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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Village of Palos Park Board of Trustees met February 19

Webp meeting909

Village of Palos Park Board of Trustees met February 19.

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

A quorum was met for the February 19, 2020 meeting of the Palos Park Library Board. Present: Mary Lou Bareither, Steve Desmond, Kathy Finan, Michael T. Tannura and Dave Trzcinski. Also present: Library Director Kathryn Sofianos. Absent: Kathy Branigan.

Call to Order

Dave Trzcinski called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m.

Public Comments

There were no public comments.

Presentation by Alisa Hansen of Verde Energy Efficiency Experts on HVAC Replacement

Ms. Hansen presented a proposal for replacing the library’s current RTUs with energy efficient units. The units would meet the CEE Tier 2 standards, which marks the top 25% of efficiency on the market. The price Alisa quoted (includes a ComEd Incentive of $11,400.00) is $18,442.00. The Board asked her to research the cost for more efficient units, a modified zone system, and smart thermostats. Ms. Hansen will provide the Board with new proposals covering these requests.

Approve Minutes of the Regular Board meeting of January 15, 2020

Mary Lou Bareither made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 15, 2020 Board Meeting. Steve Desmond seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Approve Minutes of the Executive Session of January 15, 2020

Steve Desmond made a motion to approve the minutes of the executive session of January 15, 2020. Kathy Finan seconded. Motion carried unanimously.


There was no correspondence.

Library Director’s Report

AT&T is in the final phases in bringing a fiber optic connection into the library. On February 24th the library will go live with this connection. The AT&T line provides a more stable and faster environment for circulation functions. WOW! will still be used for public Internet traffic.

Kathryn met with Alisa Hansen of Verde Energy Experts to discuss new HVAC units. Ms. Hansen will be presenting a proposal to the Library Board at the February meeting.

Adult programs were well attended. There were five programs with 84 people attending in total. One of the most popular events was the How to Hygge day that occurred on January 16th. Children’s story times were held throughout the month and tween had an opportunity to attend four programs. There were fourteen youth programs held with 121 in attendance and four tween events with 40 attendees in total.

Staff has begun developing the Summer Reading Program. The theme for Youth Services this year is “Get Tagged by Reading at the Palos Park Public Library.”

Review of the Monthly Financial Report

The Board reviewed and discussed the payment of bills. Steve Desmond made a motion to approve the payment of bills for January 15, 2020 through February 19, 2020 in the amount of $34,374.98. Kathy Finan seconded. Vote was taken by roll call and motion carried unanimously.

The Board reviewed and discussed the monthly statement for January 2020. Mary Lou Bareither made a motion to approve the monthly statement for January 2020. Steve Desmond seconded. Vote was taken by roll call and motion carried unanimously.

Unfinished Business

There was no unfinished business.

New Business

No Smoking Policy

The Board discussed adding no vaping and no cannabis use to the library’s No Smoking Policy. Mary Lou Bareither made a motion to approve the revision to the policy. Dave Trzcinski seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Patron Behavior Policy

The Board discussed including no smoking, no vaping and no cannabis use within the building and on the library grounds, and no possession of alcohol, cannabis, and illegal drugs to the Patron Behavior Policy. Michael T. Tannura made a motion to approve adding these items with the deletion of illegal drugs as that is already covered by state and federal law. Mary Lou Bareither seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Open Meetings Act Electronic Training

Kathryn informed the Board that online OMA Training is required for Trustees and that the Village has requested certificates of completed training for their records.

Executive Session

Mary Lou Bareither made a motion to go into Executive Session to review Executive Session minutes from prior board meetings to determine if they should become open. Motion was seconded by Michael T. Tannura and passed unanimously.

Reconvene Public Session

Motion was made by Mary Lou Bareither to return to regular session. The motion was seconded by Steve Desmond and passed unanimously.


Steve Desmond made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 p.m. Dave Trzcinski seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
