
South Cook News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Bremen High School District 228 Board of Education met November 19

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Bremen High School District 228 Board of Education met Nov. 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

1 President Resler called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2 Board of Education

Present: Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler Central Office & Principals

Present: Dr. Kendall, Dr. Goggins, Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. Giglio-Byczek, Mr. Boswell, Mrs. Taylor, Dr. Sikora, Dr. Simms, Dr. Nolan, Mr. Meany

3 Mr. Whitcomb moved to approve the regular and closed session minutes of October 15, 2019. Mr. Canning seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Whitcomb, Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mrs. Resler 

Nays: None

Mrs. Gleason moved to approve the special and closed session minutes of October 24, 2019. Mrs. Kampwirth seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mrs. Gleason, Mrs. Kampwirth, Mr. Canning, Mr. Johnson, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler 

Nays: None

Mr. Whitcomb moved to approve the committee of the whole regular and closed minutes of November 12, 2019. Mr. Canning seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Whitcomb, Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mrs. Resler 

Nays: None

4 Mr. Peter Fattore, an employee with Panduit, is being recognized for the Board Volunteer Award. He not only volunteers with the titans, but PAWS and the New Lenox fire department. He educates and inspires the students. The club has benefitted from funding from the D228 Educational Foundation. Mr. Fattore was presented with the award and a framed photo. He thanked the students, staff and board for the honor. He has enjoyed working with everyone and looks forward to continuing this partnership.

5 Ms. Selime Baftiri and members of the Seekers/Diversity club, presented on the International Fest held at Tinley Park High School. Three seniors shared why they appreciate the International Fest. The program begins in the cafeteria where parents can share foods that are indigenous to their home countries. The festival continues into the gymnasium. They are proud that they were able to learn about other cultures as well as share their cultures. Ms. Baftiri then shared a YouTube video of this year’s International Fest. Students from other schools including Hillcrest, were able to perform at this year’s events. Ms. Stearns stated that many of the parents are so proud of their contribution.

Ms. Ally Jebens, Spanish Teacher, presented on strategies learned a conference. TPRS – Teaching proficiency through Reading and Storytelling, is about comprehension and input. She demonstrated the various strategies used to learn a foreign language including removing the desks to keep the students engaged and prevent obstacles.

Ms. Renee Mack and the counselors from all four schools, presented the Board with an overview of the new District 228 Career Guides. This tool will help students and their families prepare for their career pathways.

1 Mrs. Resler opened the floor to the public for comments.

Ben Desnopers, community member, voiced concerns regarding contract negotiations between district 228 and the JFA.

Amanda Godin, community member, expressed her support of the teachers in the district.

Colleen Aziz, community member and parent, urged the Board to vote “No” on resolution #1, at the IASB conference, regarding arming teachers and support staff.

There being no additional comments, Mrs. Resler closed the floor to the public for comments.

2 Mr. Whitcomb stated he attended the Excel Thanksgiving at Bremen and enjoyed meeting the students and staff. He looks forward to attended more events like this.

Mrs. Kampwirth stated she attended the South Cook Division dinner meeting where there was a presentation on Effective Safety and Security practices. This information has been shared with Dr. Kendall.

Mrs. Gleason stated the Board had a training from the Illinois Association of School Boards. It was a great session and very informative and she hopes the members came away with more information than they went into it with. She also addressed the ongoing negotiations and some of the items that are still on the table. She stated she has read the letters from the teachers and as a retired teacher, she understands their passion. However, as a senior homeowner, she also understands the impact of increased property taxes and the cost of healthcare benefits.

Mr. Johnson stated he attended the Hillcrest v. St. Rita game and that it was hard fought. He echoed Mrs. Gleason on her sentiments. He hoped the teachers have read the bargaining information provided. He posed the question of should the board bankrupt the district and if the choice is between the students and the teacher.

Mr. Canning congratulated the teacher, coaches and athletes on an awesome fall sports season. He also congratulated Hillcrest, Dr. Simms, Ms. Wunar and her staff for the improvements over the last 3 years. He wishes the winter athletic season for all four schools, much success as well. He asks that more of the public participates at our athletic events.

Ms. Stearns asked that the Academic presentation from the Committee of the Whole be provided to the public. Dr. Kendall stated it will be placed on the website.

Mrs. Resler thanked the members of the Board for attending the self-evaluation provided by the Illinois Association of School Boards.

1 Dr. Kendall reported the following: Freedom of Information Act Requests

Since the last regular Board meeting, we have received the following Freedom of Information Act requests.

 Bethany Simpson, SmartProcure, requested all purchasing records from 6/13/19 to current. Specifically: Purchase order number, Purchase date, Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase), Line item quantity, Line item price and, Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address. This request is being completed.

 Ann Pistone, ABC 7 News, requested the number of vaping related confiscations, by year from 2017 to date and the number of students who were disciplined or censured in any way for a vaping related incident, by year, from 2017 to date. Including a breakdown of the different disciplinary and censuring categories (i.e. suspensions, counselling, expulsions, etc.) and the number of students who fell into each, the number of students arrested on campus for vaping related incidents, and list the different programs implanted by the district (i.e. distributing educational information to student, parent night education, vape detection devices, zero tolerance program, etc.) This request has been completed.

 Kori M. Bazanos, Bazanos Law P.C., requested records for the construction work on new outdoor tracks at Oak Forest, Bremen, Hillcrest and Tinley Park High Schools: 1) The contract. 2) The payment bond. 3) Copies of the sworn statements that the general contractor submitted to the school district. This request has been completed.

Superintendent’s Report

 November 15 was “School Board Members Day” in Illinois. On behalf of the entire District 228 community, I would like to thank our Board Members for your service.

 Wednesday, December 4, is our annual Senior Citizens Luncheon at all four of our high schools. Our students do a great job of hosting this event with a meal, building tours and entertainment. I look forward to traveling around the District to meet with our senior citizens.

2 Mrs. Morrison presented item 7.1 – Bills, Addendum to Bills, Payroll, and CDS Bills. Mrs. Gleason moved to approve item 7.1. Mr. Whitcomb seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Whitcomb, Mr. Canning, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Mrs. Morrison presented items 7.2 – 2019 Tentative Tax Levy. Mr. Canning moved to approve items 7.2. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Mrs. Morrison presented items 7.3 – Resolution Increasing Monthly Spending Limit for D228 Imprest Account. Mr. Whitcomb moved to approve items 7.3. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Canning, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Dr. Williams presented items 7.4 – 2020-21 Curriculum Handbook Changes. Mr. Canning moved to approve items 7.4. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Canning, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Gleason, Mrs. Kampwirth, Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Dr. Goggins presented items 8.1-8.10– Personnel. Mr. Whitcomb moved to approve

items 8.1-8.10. Mr. Canning seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Whitcomb, Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Ms. Resler

Nays: None

Medical Leave

Geraldine McClure Paraprofessional Bremen HS


Robert Pascarella Weekend Custodian Hillcrest HS

Danielle Keska Paraprofessional Delta Academy

Josh Hornoff 2nd Shift Custodian Oak Forest HS


Erica Stotts Delta Night Teacher Delta Academy

Catherine Dewes Academic Learning Center Tutor Hillcrest HS

Maureen Palmer Permanent Substitute Hillcrest HS

Shannon Owens Permanent Substitute Oak Forest HS

Julie Hodges Paraprofessional Bremen HS

Gary Lindy 2nd Shift Flex Custodian Oak Forest HS

1 At 8:16 p.m., Mr. Whitcomb made a motion to move to closed session to discuss collective negotiating matters. Mr. Canning seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Whitcomb, Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Ms. Resler

Nays: None

At 8:43 p.m., Mr. Johnson motioned to return to public session. Mr. Canning seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Johnson, Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

2 Mrs. Kampwirth moved to terminate Sal Vargas. Mr. Whitcomb seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mrs. Kampwirth, Mr. Whitcomb Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Ms. Stearns, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Mrs. Kampwirth moved to terminate Brittain Rodgers. Mr. Whitcomb seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mrs. Kampwirth, Mr. Whitcomb Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Ms. Stearns, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Abstain: Mr. Johnson

1 Mrs. Resler announced the following:

Committee of the Whole 12/10/19 6:45 pm Hillcrest HS

Board Meeting 12/17/19 7:00 pm Hillcrest HS

2 At 8:44 p.m., Mrs. Gleason made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. Voice vote was unanimous
