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Thursday, January 30, 2025

City of Chicago Heights City Council met Oct. 16

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City of Chicago Heights City Council met Oct. 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Call to Order

Mayor Gonzalez called the regular meeting of the Chicago Heights City Council to order at 6:00 p.m.

Roll Call

Mayor: David Gonzalez Present


1st Ward Renee Smith Present

2nd Ward Sonia Perez Present

3rd Ward Wanda Rodgers Present

4th Ward Christopher Baikauskas Present

5th Ward George Brassea Present

6th Ward Vincent Zaranti Present

7th Ward Kelli Merrick Present

Pledge of Allegiance


Alderman Smith announced that her next ward meeting would be held on November 4 at 6:00 p.m. at Barack Obama School. The alderman announced a neighborhood clean-up event on Saturday, October 19 at 8:00 a.m.

Alderman Perez announced that her next ward meeting would be held on Monday, October 28 at 7:00 p.m. at Garfield School.

Alderman Rodgers announced that her ward meeting would be held on Thursday, November 14 at 6:00 p.m. at the Chicago Heights Park District. The alderman announced the Haunted Trails event on October 18 & 19 and a costume event on October 18 at the Park District golf course.

Alderman Baikauskas announced that his next ward meeting would be held on Thursday, October 28 at 7:00 p.m. at Roosevelt School.

Alderman Brassea announced that his October ward meeting was canceled, and that future meetings were moved to Greenbriar School, with the date of the next meeting to be announced.

Alderman Zaranti announced that his next ward meeting would be held in coordination with Park District Commissioner Straczek on October 24 at 7:00 p.m. at Commissioners Park.

Alderman Merrick announced that her next ward meeting would be held on Thursday, November 14 at 7:00 p.m. at the Chicago Heights Park District.

Corporation Counsel updated the city council on the planning and zoning issues related to the new cannabis law taking effect January 1, 2020. The Plan Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals held public hearings to determine what their recommendations to the city council would be in the matter.

Mayor Gonzalez recommended that an aldermanic committee be formed, and that it hold open meetings for residents and businesses.-Discussion of the pros and cons would aid in the decision of how the City would proceed in the matter. The Mayor asked the aldermen to contact COS Zerante if they were interested in serving on the committee.

Public Participation

Cassandra Cooke, Director of Development at Respond Now, addressed the council on Agenda Item #5 regarding an Option to Purchase Agreement and Respond Now.

Report of Chief of Staff - Karen Zerante

COS Zerante reported on the 50/50 Sidewalk Program that would begin the following week. COS Zerante stated that the CDBG street resurfacing projects in Serena Hills, on Euclid Avenue and on Hickory Street were either complete or underway. The Census Bureau would soon host a training session for the City's Complete Count Committee. The City would post an on-line survey on its website for residents and businesses who suffered flood damage during the recent heavy rains. The data would be used in the City's application to IEMA for grants or low interest loans for those persons.

Report of the Corporation Counsel-T.J. Somer


1. Minutes: Meeting of October 2, 2019.

Alderman Zaranti moved, and Alderman Brassea seconded, a motion to approve the minutes.

Ayes: Smith, Perez, Rodgers, Baikauskas, Brassea, Zaranti, Merrick

Nays: none

Abstain: none

Absent: none

Motion to approve carried.

2. Bills: Approval of First Run of October 2019.

Alderman Rodgers moved, and Alderman Brassea seconded, a motion to approve the bills.

Ayes: Smith, Perez, Rodgers, Baikauskas, Brassea, Zaranti, Merrick

Nays: none

Abstain: none

Absent: none

Motion to approve carried.

3. Ordinance #2019 - 18 : Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement Establishing the "Lincoln & 394 Corridor Enterprise Zone".

Alderman Zaranti moved, and Alderman Brassea seconded, a motion to approve the ordinance.

Ayes: Smith, Perez, Rodgers, Baikauskas, Brassea, Zaranti, Merrick

Nays: none

Abstain: none

Absent: none

Motion to approve carried.

Jack Hynes, Economic Development Director, explained that the term of the current enterprise zone was expiring, and that it was necessary to re-apply in order for the City to continue using the zone's economic incentives to help businesses within the zone. The council asked questions and discussed the matter before the vote.

4. Resolution #2019 - 70 : Approving a Renewal of rhe City's 2019-2020 Liability and Property and Casualty Insurance Policies.

Alderman Rodgers moved, and Alderman Merrick seconded, a motion to approve the resolution.

Ayes: Smith, Perez, Rodgers, Baikauskas, Brassea, Zaranti, Merrick

Nays: none

Abstain: none

Absent: none

Motion to approve carried.

Tony Evans with the Horton Group Insurance Agency made his recommendations for the renewal of the City's insurance coverage, amongst which was replacement cost coverage on fire trucks and ambulances at a cost of $ 14,540.00. The council discussed the cost and coverages before the vote. The Mayor and Treasurer would assess the option for replacement cost coverage at a later date.

5. Resolution #2019 - 71 : Approving an Agreement With Respond Now for the Exclusive Option to Purchase the Vacant City Owned Land At 1441 Halsted Street.

Alderman Perez moved, and Alderman Rodgers seconded, a motion to approve the resolution.

Ayes: Smith, Perez, Rodgers, Baikauskas, Brassea, Zaranti, Merrick

Nays: none

Abstain: none

Absent: none

Motion to approve carried

Jack Hynes, Economic Development Director, addressed the council on the matter. Cassandra Cook, of Respond Now, told the council that the agency planned to build its new facility on the property. It would use its existing building as a warehouse. There was discussion on the matter.

6. Resolution #2019 - 72 : Approving an Agreement Governing Participation in the Cook County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan.

Alderman Zaranti moved, and Alderman Merrick seconded, a motion to approve the resolution.

Ayes: Smith, Perez, Rodgers, Baikauskas, Brassea, Zaranti, Merrick

Nays: none

Abstain: none

Absent: none

Motion to approve carried.

COS Karen Zerante explained that the resolution and mitigation plan, as updated, needed to be approved in order for the City to maintain its continued eligibility for FEMA grant assistance.

7. Resolution #2019 - 73 : Authorizing the City Clerk to Publish a Notice Seeking Bids for the City's 2019 Tree Maintenance Program.

Alderman Rodgers moved, and Alderman Merrick seconded, a motion to approve the resolution.

Ayes: Smith, Perez, Rodgers, Baikauskas, Brassea, Zaranti, Merrick

Nays: none

Abstain: none

Absent: none

Motion to approve carried.

COS Zerante sought approval for the dead tree removal and tree trimming project that would begin this fall and continue in the coming spring. A list of trees needing attention was created and more trees could be added to the list as needed. Brief discussion on the matter occurred.

8. Resolution #2019 - 74 : Approving a Sub-recipient Agreement With Cook County Regulating the Allocation of Community Development Block Grant Funds for Road Resuracing. (Project #1906-007).

Alderman Merrick moved, and Alderman Zaranti seconded, a motion to approve the resolution.

Ayes: Smith, Perez, Rodgers, Baikauskas, Brassea, Zaranti, Merrick

Nays: none

Abstain: none

Absent: none

Motion to approve carried.

COS Zerante sought approval of the CDBG sub-recipient agreement entered into each year with Cook County for grant funds allocated for street resurfacing. This project would take place on Main Street and on 23rd Street. The CDBG grant awarded to the City for the project was $300,000.

9. Resolution #2019- 75: Approving the Purchase of a New City Gas Pump From B&K Equipment Company.

Alderman Zaranti moved, and Alderman Brassea seconded, a motion to approve the resolution.

Ayes: Smith, Perez, Rodgers, Baikauskas, Brassea, Zaranti, Merrick

Nays: none

Abstain: none

Absent: none

Motion to approve carried.

COS Zerante reported that the City needed to replace its existing gas pump, which was old and in poor condition. Two new pumps were proposed to be purchased at a total cost of $ 27,936.42 through the government's cooperative purchasing program. There was discussion on the matter.

Motion to Enter Executive (Closed) Session to Discuss Pending of City Owned Land, or Personnel Issues, If Necessary). Litigation, Use/Sale

Corporation Counsel Somer stated that he polled the aldermen, and that it was the unanimous decision that they could take action on Agenda Item # 10 without going into executive session.

10. Resolution #2019 - 76: Approving The Settlement Of Certain Civil Litigation (19 Wc 02874).

Alderman Rodgers moved, and Alderman Perez seconded, a motion to approve the resolution.

Ayes: Smith, Perez, Rodgers, Baikauskas, Brassea, Zaranti, Merrick

Nays: none

Abstain: none

Absent: none

Motion to approve carried.


At 7:05 p.m. Alderman Merrick moved, and Alderman Rodgers seconded, a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Ayes: Smith, Perez, Rodgers, Baikauskas, Brassea, Zaranti, Merrick

Nays: none

Abstain: none

Absent: none

Motion to adjourn carried by acclamation.
