
South Cook News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

City of Palos Heights City Council met Dec. 3

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Palos Heights City Council met Dec. 3.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

I. Call to Order

The Mayor called to order the regular meeting of the City of Palos Heights City Council at 7:00 p.m, in the City Administrative Center, 7607 W. College Drive, Palos Heights, IL

II. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

The Mayor led the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.

III. Roll Call

Roll call indicated the following were present:

Mayor Robert Straz Ward 1 Donald Bylut and Jeffrey Key

City Clerk Thomas Kantas Ward 2 Robert Basso and Jack Clifford

City Treasurer James Daemicke Ward 3 Dolores Kramarski and Brent Lewandowski

City Attorney Tom Brown Ward 4 Michael McGrogan and Jerry McGovern

V. Special Presentations

The Mayor announced the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners of the Annual Holiday Tree Decorating Contest and awarding of prizes.

• First Place Girl Scout Troops 51604 and 55243

• Second Place Brownie Troop 55485

• Third Place Little Learners Preschool

VI. Consent Agenda

A. Approval of Minutes: City Council Meeting, November 5, 2019 and City Council Meeting, November 19, 2019

B. Approval of Payroll and Voucher List for the period ending November 29, 2019

Alderman Kramarski moved to approve the consent agenda seconded by Alderman Bylut.

On roll call, the motion to approve the Consent Agenda was:

Ayes: (8) Basso, Bylut, Clifford, Key, Kramarski, Lewandowski, McGovern, McGrogan.

Nays: (0) None

With eight (8) affirmative votes the motion carried.

VII. Opening of Sealed Bids


VII. Reports of City Official

Mayor: Reported on recent Holiday Events in the City including the Kringle Market.

B. Clerk: Requested the following motions for passage:

• Alderman Bylut moved to pass a Resolution Setting Forth the Schedule of City Council Meeting for 2020 seconded by Alderman McGovern. The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

• Alderman Bylut moved to pass a Resolution Setting Forth the Schedule of City Committee Meetings for 2020 seconded by Alderman McGovern. The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

C. Treasurer: No Report

D. City Attorney: No Report

VIII. Communications

Alderman Kramarski commemorated Pearl Harbor day and urged residents to remember the significance of this historical event.

Alderman Clifford reported on the Lions Tree lot.

IX. Citizens Addressing the City Council

Jeff Clohessy (204 Feldner Court) discussed the impact of the recently erected ice rink on the property adjacent to his association. Mr. Clohessy conveyed his concerns regarding the ice rink. He stated that the proximity of the ice rink is of concern to his association and would like the City to communicate the logistics of such a project with the residents. Alderman Key stated that the rink is not permanent and that the association will be included regarding any permanent use of the property.

X. Reports of Standing Committees

A. Finance-Chairperson Alderman McGrogan:

• Alderman McGrogan moved to adopt an Ordinance providing for the Tax Levy for the City of Palos Heights for the Period beginning January 1, 2019 and ending December 31, 2019 in the amount of $9,712,875.00 seconded by Alderman Bylut.

On roll call, the motion to adopt the ordinance was:

Ayes: (8) Basso, Bylut, Clifford, Key, Kramarski, Lewandowski, McGovern, McGrogan.

Nays: (0) None

With eight (8) affirmative votes the motion carried.

• Alderman McGrogan moved to pass a Resolution Proportionately Reducing All Levies except City Corporate, Library Corporate, and Police Pension seconded by Alderman Bylut.

On roll call, the motion to adopt the resolution was:

Ayes: (8) Basso, Bylut, Clifford, Key, Kramarski, Lewandowski, McGovern, McGrogan.

Nays: (0) None

With eight (8) affirmative votes the motion carried.

B. Public Safety-Chairperson Alderman McGovern: Advised residents to protect credit card information.

C. Municipal Grounds and Property-Chairperson Alderman Basso:

• Alderman Basso moved to approve a payment to Trane for a boiler replacement unit in the amount of $68,299.50 seconded by Alderman Kramarski.

On roll call, the motion to approve the payment was:

Ayes: (8) Basso, Bylut, Clifford, Key, Kramarski, Lewandowski, McGovern, McGrogan.

Nays: (0) None

With eight (8) affirmative votes the motion carried.

• Alderman Basso moved to approve the purchase of a John Deere Gator XUV835M for Lake Katherine in the amount of $16,853.19 from Shorewood Home & Auto, through the Sourcewell purchasing contract seconded by Alderman Kramarski.

On roll call, the motion to approve the purchase was:

Ayes: (8) Basso, Bylut, Clifford, Key, Kramarski, Lewandowski, McGovern, McGrogan.

Nays: (0) None

With eight (8) affirmative votes the motion carried.

• Alderman Basso moved to adopt an Ordinance, authorizing the sale of the existing Lake Katherine John Deere 6X4 Gator, Model W006X4X046260, as a "trade in" in the amount of $1,500.00 to Shorewood Home & Auto seconded by Alderman Kramarski.

On roll call, the motion to adopt the ordinance was:

Ayes: (8) Basso, Bylut, Clifford, Key, Kramarski, Lewandowski, McGovern, McGrogan.

Nays: (0) None

With eight (8) affirmative votes the motion carried.

• Alderman Basso moved to adopt an Ordinance authorizing the disposal of the existing equipment trailer used for the asphalt roller seconded by Alderman Kramarski.

On roll call, the motion to adopt the ordinance was:

Ayes: (8) Basso, Bylut, Clifford, Key, Kramarski, Lewandowski, McGovern, McGrogan.

Nays: (0) None

With eight (8) affirmative votes the motion carried.

• Alderman Basso moved to approve the purchase and installation of replacement exterior doors for the City Hall electrical room in the amount of $5,029.50 by Hobbs Overhead Door Company seconded by Alderman Kramarski.

On roll call, the motion to approve the purchase was:

Ayes: (8) Basso, Bylut, Clifford, Key, Kramarski, Lewandowski, McGovern, McGrogan.

Nays: (0) None

With eight (8) affirmative votes the motion carried.

• Alderman Basso moved to approve the purchase new tire changing equipment from Sam's Tech Supply in the amount of $8,295.00 seconded by Alderman Kramarski.

On roll call, the motion to approve the purchase was:

Ayes: (8) Basso, Bylut, Clifford, Key, Kramarski, Lewandowski, McGovern, McGrogan.

Nays: (0) None

With eight (8) affirmative votes the motion carried.

• Alderman Basso moved to approve replacement of damaged fencing on College Drive and 75th Avenue in the amount of $5,986.00 by K-Brothers Fence Inc. seconded by Alderman Kramarski.

On roll call, the motion to approve the replacement was:

Ayes: (8) Başso, Bylut, Clifford, Key, Kramarski, Lewandowski, McGover, McGrogan.

Nays: (0) None

With eight (8) affirmative votes the motion carried.

D. Planning and Zoning–Chairperson Alderman Clifford: No Report

E. Recreation Chairperson Alderman Key: Urged residents to visit the City website for parks and recreation department to learn about upcoming events and activities.

F. Roads and Construction-Chairperson Alderman Kramarski: Reported that public works is prepared for the winter season.

G. License, Permits & Franchises—Chairperson Alderman Lewandowski:

• Alderman Lewandowski moved to adopt an Ordinance amending the City's Code, Section 96.01 (C) Specific Nuisances Enumerated seconded by Alderman Basso.

On roll call, the motion to adopt the ordinance was:

Ayes: (8) Basso, Bylut, Clifford, Key, Kramarski, Lewandowski, McGovern, McGrogan,

Nays: (0) None

With eight (8) affirmative votes the motion carried.

• Alderman Lewandowski moved to adopt an Ordinance amending the City's Code, Section 156.01 International Property Maintenance Code Adopted seconded by Alderman Clifford.

On roll call, the motion to adopt the ordinance was:

Ayes: (8) Basso, Bylut, Clifford, Key, Kramarski, Lewandowski, McGovern, McGrogan.

Nays:(0) None

With eight (8) affirmative votes the motion carried.

• Alderman Lewandowski moved to adopt an Ordinance amending the City's Code, Section 93.131 Special Advertising Signs and Promotions seconded by Alderman McGrogan.

On roll call, the motion to adopt the ordinance was:

Ayes: (8) Basso, Bylut, Clifford, Key, Kramarski, Lewandowski, McGovern, McGrogan.

Nays: (0) None

With eight (8) affirmative votes the motion carried.

H. Water and Sewer—Chairperson Alderman Bylut:

• Alderman Bylut moved to approve a payment to RJN Group in the amount of $5,329.08 for professional services through October, 2019 seconded by Alderman Clifford.

On roll call, the motion to approve the payment was:

Ayes: (8) Basso, Bylut, Clifford, Key, Kramarski, Lewandowski, McGovern, McGrogan.

Nays: (0) None

With eight (8) affirmative votes the motion carried.

• Alderman Bylut moved to approve a payment to M.E. Simpson for completion of the water leak survey in the amount of $12,580.00 seconded by Alderman Lewandowski.

On roll call, the motion to approve the payment was:

Ayes: (8) Basso, Bylut, Clifford, Key, Kramarski, Lewandowski, McGovern, McGrogan.

Nays: (0) None

With eight (8) affirmative votes the motion carried.

XI. Reports of Special Committee

A. Business/Economic Development: Alderman Key reported on the upcoming Kringle Market taking place in the Municipal Parking Lot.

B. Ad Hoc Cable TV: No Report

XII. Old Business

Alderman McGovern stated that the upcoming Finance meeting will likely be cancelled.

Alderman Key complimented Channel 4 on their programming publicizing the upcoming Kringle Market.

XIII. New Business


XIV. Citizens Asking Questions Regarding the Evening's Business

A local student discussed her involvement in the Change The World Project and specifically what the City can do to encourage the use of the space vacated by Dominick's.

XV. Closed Session


XVI. Adjournment

At 7:38 p.m, the Mayor requested a motion to adjourn that passed unanimously.
