
South Cook News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

City of Country Club Hills City Council met Nov. 11

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City of Country Club Hills City Council met Nov. 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

1. A regular meeting of the City Council, City of Country Club Hills, County of Cook, State of Illinois, was held in the City Hall, 4200 w. 183rd Street at 7:05pm The meeting was called to order by the Honorable James W. Ford, Mayor.

A. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all those in attendance.

2. Those on Roll All Answering Present Were:

Alderman Lockett, Glispie, Spivey and Mayor Ford

Also present were: City Clerk, Patricia D. Hutson and Attorney John Murphey

Absent: Ald. Evans and Ald. Davis

3. Invocation was presented by Pastor Tiller

4. Journal of Proceedings;

A. Approval of Minutes –

1. Administrative Meeting - November 4, 2019

2. Special City Council Meeting - November 4, 2019

Alderman Lockett moved for Council approval of the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 9, 2019.

Second – Alderman Glispie

Motion carried via voice vote.

5. Communications and Reports by the Mayor:

Mayor Ford asked all veterans to stand as he recognized them on Veterans Day and thanked them for their dedication and contributions.

A. Public Hearing - I-57/1-80 TIF Extension and Amended Redevelopment Plan

Mayor Ford shared the Public Hearing now hold Public Hearing on the I-57/1-80 TIF Extension and Amended Redevelopment Plan. The amended plan was put in place to accommodate the current Logistics project.

Attorney John Murphey spoke on the plan, the current ground breaking and projected interest in development in the area. The state law was amended to include additional years to make up for the lost time due to the Outlet Mall project. The amended plan will recognize the extension from 25 to 33 years and it amends the language of the TIF plan for the elimination of the Outlet Mall and the plan for Logistics project and related uses.

Ald. Lockett moved to open the floor to the public.

Seconded – Ald. Glispie

Motion moved via voice vote

Ms. Leora Bell, resident shared the TIF will be paid out in 7 years and she recommends TIF should be terminated at that time if there are no new businesses to allow taxpayers to benefit. Ms. Bell also shared a conversation with Ald. Lockett who recommended keeping the TIF open to attract other businesses.

Mr. Hosea Gray, resident inquired as to whether there are any other agreements similar to the Outlet Mall that residents are not aware of? Mayor Ford response was no.

Mr. Doug Kenshol with South Suburban Pads spoke on behalf of the Country Club Hills Wellness Center(4411 W. Gatling Blvd.) to share their supports and applauds the plan for the TIF and requests the resurfacing on Gatling Blvd for shared use of all entities including the Victory Center in the area. The road was left in an unfinished condition with the unfinished Outlet Mall project. Mayor Ford responded he is in negotiations with Gatling, owners of the road, to resurface the road and bring it up to code to make it a public thoroughfare.

Mayor Ford thanked everyone for their comments and inquired if there were any more public comments to be heard, there were none and the public hearing portion was then closed.

Ald. Lockett moved to open the floor to the public.

Seconded – Ald. Glispie

Motion moved via voice vote

6. City Clerk's Report

City Clerk, Patricia D. Hutson shared information on recent Laughter in the Hills event held by the Cultural Arts Commission. The event was fun filled and we hope more attend the event next year.

The Senior Thanksgiving Luncheon was held today at Hillcrest H.S. and the seniors enjoyed the luncheon on this honorable Veterans Day.

SD #228 will hold their Annual Senior's Luncheon 10:00am December 4th at Hillcrest and Tinley Park H.S. RSVP's for Hillcrest 799-700 ext. 4805 and Tinley Park H.S. 532-1900 ext. 8203.

7. Committee Reports

I. Finance Alderman Lockett, Chairman

(Committee Meeting -TBA)

Ald. shared information on the revised Property Tax Appeal Forum date. The water bill listed Dec. 11th and the date has been changed by Cook County and will now be held at City Hall 6:30pm Dec 3rd for Rich and Bremen Townships.

II. Law, Ordinance, Government Operations and Contract Compliance

Alderman Glispie, Chairman

(Committee Meeting - TBA)

No Report

III. Public Works and Utilities

Alderman Davis, Chairman

(Committee Meeting – TBA)

Ald. Lockett moved for City Council approval of Resolution R.10.19 Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. This is a mandated housekeeping item for which the City along with 121 other municipalities will be able to eligible for available grant monies.

Second – Alderman Glispie

Roll Call:

4 - Ayes: Ald. Lockett, Ald. Glispie, Ald. Spivey and Mayor Ford

0 - Nayes:

0 - Abstains:

2 - Absent: Ald. Davis and Ald. Evans

IV. Economic Development & Planning, Zoning and Development

Alderman Spivey, Chairman

(Committee Meeting - TBA)

Ald. Spivey shared he is looking forward to the ground breaking for the Logistic project and thanked Attorney Murphey for his assistance and presentation with the TIF Public Hearing. He also thanked the Council for the approval of the plan. He is looking forward to the businesses and grown opportunities for the city.

V. Insurance, Risk Management and Personnel Alderwoman Evans, Chairman

(Committee Meeting - TBA)

No Report per committee member Ald. Lockett

8. Public Portion of Meeting

Alderman Lockett moved that the floor be opened to the public.

Second - Alderman Glispie

Motion Carried Via Voice Vote

The following individuals addressed the Council:

• Leora Bell, Country Club Hills - Ms. Bell shared printed copies of on meeting minutes from 2009 on the then approval of R.06.09 where the City Council approved a resolution accepting conveyance of 17acres of public use site within 1-57/1-80 to the South Suburban Pads along with copies from the Cook County Recorder of Deeds showing the city as the owner of the property.

• Hosea Gray, Country Club Hills – Mr. Gray asked Ald. Spivey and Mayor Ford with Logistics starting so late he inquired as to the projected completion date for the project.

Alderman Lockett moved that the floor be closed to the public.

Second – Alderman Glispie

Motion Carried Via Voice Vote

9. Aldermanic Reports

Alderman Davis – Absent – No Report

Alderman Lockett – Ald. Lockett the success of today's Senior Luncheon. He shared the snow did not stop the Seniors and Veterans from coming out for the great fun, food and entertainment. Also, reminded everyone that Santa and Mrs. Clause will visit Country Club Hills Saturday, December 7th between the hours of 3:00-5:00pm at the Pavilion followed by the Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony. Ald. Lockett shared his response to Mr. Gray's Logistics concern. The reason for the late start is the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District permits were only recent approved. He then responded to Ms. Bell's concern. Although the Recorder of Deeds records show Country Club Hills as the owner the City has not and does not pay property taxes as he is the Chairman for the Finance Committee. Ald. Lockett asked everyone to check on neighbors and friends during this first seasonal snow fall and wished all Happy Holidays.

Alderman Glispie – Ald. Glispie thanked everyone who came out for the Seniors Luncheon on Veterans Day.

Alderwoman Evans – Absent - No Report

Alderman Spivey – Ald. Spivey thanked the residents and viewers of Country Club Hills. He thanked Jerry Townsend and public works for taking care of the snow today. He thanked the Police Department and Fire Department as the city's first responders and saluted all Veterans for keeping everyone safe. He thanked the Mayor Ford for his service as well. Ald. Spivey addressed Mr. Gray's concern regarding the 83 million dollar Logistics project by sharing and his excitement and looks forward working together for a better Country Club Hills. Lastly, Ald Spivey announced his 4th Annual Turkey Giveaway for residents of the 4th Ward will be held Saturday, November 23rd 11:00-2:00pm at the Provincetown Club House.

Mayor Ford - Mayor Ford addressed Mr. Gray's concern of a previous tax agreement with the Outlet Mall that never opened. Mayor shared he does not recommend closing the TIF after 7 years. This administration has moved forward to filling that vacant land. As Logistics has come forward other investors are sharing their interest.

Motion to adjourn was made by Alderman Lockett.

Second - Alderman Glispie

Motion Carried Via Voice Vote and hereby made a part of the original journal of proceedings this date.

Meeting adjourned at 7:22 pm
