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Bloom Township High School District 206 Board of Education met July 15

Webp meeting 11

Bloom Township High School District 206 Board of Education met July 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Bloom Township High School District 206 Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, July 15, 2019 in the boardroom of the Administration Center. Mr. Drake called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The pledge of allegiance was recited.

Roll Call

Board members present were Mr. Drake, Mr. Angell, Mrs. Everett, Ms. King, Mr. Murphy, Ms. Palombi and Mr. Rossi. Administrators present were Dr. Navarre, Mrs. Johnson, Dr. Williams, Mrs. Burns, Mr. Langert, Dr. Horak, Mr. Campbell, Mrs. Keene, Dr. Starks, Mrs. Gonzalez, Mrs. Santiago, Mrs. Woodyatt, Mr. Lyke, Dr. Craddock, Mr. Camp, Dr. Gibson White, Ms. Bailey-Moss, Mr. Reda and Mr. Amadio. Also present were members of the staff, community and Mr. Stach (school board attorney).

Superintendent’s Report

A) FOIA Request(s)

Dr. Navarre updated the Board regarding the following FIOA request:

1) District’s response to a request from Zak Koeske, Daily Southtown/Tribune Publishing Reporter, re: a) a copy of the most recent contract for employment between the superintendent and District 206 Board of Education and b) record of any and all compensation paid to the superintendent that counts toward his TRS creditable earnings from 2016 to present.

2) District’s response to a request from David Arreola, Inter-State Studio & Publishing Co., re: a) current school portrait contract (including end of contract date) and b) pricing and other benefits offered by vendor to secure the service contract.

Approval of the Consent Agenda

Mr. Drake asked if the Board had any items to be removed from the Consent Agenda for the purpose of discussion. Hearing none, Mr. Rossi moved and Ms. Palombi seconded approving the following items on the consent agenda. Upon roll call, all Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 7-0.

A) Open Session Minutes of June 17, 2019

B) Bills dated: 7/15/2019

C) Imprest Account bills dated: 7/09/2019

D) Payroll dated: 6/25/2019, 6/26/2019, 6/27/2019, 6/28/2019 & 7/15/2019

E) Personnel Report

1) Resignation(s)

2) Employment/Appointment(s)

3) Stipends(s)

4) Other

New Business – Action Items

A) Elevate Contract

Mr. Murphy moved and Mr. Angell seconded approving the Elevate Contract for the 2019-2020 school year for $127,500. Upon roll call, all Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 7-0.

B) Bloom Township High School District 206 Off-Campus Work-Study Program Agreement

Mr. Angell moved and Ms. King seconded approving Bloom Township High School District 206

Off-Campus Work-Study Program Agreement. Upon roll call, all Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 7-0.

C) Professional Therapy Services Agreement with N & C Impact Care Solutions Inc.

Mr. Angell moved and Mr. Rossi seconded approving the Professional Therapy Services Agreement with N & C Impact Solutions Inc. Upon roll call, all Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 7-0.

D) Food Bid Pricing

Mr. Angell moved and Mr. Rossi seconded approving the Food Bid Pricing for the 2019-2020 school year for individual items to the following low bidders who met the bid specifications:

1) Alpha Baking Co. $ 33,369

2) Performance Food Service $ 53,021

3) Wilkins Food Service $688,538

4) Commercial Food Systems $128,853

Upon roll call, all Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 7-0.

E) Affordable Care Act

Ms. King moved and Mr. Murphy seconded approving the Affordable Care Act, 2018 Patient- Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Fee. Upon roll call, all Board members voted “Aye.”

Motion carried 7-0.

F) CLIC Property/Casualty Student Accident Liability Program Renewal

Mr. Murphy moved and Mr. Angell seconded approving the CLIC Property/Casualty Student Accident Liability Program Renewal for the 2019-2020 school year as presented for a total cost of $187,447. Upon roll call, all Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 7-0.

G) 2018-2019 Annual Financial Audit

Mr. Murphy moved and Mr. Angell seconded approving to contract with GW & Associates to perform the 2018-2019 Annual Financial Audit. Upon roll call, all Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 7-0.

H) SEIU Labor Agreement Cafeteria Employees Contract

Mr. Angell moved and Mr. Murphy seconded approving the SEIU Labor Agreement Contract for Cafeteria Employees for the 2019-2022 school years. Upon roll call, all Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 7-0.

I) Custodial Labor Agreement Contract Addendum

Mr. Murphy moved and Mr. Angell seconded approving the Addendum to the Custodian’s Labor Agreement Contract. Upon roll call, all Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 7-0.

J) DATACOVE Email Retention in the Cloud 3-Year Renewal

Mr. Angell moved and Ms. Palombi seconded approving the Renewal for 3 years for the DATACOVE Email Retention in the Cloud for all District 206 emails dating back 10 years. Upon roll call, all Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 7-0.

K) Bloom’s North Field Asphalt Walking Path Bid

Mr. Rossi moved and Mr. Angell seconded awarding the asphalt walking path on Bloom’s North Field to Lorusso Cement Contractors Inc., the lowest responsible bidder, with a bid of $52,400. Upon roll call, all Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 7-0.

L) Sarff Field Light Switch Bid

Mr. Angell moved and Mr. Rossi seconded awarding the removal and repair of the light switch at Sarff Field to Hy-Power Electric with a bid of $48,051. Upon roll call, all Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 7-0.

M) District Insurance Carrier Changes

Mr. Angell moved and Mr. Rossi seconded approving the change of the medical insurance carrier from CIGNA to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBS), the life insurance carrier from Hartford to Prudential and renewing with current carriers for dental (Delta Dental) and vision (Avesis). Upon roll call, all Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 7-0.

N) Consolidated District Plan

Mr. Angell moved and Ms. Palombi seconded approving the Consolidated District Plan which includes the following grants:

1) Title I Part A – Improving Basic Programs

2) Title II Part A – Preparing, Training and Recruiting High-Quality Teachers, Principals, and Other School Leaders

3) Title III – Language Instruction Education Program

4) Title III – Immigrant Education

5) Title IV Part A – Student Support and Academic Enrichment

6) IDEA Part B Flow-Through

Upon roll call, all Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 7-0.

O) Request for Use of Facilities

Ms. Palombi moved and Mr. Angell seconded approving the request for a lease approval with a waiver of rental fees from Rocina Torres, Youth Coordinator/Facilitator – Bloom Township Center, for the use of the Bloom High School soccer field to hold a camp from June 24, 2019 to July 31, 2019 (Mondays thru Thursdays) from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Upon roll call, all Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 7-0.

Public Participation

Sharon Templin, Faculty Association President, introduced herself to the new teachers that were present. She stated that she is honored to serve as president of the faculty association and hopes to have a wonderful working relationship with everyone. The last few years with contract negotiations have been tough. Mrs. Templin wants the faculty to understand they are on the same side of the students and community. She wants to level the playing field and get back to basics.

Dr. Horak updated the Board in regards to the progress with construction at Bloom High School which included the music wing, home ec wing, cafeteria, and hallways around McCann Gym. The auditorium and little theater parameters are completed and moving to button up hallways in the main tower and main office. He indicated that the progress was good but there is still work to be done over the next few weeks.

Closed Session

At 6:16 p.m., Mr. Angell moved and Mr. Rossi seconded to convene to closed session for the following reasons: the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, negotiations, the closed session minutes and litigation. Upon roll call, all Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 7-0.

Return to Open Session

At 6:40 p.m., Mr. Rossi moved and Mr. Murphy seconded that the Board reconvene to open session. Upon roll call, all Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 7-0.

Mr. Rossi moved and Mr. Murphy seconded approving the closed session minutes of June 17, 2019. Upon roll call, all Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 7-0.


Ms. Palombi moved and Mr. Murphy seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Upon roll call, all Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 7-0. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, Mr. Drake declared the meeting adjourned at 6:42 p.m.
