras to award Morton Salt Inc., as low bidder for the 2019 MFT Maintenance Material
Bulk Rock Salt Program in the amount of $84.24 per ton delivered (5252,720.00 / 3000 tons). A roll call indicated 7 Ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye:
Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Arderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Grider, Alderman Pacella Alderrran Pizrarski and Alderrnan Pyle.
Mayor Foy asked for a motion to re-schedule the city council Meeting of October 24,2078 to Wednesday October 31, 2019. The motion was made by Alderwoman Gagle and seconded by Alderman Grider. A roll call indicated 7
Ayes and 0 Nays. voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman contreras,
Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Grider, Alderman Pacella. Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle.
Mayor Foy also informed the audience that the Stickney Township Health Department is offering free flu shots to all first responders of the city.
The chair recognized Frank Pryzttla 8503 South oak park Ave. w,ho asked about the construction going on at 79th Street and McVickers. The Mayor said that it was construction of a parking lot for the property located at 6000 West 79th Street.
The chair then recognized Charles Bandusky 8548 South Lavergne who inquired about the progress of the Woodsprings Suites Hotel project. The
Mayor informed him that soil testing was in progress and everything else is going according to schedule.
The chair then invited anyone from Reavis High School to have their government class forms signed at the adjournment of the Council meeting.
There being no further business, the Chair asked for a motion to adjourn. The motion was made by Alderman Contreras and seconded by Alderman Pyle with unanimous voice approval and so declared by the Chair.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:37 P.M.,%202018.pdf