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Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Blue Island City Council met June 11

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City of Blue Island City Council met June 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:


The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Blue Island was called to order by Mayor Vargas at 7:00 p.m. on June 11, 2019.



Roll Call indicates the following:

Present: 12 Cantelo-Zylman, Slattery, Klinker, Alexander, Johnson , Bilotto, Cazares, Donahue, Hawley, Hill, Mech, Carr

Absent: 2 Rita, Fahrenwald

Present Also:

Randy Heuser, City Clerk 

Carmine Bilotto, City Treasurer 

Cary Horvath, City Attorney


Motion by Ald. Bilotto, second by Ald. Carr to approve the Regular City Council Minutes and the Special Meeting from May 28, 2019.

Ayes: 11 Cantelo-Zylman, Slattery, Klinker, Alexander, Bilotto, Cazares, Donahue, Hawley, Hill, Mech, Carr

Nays: 0

Absent: 2  Rita, Fahrenwald

Abstention: 1 Johnson

There being Eleven (11) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.



Mayor Vargas swore in Sergeant Dennis Sepessy and Corporal Anthony Strezo to their new positions with the Police Department.

Mayor Vargas informed the Council that Metro South Hospital will be closing December 31, 2019.

Alderman Bilotto stressed that we have to work together to try to keep the hospital in Blue Island.

Mayor Vargas announced that he was withdrawing his veto message concerning Ordinance 2019 015, Ordinance 2019-016, Resolution 2019-013 and Resolution 2019-014 adopted by the City Council at its Special Meeting on May 28, 2019.


Motion by Ald. Hawley, second by Ald. Bilotto to go into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation.

Upon a voice vote, the Mayor declared the motion carried.


Motion by Ald. Bilotto, second by Ald. Hawley to reconvene Regular Meeting.

Upon a voice vote, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Attorney Horvath announced that we discussed pending litigation in the case of Haro v. City of Blue Island and that no action was taken.


Nancy DiNovo expressed her disappointment in the way City Council has been divided.

Tom Madrigal asked that the Police Department enforce speeding along Western Avenue so that pedestrians don't get injured.

Milene Monet informed the Council that she has been scammed by a plumber and is hoping for justice.

Carol DiPace-Greene commented that Metro South was in line to get $250,000 in the recently passed Capital Bill from Springfield and hoped that this could be stopped.


Appointments for Historic Preservation and Blue Island Library Board:

Historic Preservation – Eddie Brown Jr., Jan Ostling and Alex Gomez

Motion by Ald. Hawley, second by Ald. Bilotto to approve appointments.

Upon a voice vote, the Mayor declared the inotion carried.

Blue Island Library Board -- Anita Kinney, Jill Terzakis and Colette Chauncey

Motion by Ald. Slattery, second by Ald. Donahue to approve appointments.

Upon a voice vote, the Mayor declared the motion carried.


Motion to approve a request from Mission Covenant Church to hold their 3rd Annual Bike Blessing on Sunday, June 23, 2019 from 10:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.

Motion by Ald. Carr, second by Ald. Cantelo-Zylman to approve request.

Ayes: 12 Cantelo-Zylman, Slattery, Klinker, Alexander, Johnson, Bilotto, Cazares, Donahue, Hawley, Hill, Mech, Carr

Nays: 0

Absent: 2 Rita, Fahrenwald


There being Twelve (12) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion to approve a request from Noe Ornelas, Jr. to have a block party on June 15, 2019 from 10:00 a,in. until 10:00 p.m. on Canal Street between Division & Seely.

Motion by Ald. Bilotto, second by Ald. Cantelo-Zylman to approve request.

Ayes: 12 Cantelo-Zylman, Slattery, Klinker, Alexander, Johnson, Bilotto, Cazares, Donahue, Hawley, Hill, Mech, Cair

Nays: 0 

Absent: 2 Rita, Fahrenwald

Abstain: 0

There being Twelve (12) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion to approve a request from Alejandra Tinoko to have a block party on June 24, 2019 from 12:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. on Chicago Street between DesPlaines and Market Street

Motion by Ald. Klinker, second by Ald. Slattery to approve request.

Ayes: 12 Cantelo-Zylman, Slattery, Klinker, Alexander, Johnson, Bilotto, Cazares, Donahue, Hawley, Hill, Mech, Carr

Nays: 0

Absent: 2 Rita, Fahrenwald

Abstain: 0

There being Twelve (12) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.


Motion by Ald. Carr, second by Ald. Hawley to approve the Monthly Treasurer's Report.

Ayes: 11  Cantelo-Zylman, Slattery, Klinker, Alexander, Bilotto, Cazares, Donahue, Hawley, Hill, Mech, Carr

Nays: 1 Johnson

Absent: 2 Rita, Fahrenwald

Abstain: 0 

There being Eleven (11) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion by Ald, Hawley, second by Ald. Donahue to approve Inter-fund Transfers from

Unrestricted and Restricted Accounts.

Ayes: 11 Cantelo-Zylman, Slattery, Klinker, Alexander, Bilotto, Cazares, Donahue, Hawley, Hill, Mech, Carr

Nays: 1 Johnson

Absent: 2 Rita, Fahrenwald

Abstain: 0

There being Eleven (11) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried


The following 4 ordinances were taken with one motion:

1. Ordinance No. 2019-017 An Ordinance Restricting a Portion of a Certain Street for Handicapped Parking Only at or near 2221 W. 123rd Street within the City of Blue Island, County of Cook and State of Illinois and Providing Penalties for the Violation Thereof.

2. Ordinance No. 2019-018 An Ordinance Restricting a Portion of a Certain Street for Handicapped Parking Only at or near 2336 Prairie Street within the City of Blue Island, County of Cook and State of Illinois and Providing Penalties for the Violation Thereof.

3. Ordinance No. 2019-019 An Ordinance Restricting a Portion of a Certain Street for Handicapped Parking Only at or near 12809 Hoyne Street within the City of Blue Island, County of Cook and State of Illinois and Providing Penalties for the Violation Thereof.

4. Ordinance No. 2019-020 An Ordinance Rescinding Handicapped Parking Restrictions at 2733 Grunewald and 2518 Prairie Street in the City of Blue Island, County of Cook and State of Illinois.

Motion to approve Ordinances 2019-017, 2019-018, 2019-019 & 2019-020 by Ald. Bilotto, seconded by Ald. Donahue.

Ayes: 12 Cantelo-Zylman, Slattery, Klinker, Alexander, Johnson, Bilotto, Cazares, Donahue, Hawley, Hill, Mech, Carr

Nays: 0

Absent: 2 Rita, Fahrenwald

Abstain: 0

There being Twelve (12) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Resolution No. 2019-015 A Resolution Approving and Authorizing a Contract with Mad Bomber for the Fourth of July Fireworks Festival Event.

Motion to approve Resolution 2019-015 by Ald. Hawley, seconded by Ald. Cantelo Zylman.

Ayes: 12 Cantelo-Zylman, Slattery, Klinker, Alexander, Johnson, Bilotto, Cazares, Donahue, Hawley, Hill, Mech, Carr

Nays; 0

Absent: 2 Rita, Fahrenwald

Abstain: 0

There being Twelve (12) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried,

Resolution No. 2019-016 A Resolution Approving and Authorizing a Contract with Proven IT for Copying Services and Equipment.

Motion to approve Resolution 2019-016 by Ald. Donahue, seconded by Ald. Carr.

Ayes: 12 Cantelo-Zylman, Slattery, Klinker, Alexander, Johnson, Bilotto, Cazares, Donahue, Hawley, Hill, Mech, Carr

Nays; 0

Absent: 2 Rita, Fahrenwald

Abstain: 0

There being Twelve (12) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Resolution No. 2019-017 A Resolution Approving and Authorizing a Contract with Foster & Foster to Prepare an Annual Actuarial Valuation Report for the City of Blue Island's Other Post Employment Benefit Prograin,

Motion to approve Resolution 2019-017 by Ald. Cazares, seconded by Ald. Klinker.

Ayes: 12 Cantelo-Zylman, Slattery, Klinker, Alexander, Johnson, Bilotto, Cazares, Donahue, Hawley, Hill, Mech, Carr

Nays; 0

Absent: 2 Rita, Fahrenwald

Abstain: 0

There being Twelve (12) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Resolution No. 2019-018 A Resolution Approving and Authorizing a Contract with Project Green Environmental Solutions to Upgrade Lighting Services at the Meadows Golf Course.

Motion to approve Resolution 2019-018 by Ald. Carr, seconded by Ald. Hawley.

Ayes: 12 Cantelo-Zylman, Slattery, Klinker, Alexander, Johnson, Bilotto, Cazares, Donahue, Hawley, Hill, Mech, Carr

Nays; 0

Absent: 2 Rita, Fahrenwald

Abstain: 0

There being Twelve (12) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Resolution No. 2019-019 A Resolution Approving and Authorizing a Contract with Harris Golf Cars to Lease Golf Carts for the Meadows Golf Course.

Motion to approve Resolution 2019-019 by Ald. Donahue, seconded by Ald. Cantelo Zylman.

Ayes: 12 Cantelo-Zylman, Slattery, Klinker, Alexander, Johnson, Bilotto, Cazares, Donahue, Hawley, Hill, Mech, Carr

Nays; 0

Absent: 2 Rita, Fahrenwald

Abstain: 0

There being Twelve (12) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Resolution No. 2019-021 A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Purchase of Two Police Interceptor Utility Vehicles.

Motion to approve Resolution 2019-021 by Ald. Slattery, seconded by Ald. Klinker.

Ayes: 12 Cantelo-Zylman, Slattery, Klinker, Alexander, Johnson, Bilotto, Cazares, Donahue, Hawley, Hill, Mech, Carr

Nays; 0

Absent: 2 Rita, Fahrenwald

Abstain: 0

There being Twelve (12) Affirinative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Resolution No. 2019-022 A Resolution Approving and Authorizing a Contract with Pitney Bowes for the Purchase and Lease of Office Equipment

Motion to approve Resolution 2019-022 by Ald. Bilotto, seconded by Ald. Cazares.

Ayes: 12 Cantelo-Zylman, Slattery, Klinker, Alexander, Johnson, Bilotto, Cazares, Donahue, Hawley, Hill, Mech, Carr

Nays; 0

Absent: 2 Rita, Fahrenwald

Abstain: 0

There being Twelve (12) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Resolution No. 2019-023 A Resolution Approving and Authorizing a Contract with the Blue Island Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the Fourth of July Festival Vendor Village Management


Motion to approve Resolution 2019-023 by Ald. Donahue, seconded by Ald, Cantelo Zylman.

Ayes: 12 Cantelo-Zylman, Slattery, Klinker, Alexander, Johnson, Bilotto, Cazares, Donahue, Hawley, Hill, Mech, Carr

Nays: 0

Absent: 2 Rita, Fahrenwald

Abstain: 0

There being Twelve (12) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Resolution No. 2019-024 A Resolution Approving and Authorizing a Contract with Browntown Communications for Website & Social Media Management

Motion to approve Resolution 2019-024 by Ald. Hawley, seconded by Ald. Bilotto.

Ayes: 11 Cantelo-Zylman, Slattery, Klinker, Alexander, Bilotto, Cazares, Donahue, Hawley, Hill, Mech, Carr

Nays; 0

Absent: 2 Rita, Fahrenwald

Abstain: 1 Johnson

There being Eleven (11) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Resolution No. 2019-025 A Resolution Approving and Authorizing a Contract with Browntown Communications for Production of a Monthly Newsletter.

Motion to approve Resolution 2019-025 by Ald. Donahue, seconded by Ald. Hawley.

Ayes: 11 Cantelo-Zylman, Slattery, Klinker, Alexander, Bilotto, Cazares, Donahue, Hawley, Hill, Mech, Carr

Nays; 0

Absent: 2 Rita, Fahrenwald

Abstain: 1 Johnson

There being Eleven (11) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.


COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT – next meeting June 12, 2019 7:00 pm

FINANCE COMMITTEE - next meeting Monday June 24

Motion by Ald. Donahue, second by Ald. Hawley to approve Accounts Payable Check Proof

for June 12, 2019 for $188.428.88.

Ayes: 12 Cantelo-Zylman, Slattery, Klinker, Alexander, Johnson, Bilotto, Cazares, Donahue, Hawley, Hill, Mech, Carr

Nays; 0

Absent: 2 Rita, Fahrenwald

Abstain: 0

There being Twelve (12) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried

Motion by Ald. Donahue, second by Ald. Hawley to approve Payroll for May 31, 2019 for $345,233.19.

Ayes: 12 Cantelo-Zylman, Slattery, Klinker, Alexander, Johnson, Bilotto, Cazares, Donahue, Hawley, Hill, Mech, Carr

Nays; 0

Absent: 2 Rita, Fahrenwald

Abstain: 0

There being Twelve (12) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY - next meeting June 18, 2019 at 6:00 pm

MUNICIPAL SERVICES - next meeting July 9

JUDICIARY COMMITTEE - next meeting June 25


Alderman Cantelo-Zylman thanked the Blue Island Police and Fire for their support during Fit for Life. Also she thanked all who supported District 130 flower sale last weekend.

Alderman Johnson asked that the police enforce speeding in the alley behind PTSIR.

Alderman Bilotto announced three upcoming events – St Benedict Fest July 13, Blessing of the Waters June 24th at 3pm and 114th St Donatus Fest Aug 7-11

Alderman Slattery Access Health annual summer health fair 10-2

Alderman Hawley announced the Yard Sale on the Hill Saturday, June 15th as well as Driving the Dixie and Vintage Baseball Game

Mayor Vargas wished all fathers a Happy Father's Day


Motion by Ald. Hawley, second by Ald. Cazares to go into Executive Session to discuss Collective Bargaining with BIPFFA.

Upon a voice vote, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion by Ald. Hill, second by Ald. Mech to reconvene Regular Meeting.

Upon a voice vote, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Attorney Horvath announced that we discussed Collective Bargaining with BIPFFA and agreed upon financial terms with the bargaining unit.

Motion to authorize the finalization of contract with BIPFFA by Ald. Donahue, seconded by Ald. Hawley.

Upon a voice vote, the Mayor declared the motion carried.


Motion by Ald. Mech, second by Ald. Slattery to adjourn the meeting.

Upon a voice vote, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m.
