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Thursday, January 30, 2025

Village of Palos Park Board of Commissioners' met Dec. 9

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Village of Palos Park Council met Dec. 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Board of Commissioners of the Village of Palos Park, Cook County, Illinois held its regular meeting on Monday, December 9, 2019. Mayor Mahoney called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Answering to roll call were Commissioners Milovich-Walters, Polk, Pavlatos, and Mayor Mahoney. Commissioner Reed was not in attendance.

Also in attendance were Marie Arrigoni, Village Clerk; Rick Boehm, Village Manager; Tom Bayer, Village Attorney; Howard Jablecki, Assistant Village Attorney; Mike Sibrava, Public Works Director; Lauren Pruss, Community Development Director, Barbara Maziarek, Finance Director; Joe Miller, Police Chief; Mose Rickey, Parks and Recreation Director; and Cathy Gabel, Deputy Village Clerk.

Approval of Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting Held On November 11, 2019: Commissioner Polk moved, seconded by Commissioner Milovich-Walters, to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on November 11, 2019 as presented.

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

Ayes: -4- Commissioners Polk, Milovich-Walters, Pavlatos, and Mayor Mahoney

Nays: -0

Absent: -1- Commissioner Reed


RECOGNITION OF CHARLES AND LAURA WELLS, 2019 THIRD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS SENIORS OF THE YEAR: Mayor Mahoney recognized long-time residents, Charles and Laura Wells, recipients of the 2019 Seniors of the Year for the Third Congressional District of Illinois. Congressman Dan Lipinski announced the winners in November during a special program at which the Mayor attended. Both Charles and Laura are active in Sacred Heart Parish, the Senior Wellness Program in Palos Park and "key" participants in the annual Tree Lighting.

Hearings: None

Consent Agenda

All items on the consent agenda are routine or have been brought forward at the direction of the Board of Commissioners and will be enacted with one motion. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately.

Commissioner Milovich-Walters moved, seconded by Commissioner Polk to:

A. To pass a resolution authorizing the Village Clerk to make certain closed session minutes available for public inspection - Second Review 2019 - the resolution states the Village has reviewed closed session minutes and determined that a need for confidentiality still exists as to executive session minutes set forth on Exhibit "C"

B. To ratify payment of invoices on the Warrant List dated November 25, 2019 in the amount of $41,049.09

C. To approve payment of invoices on the Warrant List dated December 9, 2019 in the amount of $140,520.86

D. To approve the Supplemental Warrant List dated December 9, 2019 for manual checks, payroll, and recurring wire transfers in the amount of $419,596.30

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

Ayes: -4- Commissioners Milovich-Walters, Polk, Pavlatos, and Mayor Mahoney

Nays: -0

Absent: -1- Commissioner Reed

Old Business: None

Board, Commission and Committee Recommendations: None

Information and Updates:


Water Boost Station Proposal: Commissioner Milovich-Walters reported a variable speed drive failed at the water booster station and needs to be replaced. Public Works received a proposal from Flow-Technics for the replacement at a cost of $8,156.04. Flow-Technics has done work for the Village before and is familiar with our booster station. 

Commissioner Milovich-Walters moved, seconded by Commissioner Polk, to approve the proposal from Flow-Technics for a new variable speed drive for the water booster station in the amount of $8,156.04.

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

Ayes: -4- Commissioners Milovich-Walters, Polk, Pavlatos, and Mayor Mahoney


Absent:-1- Commissioner Reed


Building Department Report: In Commissioner Reed's absence, Mayor Mahoney reported the Building Department issued fourteen (14) permits from November 11, 2019 - November 20, 2019 resulting in $6,361.00 in permit fees. Forty-one (41) inspections were completed during this time. No occupancy permits were issued.

Automobile Service Station Hours: At the April 9, 2019 Council meeting, an ordinance was adopted amending the hours of operation for automobile service stations adjacent to a residential zoning district. The ordinance included a sunset date meaning it would expire on December 31, 2019 unless Council took further action. To date, no complaints have been received regarding the extension of hours and as such, it is recommended that an automobile service station that is immediately adjacent to a residential zoning district may operate between 5:30 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. each day.

Commissioner Polk moved, seconded by Commissioner Milovich-Walters, to adopt an Ordinance amending Part Eight, Title Two, Chapter 812, Section 812.07 of the Palos Park Village Code in regard to the hours of operation for automobile service stations.

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

Ayes: -4- Commissioners Polk, Milovich-Walters, Pavlatos, and Mayor Mahoney


Absent: -1- Commissioner Reed

H.R. GREEN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT: It was reported H.R. Green has been satisfactorily performing building and zoning plan review and inspection work for the Village. The desires to continue its relationship with H.R. Green and have reached a written common understanding of the terms of the work and cost to the Village in the form of an agreement.

Commissioner Polk moved, seconded by Commissioner Milovich-Walters, to approve the Resolution authorizing a representative to sign the Professional Services Agreement with H.R. Green relative to building plan review and inspection services.

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

Ayes: -4- Commissioners Polk, Milovich-Walters, Pavlatos, and Mayor Mahoney

Nays: -0

Absent: -1- Commissioner Reed


Police Activity Report: Commissioner Polk reported the Police Department received 3,616 calls for service from November 11, 2019 through December 8, 2019. Paios Park Police also issued 66 adjudication tickets, 27 traffic tickets, 73 written warnings, 52 verbal warnings, completed 32 case reports, arrested 8 adults, 0 juveniles, 0 impounds, 21 senior checks, 36 citizen assists and 52 community contact hours.

INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF COOK ON BEHALF OF THE COOK COUNTY SHERIFF AND THE VILLAGE OF PALOS PARK: On September 9, 2019, the Village Council adopted an ordinance withdrawing from Southwest Central Dispatch and the Southwest Central Dispatch 9-1-1 System. The Village has explored several options for police dispatching services through other agencies including Cook County. The Village currently pays a monthly fee of $16,229.61 to Southwest Central Dispatch. The Village would pay $8,611.75 per month with an Intergovernmental Agreement with Cook County. That fee would have an offset of approximately $15,000.00 per year from the 9-1-1- fees attributable to the Village, Positive feedback has been received from area Police Chiefs that are using Cook County Dispatch Services. Palos Park seeks to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Cook County where the Sheriff would provide dispatch services to the Palos Park Police Department. The term of this IGA shall begin upon approval by the Statewide 911 Administrator ("Effective Date") and shall continue for five (5) years from the Effective Date (“Termination Date').

Commissioner Polk moved, seconded by Commissioner Milovich-Walters, to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of Cook on behalf of the Cook County Sheriff and the Village of Palos Park,

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

Ayes: -4- Commissioners Polk, Milovich-Walters, Pavlatos, and Mayor Mahoney


Absent: -1- Commissioner Reed

INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COOK COUNTY EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM BOARD AND THE VILLAGE OF PALOS PARK (DISTRIBUTION OF 9-1-1 SURCHARGE FUNDS): The Emergency Telephone System Act enables a county to impose a surcharge on billed subscribers of network connections in order to implement and maintain a 911 Emergency Telephone System ("Surcharge Funds"). The Village and the Emergency Telephone System Board (ETSB) have agreed that fifty percent (50 percent) of the Village's Surcharge Funds shall be paid by the ETSB, on behalf of the Village, to the Cook County Sheriff's Office to reimburse the Sheriff for dispatch services pursuant to an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village and the Sheriff and the of the City's Surcharge Funds will constitute reimbursement to the ETSB for the support of the 9-1-1 Center's operations and technology.

Commissioner Polk moved, seconded by Commissioner Milovich-Walters, to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Cook County Emergency Telephone System Board and the Village of Palos Park (Distribution of 9-1-1 Surcharge Funds).

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

Ayes: -4- Commissioners Polk, Milovich-Walters, Pavlatos, and Mayor Mahoney

Nays: -0

Absent: -1- Commissioner Reed

ADOPTION OF THE COOK COUNTY MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN: The Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 requires local governments to prepare and adopt a Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP). Palos Park has been a participating member in the Cook County Multi Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan since its inception. In 2014, the Cook County Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management prepared a multi-jurisdictional plan. To maintain eligibility for federal funds, the HMP must be updated every five years. The Village will continue to participate in the updating and revision of the 2019 Plan with another plan review and revision to occur within a five year cycle, and designated staff will provide annual progress reports to the Mayor and Village Council.

Commissioner Polk moved, seconded by Commissioner Milovich-Walters, to pass Resolution authorizing the adoption of the Cook County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan.

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

Ayes: -4- Commissioners Poik, Milovich-Walters, Pavlatos, and Mayor Mahoney

Nays: -0

Absent:-1- Commissioner Reed

2019 PALOS PARK POLICE CADET FOOD DRIVE: The Palos Park Police Cadet Program will be holding their 20h Annual Holiday Food Drive. Donations of non-perishable foods will be accepted through January 1, 2020. All donations will go to the Palos Township Food Pantry located at 10802 S. Roberts Road, Palos Hills, IL. Palos Township serves families from Palos Heights, Palos Hills, Palos Park, Hickory Hills, Worth, Willow Springs and parts of Orland Park. Drop off sites are the Palos Park Recreation Center, Palos Park Library, Paos Park Metra Station, and the Palos Park Kaptur Administrative Center. To request a pick-up or more information please call 708.671.3770.


2019 Tax Levy: Commissioner Pavlatos reported the Tax Levy Ordinance is the Village's legal request to receive property taxes levied on parcels within its corporate boundaries. The tax levy specifies the type and amount of property taxes the Village intends to receive in property tax revenues from the County's collection of tax payments next year. The Tax Levy Ordinance for 2019 is $2,018,532.00 which includes the Palos Park Library. The tax levy process requires adoption by the Village Council and certification by the Mayor before filing can take place with Cook County. The annual recording must occur by the last Tuesday in December.

Commissioner Pavlatos moved, seconded by Commissioner Polk, to adopt an Ordinance Levying Taxes for all Corporate Purposes for the Village of Palos Park for the Fiscal Year beginning May 1, 2019 and ending April 30, 2020.

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

Ayes: -4- Commissioners Pavlatos, Polk, Milovich-Walters, and Mayor Mahoney

Nays: -0

Absent: -1- Commissioner Reed

Mayor’s Report:

ORDINANCE PROHIBITING ADULT-USE CANNABIS BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS WITHIN THE VILLAGE: The State of Illinois created Public Act 101-0027, the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act which allows for the possession, use, cultivation, transportation, and the dispensing of adult-use cannabis in Illinois effective January 1, 2020. The Act allows local governments, including villages, to adopt ordinances to prohibit or significantly limit the location of adult-use cannabis business establishments.

Commissioner Pavlatos moved, seconded by Commissioner Polk, to adopt an Ordinance amending Part Eight, Title Two, of the Palos Park Village Code, to create a new Chapter 870 entitled “Adult-Use Cannabis Business Establishments" Prohibiting Adult-Use Cannabis Business Establishments Within the Village,

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

Ayes: -3- Commissioners Pavlatos, Milovich-Walters, and Mayor Mahoney


Abstain: -1- Commissioner Polk

Absent: -1- Commissioner Reed

Clerk’s Report: Clerk Arrigoni had no formal report this evening.

Manager’s Report: CENSUS: Manager Boehm reminded residents the

Charitable Giving: Manager Boehm reported the Village is accepting donations for Together We Cope and P.A.W.S. Animal Shelter this holiday season. Together We Cope (TWC) is a homeless prevention agency based in Tinley Park. TWC serves 27 communities in 4 townships including Palos Township. The mission is to bridge the gap for southland residents in temporary crisis. TWC feed approximately 5,000 people per month and distributes personal care products that are not covered by the food stamp program. P.A.W.S. is a no-kill animal shelter dedicated to the protection of domestic animals and the prevention of animal cruelty in the surrounding communities. They provide shelter to abandoned, lost and relinquished pets. Visit www.togetherwecope.org and www.pawstinleypark.org for more information on donations.

Citizens and Visitors Comment Period: None

Adjournment of Regular Council Meeting: There being no further business, Commissioner Polk moved, seconded by Commissioner Milovich-Walters, to adjourn the meeting at 8:27 p.m.

Upon voice vote, the motion passed with 4 yes votes.

Ayes: -4- Commissioners Polk, Milovich-Walters, Paylatos, and Mayor Mahoney


Absent: -1- Commissioner Reed
