Illinois State Senate District 15 issued the following announcement on April 7.
State Senator Napoleon Harris, III (D-Harvey) announced Tuesday that eligible SNAP recipients will receive additional benefits beginning this week.
“SNAP provides families with basic meals daily,” Harris said. “This additional benefit that hundreds of thousands of families will receive will ensure they have meals on their table throughout this crisis.”
More than 450,000 Illinois residents will receive additional Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. The increased amount will automatically load onto their link cards. Link card holders do not need to call or visit an office. All new applications authorized in April will also receive the maximum allotment for their household size.
SNAP households that are not currently receiving the maximum allowance will receive additional SNAP benefits. Households already receiving the maximum benefit will not receive additional benefits.
Maximum amounts per household size:
Number in SNAP household
Maximum benefit
Each additional person
Add $146
Illinois SNAP recipients receive their benefits at different times each month, so increased SNAP benefits will be loaded on different dates for SNAP recipients.
Original source can be found here.