
South Cook News

Sunday, January 26, 2025

ILLINOIS STATE HOUSE DISTRICT 23: Latino Caucus Condemns Trump’s Racist Rhetoric, Calls for Action on Gun Safety Reforms


Illinois State House District 23 issued the following announcement on Aug. 7.

In light of the horrific hate-driven attack in El Paso, the Illinois Legislative Latino Caucus released the following statement condemning Donald Trump for his racist rhetoric as it is inciting violence towards Latinos and immigrants, and called for action on the Fix the FOID Act, which remained in the state Senate after passing the House this spring.

“Our hearts go out to the families of the victims at the tragic attack in El Paso over the weekend. It is truly disturbing to learn that this attack may have occurred because the individual was emboldened by white supremacist rhetoric that scapegoats immigrants for failed economic policies that have enriched multinational corporations and the top 1% at the expense of the middle class.

“Donald Trump has time and time again invoked this bigoted rhetoric for political gain and to justify his extremist agenda. He has continuously vilified and dehumanized immigrants and communities of color. He has given a megaphone to white supremacy, refusing to condemn it every time he’s had the chance to. Just three months ago, he literally laughed and joked after a supporter of his suggested shooting migrants at one of his rallies. Donald Trump is at fault for the rise in hate crimes we have seen over the last few years and for the hate-driven attack in El Paso. His rhetoric must be called out for what it is and must be condemned. White supremacy is an affront to our values and security, jeopardizing the well-being of the communities we represent.

“While thoughts and prayers provide much-needed solace to the families of the victims of gun violence, they are not enough. Earlier this spring, the House passed legislation to fix the FOID by eliminating existing loopholes in the law that have allowed dangerous criminals to obtain deadly weapons and murder our fellow citizens. While progress on it has stalled, we are committed to ensuring its passage and discussing further options to keep our families safe from senseless violence. For the sake of our families and children, we must lead, as it clear that Donald Trump and his allies care more about pleasing the NRA and gun manufactures than protecting our communities.”

Original source can be found here.