
South Cook News

Friday, January 31, 2025

City of Calumet Office of the City Clerk met Nov. 25

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City of Calumet Office of the City Clerk met Nov. 23.

Here is the agenda provided by the Council:

A special meeting is being called on Saturday, November 23, 2019 at 9 a.m., for consideration and possible action on the following:

1) Public Comment

2) Presentation by Steve Orlando of Condes Agency describing other options for covering retiree Health insurance that are Medicare eligible.

3) Discussion and action on changing health insurance coverage for new hires, effective December 1, 2019. New Hires after the effective date will be offered health care coverage at whatever the going co-pay rate of full-time employees are at the time of retirement. If retiree wants family coverage, the retiree would pay for 100% of the premium difference between single rate and family rate.

Discussion on changing co-pay insurance rates for HMO insurance for full-time employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement. Also, increase the retiree health insurance rate for retirees after May 1, 2009 to pay an additional $100 per month toward insurance over the contribution made by full-time employees covered by this ordinance, effective December 1, 2019.

5) Amend “Ordinance Amending Ordinance 19-35 Establishing the Salaries and Other Fringe Benefits of Appointed Officials, Supervisory Personnel and other Full-Time and Part-Time Employees Not Covered By A Collective Bargaining Agreement for the City of Calumet City, Cook County, IL" for the changes discussed in item #4.

6) Discussion on the 2019 tax levy - Operating Levies O percent increase - Debt Service Levy 8.89 percent decrease and overall decrease of 1.25 percent.

7) Approve purchase of Public Safety Fixed License Plate Recognition Readers for (5) locations (LPR) in the amount not to exceed $217,070.00; direct the City Treasurer to remit payment to Vigilant Solutions in the amount of $217,070.00 and to Vermilion Systems Hernandez Electric in the amount of $36,348.00 for installation and authorize the City Treasurer to remit payment and charge both to the 1505 account. (motion to approve made 9/12/19)

Part and/or all of the meeting may be held in Executive Session on matters qualifying for Executive Session, and action on said matters may or may not be taken prior to the conclusion of the meeting.
