
South Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Palos Heights Business/ Economic Advisory Committee met June 17

Webp meeting 02

City of Palos Heights Business/ Economic Advisory Committee met June 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

Call to Order

Chairman Grossart called the meeting of the Business/Economic Advisory Committee to order at 12:00 Noon at the Palos Heights City Hall. Present were: Bob Grossart, Ken Busse, Barb Bergamo, Mike Coogan, Rick Powell, Lori Mazeika, Judi Weber, Dr. Chuck Polcaster, Abby Wiegers, Nolani Schnabel and Recording Secretary Charlotte Moore. Paul Muehlnickel and Alderman Jeff Key were absent.

Approval of Minutes

Chairman Grossart requested a motion to approve the minutes of the April 15, 2019 and May 20, 2019 meetings. So moved by Rick Powell, seconded by Michael Coogan. On a unanimous voice vote, the motion carried.

Regional Start Up Hub:

Chairman Grossart gave an update and mentioned that the committee should have a report for Simple Taste this week and explain what we are going to do for them and get moving on that. John from Trinity is also thinking about doing another business. John and Chairman Grossart have talked about a class that John teaches in the fall, which is basically a organizational class. He was asking if Bob knew of any place that would want special projects. Chairman Grossart thought maybe the BEAC committee would need help if we decide to go forward with the pavilion. It also might be a nice thing to offer the possibility of having a special project done by his class to the chamber members.

Holidays in the Heights:

Chairman Grossart said that the Holidays in the Heights budget has been approved by Dan Nisavic.

Comprehensive Plan:

Chairman Grossart mentioned that each member of the committee received a draft of the Comprehensive Plan and the master plan for Parks and Recreation. There is a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on June 17th at 6:30pm that Chairman Grossart encourages all BEAC members to attend.

Chairman Grossart drafted a report that he would like to present to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The draft includes the views of the BEAC committee with comments by alderman Jeff Key. Ken Busse commented that tonight’s meeting is informal. This will be the first time that they will have the opportunity in public to review and discuss. A public hearing will be scheduled for July 15th.

The committee went through the report and discussed:

 “Gateway” suggestion for Route 83 and Harlem

 They were hoping for more recommendations that were more specific

 What other programs can be developed as an incentive to encourage individuals to open business.

 Parking issues

Mike Coogan feels that the plan speaks to a long-term approach. He believes we struggle with the downtown feel of Palos Heights.

Chairman Grossart has heard talk of a gas station at Route 83 and Harlem. Somebody needs to think through what we are trying to do at that corner.

Rick Powell feels the preeminent piece of real estate is Tiffany Square, across from the expensive Spectrum property. We need to focus on how we are going to get developers to buy that property and develop it in a way that would fit this overlay plan. Dominick’s is a lease. Why spend a lot of time talking about Dominick’s? We should talk about Tiffany Square. Discussion ensued.

Mike Coogan believes the city should pause before allowing a permit to be issued for a gas station. If we are looking at that area as a Gateway point, that’s the first parcel to suggest another use for the corner. Ken Busse mentioned that the corner has not been marketed to the world. There is no listing on the MLS sites. Discussion ensued.

Ken Busse showed some possible future uses for Tiffany Square. There could be condos, a grocery store, medical offices, parking, etc. The area will have to be de-TIFed and re-TIFed. This is a long process. Rick Powell thinks we shouldn’t mess with moving the bank and Starbucks. We can work with the L-property. This should be developed soon under the Comp Plan as the highest priority. Ken Busse mentioned we should want that sense of an entryway, giving the impact of moving across the bridge into Palos Heights. Discussion ensued.

Mike Coogan mentioned that parking has to be discussed all the time. Chairman Grossart asked if the committee felt there was enough parking discussion in the plan. Rick Powell felt there is a lot in there.

Chuck Polcaster summarized that our recommendations have to do with priority of the Gateway and who will be the driver of this. Alderman Jeff Key would be a good person for the job.

Chairman Grossart will talk at the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting about striking fast at Tiffany Square and that parking issues need to be in the forefront. Discussion ensued.

Mike Coogan mentioned that there are plenty of high end retailers out there, like Aspen Dental and mattress stores that eat up corners that don’t need the traffic flow like a gas station would.

Chairman Grossart will present to the P&Z committee a draft of the discussion from the BEAC meeting.

We have a great opportunity to make the north end of town shine.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:04 pm
