
South Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Evergreen Park Board of Trustees met November 18

Webp meeting 04

Village of Evergreen Park Board of Trustees met Nov. 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Sexton in the second floor Council Chambers of the Village Hall.

ROLL CALL Village Clerk Catherine Aparo was asked to call the roll with the following results:

Physically Present:

Mayor James Sexton

Trustee Carol Kyle

Trustee Mark Marzullo

Trustee James McQuillan

Trustee Norman Anderson

Trustee Mark Phelan

Trustee Kelly Burke was absent with notice.

Also present were Village Attorney Vincent Cainkar and Village

Engineer Tim Klass and Village Treasurer John Sawyers.


The Chair welcomed the Juniors of Girl Scout Troop 65101 and invited them to lead the Pledge of Allegiance with Trustee Phelan.


FORUM The Chair made the following announcements:

1. The Chair recognized The Evergreen Park Police Tactical Unit for a job well done.

2. The Evergreen Park High School is providing Thanksgiving dinner at the school on Thanksgiving Day, November 28, 2019 from 11 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Meals can also be delivered to shut- ins, seniors, single parent families and disabled persons or families suffering a hardship. To make a reservation, request delivery or make a donation call 708-398-1253.

3. The Evergreen Park Police Department will initiate the Walk and Talk program with local businesses during the holiday season.

4. Village Hall will be closed on Thursday, November 28th and Friday, November 29th, 2019 in observance of Thanksgiving and will re-open on Saturday, November 30th, 2019 from 9 a.m. to Noon. Garbage pick-up will be on Friday November 29th, instead of Thursday.

5. Friday, December 6, 2019 the EP Candlelight Theatre will present a 1940’s Radio Christmas performance at the Senior Center. Tickets are available through the Recreation Department.

6. The Annual Christmas Dickens Fest will be at 97th & Homan from 2-7 pm. at the new Community Center on Saturday, December 7, 2019. The tree lighting ceremony is at Klein Park at 6:00 p.m.

7. Rich Daniels and the City Lights Orchestra will give the annual Christmas concert at Holy Redeemer Church on Sunday December 15, 2019 at 7 p.m. Tickets are available at the Recreation Dept. on a first come first serve basis.

8. Yard waste containers will continue to be picked up through Thursday, December 12, 2019 weather permitting. Please dispose of leaves and garden waste in the green waste containers. Only excess leaves should be raked to the curb.

9. The Chair stated Sister Margaret Christina Hoban of Little Company of Mary Hospital has passed away. Among her many achievements were her creation of the Healthier Evergreen Program and her dedication to the Love Lights a Tree program. She will be missed by many.


The Chair read the Legal Notice for the Public Hearing as published in the Courier Newspaper on October 31, 2019. The Board of Trustees acting as Zoning Commission will consider amendments to the Evergreen Park Zoning Code providing for the regulation of cannabis organizations.

The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m. A discussion took place by the Board regarding the regulation of cannabis in the Village of Evergreen Park. The State of Illinois has made the sale and use of recreational marijuana legal as of January 1, 2020. Due to this The Village requires a change to the Village Zoning Ordinance. The Village attorney explained this eliminates recreational retail sale/dispensing of cannabis in all Zoning Districts. The Chair asked for comments and questions from the audience three times, there were none. Motion by Trustee Marzullo second by Trustee Kyle to close the Public Hearing portion of this meeting at 7:45 p.m. Upon roll call voting YES: Trustees Kyle, Marzullo, McQuillan, Anderson and Phelan; voting NO: None.


Mr. McAuliff, of the 9500 Block of Troy asked if the Village could install temporary speed bumps to slow the dangerous speeding traffic on his block. The Chair answered speed bumps are not the answer. They impair PW equipment especially during snow removal. He directed the Police Chief to station squad cars on the 95th and 96th Streets of Troy and issue tickets to any speeding vehicles.


Motion by Trustee Kyle second by Trustee Anderson to waive the reading of the minutes of the November 4, 2019 Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees and approved as presented was passed by unanimous voice vote and so ordered by the Chair.


Motion by Trustee Phelan second by Trustee McQuillan to approve Resolution NO. 2-2020 with expenditures of the General Corporate Fund of $ 155,404.43 and the Water Management Fund in the amount of $ 186,788.40 and the 95th Street TIF Fund, $ 777.00 and the Street Bond Fund, $ 14,000.00 for a total of $ 356,969.83. Upon roll call, voting YES: Trustees Marzullo, McQuillan, Anderson, Phelan and Kyle; voting NO: NONE. The motion was passed and so ordered by the Chair.


Motion by Trustee Marzullo second by Trustee Phelan to approve the Water Collector’s Report for October 2019 in the amount of $ 898,192.47 as presented was passed by unanimous voice vote and so ordered by the Chair.


Motion by Trustee Phelan second by Trustee Kyle to approve the Village Collector’s Report for October 2019 in the amount of $2,576,326.83 as presented was passed by unanimous voice vote and so ordered by the Chair.


Motion by Trustee Kyle second by Trustee McQuillan to approve the business license application for STEVE’S AUTO (NEW OWNERS) to conduct an auto repair shop located at 9117 S. Kedzie Avenue in Evergreen Park. Upon roll call, voting YES: Trustees McQuillan, Anderson, Phelan, Kyle and Marzullo; voting NO: NONE. The motion was passed and so ordered by the Chair.

Motion by Trustee McQuillan second by Trustee Marzullo to approve the business license application for RELIABLE HOME HEALTH to conduct home health care services located at 3900 W. 95th Street, Suites 9 through 11. Upon roll call, voting YES: Trustees Anderson, Phelan, Kyle, Marzullo and McQuillan; voting NO: NONE. The motion was passed and so ordered by the Chair.


Motion by Trustee Marzullo second by Trustee McQuillan to approve ORDINANCE NO. 28-2019, “AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EVERGREEN PARK ZONING CODE BY PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION OF CANNABIS ORGANIZATIONS.” Upon roll call, voting YES: Trustees Phelan, Kyle, Marzullo, McQuillan and Anderson; voting NO: NONE. The motion was passed and so ordered by the Chair.


Motion by Trustee Kyle second by Trustee McQuillan to approve ORDINANCE NO. 29-2019, “AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE OPERATION OF A CONVENIENCE STORE WITH VEHICLE FUEL DISPENSING ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE “C” COMMERCIAL DISTRICT AT 2747-2759 WEST 95TH STREET, EVERGREEN PARK, ILLINOIS.” The Chair stated he has spoken to the owner of Popeye’s and he has agreed to clean the area. Upon roll call, voting YES: Trustees Kyle, Marzullo, McQuillan, Anderson and Phelan; voting NO: NONE. The motion was passed and so ordered by the Chair.


Motion by Trustee Anderson second by Trustee McQuillan to approve the Police Chief Saunders request to declare a vacancy and authorize hiring of one individual for the Probationary Patrol Officer list due to the retirement of Deputy Chief Eisenbeis. The Chair commended and thanked Deputy Chief John Eisenbeis for his 33 years of dedicated service to Evergreen Park. Also, to authorize the opening for one Sergeant Position in reference to a list of names submitted by the Fire and Police Commission. Upon roll call, voting YES: Trustees Marzullo, McQuillan, Anderson, Phelan and Kyle; voting NO: NONE. The motion was passed and so ordered by the Chair.


Motion by Trustee Anderson second by Trustee Phelan to approve Police Chief Saunders’ request to authorize the appointments and promotions of Captain Peter Donovan to Deputy Chief of Police and Sgt. David Linn to Lieutenant and Andrew Switalski promoted to Sergeant. The Chair introduced all the promoted individuals and asked them to introduce their family and friends in attendance. The Chair congratulated everyone and thanked their families for their sacrifices made on behalf of the Village of Evergreen Park. Police Chief Saunders added these individuals are outstanding dedicated professionals. The Board and the audience gave them a hearty round of applause. Upon roll call, voting YES: Trustees Marzullo, McQuillan, Anderson, Phelan and Kyle; voting NO: NONE. The motion was passed and so ordered by the Chair.


Motion by Trustee Phelan second by Trustee Kyle to approve the request for the annual membership dues for IML for the year 2020 in the amount of $1,530.00. Upon roll call, voting YES: Trustees Anderson, Phelan, Kyle, Marzullo and McQuillan; voting NO: NONE. The motion was passed and so ordered by the Chair.


Motion by Trustee McQuillan second by Trustee Anderson to approve Fire Chief Ron Kleinhaus request for a new pumper with a trade in of the 2000 Pumper. Delivery time is 16 months. The cost of the E-One 1500 GPM Pumper is $489,769.00 trade in $20,000 for a total cost of $469,769.00 for the new pumper. Upon roll call, voting YES: Trustees Phelan, Kyle, Marzullo, McQuillan and Anderson; voting NO: NONE. The motion was passed and so ordered by the Chair.


Motion by Trustee Phelan second by Trustee Anderson to approve the Police Chief’s request to purchase six (6) new police vehicles from Currie Motors in the amount of $ 198,636.00. Upon roll call, voting YES: Trustees Kyle, Marzullo, McQuillan, Anderson and Phelan; voting NO: NONE. The motion was passed and so ordered by the Chair.


Tim Klass had not report.


Attorney Cainkar had no report.


Motion by Trustee Kyle second by Trustee Anderson to approve PW Director Lorenz request to rebid the irrigation system at the Community Center due to a lack of bidders on October 31, 2019. Upon roll call, voting YES: Trustees Marzullo, McQuillan, Anderson, Phelan and Kyle; voting NO: NONE. The motion was passed and so ordered by the Chair.


The Chair noted payouts to M&J Asphalt for the 2019 Street Patch Program in the amount of $291,579.56; Cook County Grant monies in the amount of $ 200,000 are expected. A payout was made to Evergreen Paving for the 9441 Sawyer parking lot in the amount of $16,188.00. No vote/action taken information only.

The Chair stated the Capuano ice skating rink will be open after Thanksgiving weather permitting.


With nothing further to come before this meeting, motion by Trustee Phelan second by Trustee Kyle that this Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees adjourn. Upon roll call voting YES: Trustees McQuillan, Anderson, Phelan, Kyle and Marzullo; voting NO: None. The Chair wished everyone a healthy and happy Thanksgiving. The motion was passed and so ordered by the Chair at 8:10 P.M.
