
South Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Congressional candidate Raborn stands behind President Trump


President Donald J. Trump

President Donald J. Trump

If not in body, congressional candidate Theresa Raborn (R-Country Club Hills) will certainly be there in spirit when Will County GOP members gather outside the Matteson offices of Democratic leaders to protest the impeachment proceedings against President Donald J. Trump.

“I’m not sure when the protest will be happening, but I absolutely know it’s something that’s needed,” Raborn told the South Cook News. “My [2nd] district is suffering from some of the highest property taxes around and the median housing income is just a pathetic $45, 000. On top of that, we have schools closing. We have bigger fish to fry than impeachment. That won’t put food on the table, bring jobs to the district or stop schools from closing.”

Running in the 2nd Congressional District against incumbent U.S. Rep. Robin Kelly (D-Matteson), Raborn says she’s heard firsthand from many residents how impeaching the president will do nothing to improve their daily lives and alleviate their struggles. Protest organizers counter that the U.S. is thriving like never before under Trump, including boasting the best stock-market numbers ever, the lowest unemployment rate in half a century, and the highest real median household income increases in decades.

Congressional candidate Theresa Raborn (R-Country Club Hills) | Facebook

“From what I’ve heard, this gets mixed reviews at best,” Raborn said. “Most people are frustrated that Congress isn’t fixing any problems and members aren’t doing any of the things they said they would as candidates. They want to go to Washington to solve. This shouldn’t be dividing Americans. More than anything else, we’re looking more like the divided states of America.”

Raborn says that voters would be content if the Democratic-led congress earnestly worked at solving problems instead of creating them. 

“I think they’ve been waiting to impeach another Republican since the days of Bill Clinton,” she said. “This is just about the fact that they didn’t win an election in 2016. The truth is they’ve been talking about this ever since then.”