
South Cook News

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Calumet Public School District 132 Board of Education met August 15

Webp meeting240

Calumet Public School District 132 Board of Education met Aug. 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


The meeting was called to order at 6:07 p.m. On roll call, Members Carr, Harris, Con. Smith, Cor. Smith, Watkins and Ivey answered; none were absent. Dr. Elizabeth H. Reynolds, Superintendent, Julie Stearns, Director of Accounting and Finance, and John Perez, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, were also present.



• Dr. Reynolds gave an update on the upcoming calendar of events for the District.


There were 2 public participants:

1. Visitor W. Connor spoke about his concerns with a Board Member lawsuit. 

2. Visitor P. Whitt spoke about, and encouraged Board Member participation in the District parent engagement program.

(no closed session)


- Dr. Reynolds began her report by stating that the Bilingual and Special Education Departments were in compliance. She also shared the progress of the Teaching and Learning Department. 

- Ms. Stearns shared the District's previous fund balances, revenues, and expenses. She concluded her update by sharing the fund balance of $22,611,500.00 as of May 30, 2019, and the fund balance of $21,588,374.00 as of June 30, 2019.

VI. CONSENT AGENDA (Agenda Items include 11, 12, 13, and 14)

Member Ivey motioned to approve consent agenda items 11, 12, 13, and 14. It was moved by Member Cor. Smith, and seconded by Member Harris.

A motion was made by Mem. Harris to remove Consent Agenda item 13. Board Members approved the removal. Member Ivey removed item 13 and proceeded with agenda items 11, 12, and 14.

It was moved by Member Cor. Smith, seconded by Member Harris that the following roll call vote items be approved: Consent Agenda Items 11, 12, and 14. On roll call, Members Carr, Harris, Cor. Smith, Con. Smith, Towers, Watkins, and Ivey all answered yea; None answered nay; motion carried.

It was moved by Member Harris, seconded by Member Carr that the following roll call vote item be approved: Consent Agenda Item 13. On roll call, Members Carr, Con. Smith, Cor. Smith, Towers, Watkins, and Ivey all answered yea; Member Harris answered nay; motion carried.


Approval of Payroll 

It was moved by Member Cor. Smith, seconded by Member Harris that the Board of Education approve the June 2019 payroll in the amount of $1,051,860.04, and the July 2019 payroll amount in the amount of $142,061.83, as presented. On roll call, Members Carr, Harris, Con. Smith, Cor. Smith, Towers, Watkins, and Ivey all answered yea; none answered nay; motion carried.

Approval of Accounts Payable 

It was moved by Member Cor. Smith, seconded by Member Towers that the Board of Education approve accounts payable for the months of June/July 2019 in the amount of $599,290.86, and the accounts payable for the months of July August 2019 in the amount of $1,467,190.41. On roll call, Members Carr, Con. Smith, Cor. Smith, Towers, Watkins, and Ivey all answered yea; Member Harris answered nay; motion carried.

3. Approval to Purchase Furniture for Burr Oak School Offices 

It was moved by Member Cor. Smith, seconded by Member Towers that the Board of Education approve the purchase of furniture from Warehouse Direct, to replace outdated furniture located at Burr Oak School in the SPED Department Office, Principal's Office, and Burr Oak School Main Office, in the amount of $9,744.00, as presented. On roll call, Members Carr, Harris, Con. Smith, Cor. Smith, Towers, Watkins, and Ivey all answered yea; none answered nay; motion carried.

4. Approval of Adoption of Policies

It was moved by Member Cor. Smith, seconded by Member Towers that the Board of Education approve the adoption of the policies, first read at the June 20, 2019 Board Meeting, as presented. On roll call, Members Carr, Harris, Con. Smith, Cor. Smith, Towers, Watkins, and Ivey all answered yea; none answered nay, motion carried.

5. Approval of Display of 2019-2020 Tentative Budget

It was moved by Member Cor. Smith, seconded by Member Towers that the Board of Education approve the display of the 2019-2020 tentative budget, as presented. On roll call, Members Carr, Harris, Con. Smith, Cor. Smith, Towers, Watkins, and Ivey all answered yea; none answered nay; motion carried


Policy Committee Update 

Member Cor. Smith spoke about recently received policies to be discussed at an upcoming

Policy Committee Meeting.

Buildings and Grounds Committee Update 

Member Ivey spoke about the Bus Drive Project, and the window replacement project.

Superintendent's Community Newsletter/Board Communication 

Superintendent Dr. Reynolds stated the District Newsletter is being worked on.


Status of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request 

Mr. Perez stated there was 1 pending FOIA.


The Regular Session Board meeting of August 15, 2019 adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
