
South Cook News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Bremen Community High School District 228 Board of Education met September 17

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Bremen Community High School District 228 Board of Education met Sept. 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order

1 President Resler called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call

2 Board of Education

Present: Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler Central Office & Principals

Present: Dr. Kendall, Dr. Williams, Dr. Goggins, Mrs. Morrison, Mr. Boswell, Mr. Masterson, Mrs. Taylor, Dr. Sikora, Dr. Nolan, Dr. Simms, Dr. Kibelkis


3 Mr. Canning moved to approve the regular session minutes of August 20, 2019. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler 

Nays: None

Mr. Whitcomb moved to approve the committee of the whole regular and closed minutes of September 10, 2019. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Canning, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mrs. Resler 

Nays: None


Oak Forest High School Dean, Mr. Eric Gomez, along with student athletes, thanked the Board of Education for the new fieldhouse facilities. Each student expressed how the facilities have helped them become more productive.


4 Mrs. Resler opened the floor to the public for comments.

Mike Brown, community member/teacher, voiced concerns regarding contract negotiations between district 228 and the JFA.

Dwight Morton, Emerge Online Math Tutoring, would like to discuss partnering with District 228 to offer online math tutoring and/or develop an e-learning plan.

There being no additional comments, Mrs. Resler closed the floor to the public for comments.

Public Hearing

5 Mrs. Morrison announced the Fiscal Year 2020 District 228 Budget – Public Hearing. Mrs. Gleason moved to open the floor for the public hearing. Mr. Canning seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Canning, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler 

Nays: None

There being no public comments or questions, Mrs. Gleason moved to close the floor for the public hearing. Mr. Canning seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Canning, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

1 Dr. Kendall reported the following:

Freedom of Information Act Requests

Since the last regular Board meeting, we have received the following Freedom of Information Act requests.

 Mary Zellers, Impact Networking, requested lease and maintenance or service contract(s) pertaining to all copier and printer equipment used by the District, contract(s) pertaining to any managed print services and outsourced managed IT program used by the District and current Invoices. This request has been completed.

 Stephen Hogan, BHSD228 Faculty Member and Resident, requested Information pertaining to the total billing of legal services related to contract negotiations with the Joint Faculty Association, including all negotiations legal costs accrued by the district since November 2018 to the present. This request has been completed.

 Bethany Simpson, SmartProcure, requested all current employee/staff contact information, including name, position, department, full-time status, phone/fax numbers, email and office addresses. This request has been completed.

Salary and Benefits Report

 By law, a compensation report is presented to the School Board annually, on or before October 1. This report includes the base salary and benefits of specific staff members. The information is also posted to the district’s web site. President Resler, I present the District 228 Salary and Benefit Report to you this evening.

Superintendent’s Report

 The Illinois Association of School Boards will recognize Mr. Larry Canning at the IASB South Cook Division meeting on October 29. The IASB will recognize him for the time and effort he has devoted to IASB leadership activities and service to the public education community. Congratulations!

 Congratulations to Tinley Park teacher, Dan Uniek. Mr. Uniek has just been named WGN’s Teacher of the Month for September. WGN will feature a segment on Monday, September 30th. This honor also comes with a $1,000 donation to Tinley Park High School from WGN. I would also like to thank Tinley Park junior, Rylee Youpel, for the nomination.

Board Member Reports

2 Mr. Canning provided a statement regarding last month’s meeting. He stated the Board is fully aware of what is going on, as they receive constant information.

Mr. Johnson stated he went to the bargaining session at Oak Forest in July to find out what was going on. He feels she should be more informed and that it should be in writing. Mr. Canning responded that executive session is where discussion is held for negotiations.

Ms. Stearns stated that according to the University of Pennsylvania, teaching is one of the most stressful jobs and it affects students. The District needs to look at wellness options. She did not feel she was notified of certain information.

New Business

1 Mrs. Morrison presented item 6.1 – Bills, Addendum to Bills, Payroll, and CDS Bills. Mr. Canning moved to approve item 6.1. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Mrs. Morrison presented items 6.2 – Dist. 228 Budget – FY 2020. Mr. Canning moved to approve items 6.2. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Mrs. Morrison presented items 6.3 – Working Cash Abatement Resolution FY 2020. Mr. Canning moved to approve items 6.3. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler

Nays: Mr. Johnson

Mrs. Morrison presented items 6.4 – CDS Budget – FY 2020. Mr. Canning moved to approve items 6.4. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Mrs. Morrison presented items 6.5 – Fall 2019 Paper Bid Results. Mr. Canning moved to approve items 6.5. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Dr. Kendall presented items 6.6 – SCOPE Dues. Mr. Canning moved to approve items

6.6. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler

Nays: Ms. Stearns

Dr. Williams presented items 6.7 – Overnight Field Trip Requests. Mr. Canning moved to approve items 6.7. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Dr. Goggins presented items 7.1-7.16– Personnel. Mr. Canning moved to approve

items 7.1-7.16. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler

New Business

1 Mrs. Resler presented item 8.1 – Action to Censure Board Member Johnson. Mrs. Resler read the charges for censuring Mr. Mark Johnson (attached to minutes) Discussion: Mr. Johnson asked what would happen if he continues. He stated Board members should do the job they were elected to do. Ms. Stearns stated it is a concern about how to add to a bid to hire minorities. She also asked if the Board was being transparent with bargaining.

Mr. Whitcomb moved to item 8.1. Mr. Canning seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Whitcomb, Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mrs. Kampwirth, Mrs. Resler 

Nays: Mr. Johnson, Ms. Stearns


2 Mrs. Resler announced the following:

Committee of the Whole Meeting 10/8/19 6:30 pm Bremen HS

Board Meeting 10/15/19 7:00 pm Bremen HS


3 At 8:03 p.m., Mrs. Gleason made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Whitcomb seconded the motion. Voice vote was unanimous.
