
South Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Kirby School District 140 Board of Education met February 20

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Kirby School District 140 Board of Education met Feb. 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

  1. Opening of Meeting.
    1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance.  At 7:00 P.M., President Martelli called to order the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education, Kirby School District 140, Cook County, led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
    2. Roll Call.  Board Members present:  Dr. Jacqueline Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Deborah Kowalski, Mr. John Lutz, Mrs. Lisa Strand, Mrs. Carol DeMicheal, Mr. Chuck Augustyniak and Mr. Thomas Martelli; Board Members absent:  None.  Others present:  Dr. Shawn Olson, Superintendent; Mr. Michael Andreshak, Director of Business Services and Mrs. Karen Jamraz, Recording Secretary.
    3. Correspondence.  Incoming:  Thank you acknowledgement from Therese Jalowiec and a letter from SEIU Local 73; Outgoing:  None.
    4. Approval of Minutes Summary of Previous Meeting - Regular Meeting of January 16, 2020.  It was moved by Mr. Augustyniak and seconded by Mrs. DeMicheal to approve the Minutes Summary of Previous Meeting - Regular Meeting of January 16, 2020, as presented.  The voice vote was:  Ayes:  7; Nays:  0; Abstains:  0.  The motion carried; whereupon President Martelli, as attested by Secretary DeMicheal affixed their signatures to said minutes summary.
  2. Public Comment.
    1. Recognition of Public.  No one asked to be recognized.
  3. Financial Reports.
    1. Monthly Expenditures Consent Agenda.  It was moved by Dr. Kelly-McHale and seconded by Mrs. Strand to approve expenditures including payroll, accounts payable, procurement card in the aggregate amount of $3,541,621.00.  The roll call vote was:  Ayes:  Dr. Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Kowalski, Mr. Lutz, Mrs. Strand, Mrs. DeMicheal, Mr. Augustyniak and Mr. Martelli; Nays:  None; Abstains:  None.  The President declared the motion carried whereupon Mr. Martelli, as attested by Secretary DeMicheal, affixed their signatures to said expenditure report.
    2. Statement of Revenues and Expenditures.  Mr. Andrehsak presented the report stating that we have started to receive the first installments of property taxes.
  4. Administrative Report.
    1. Superintendent.
      • Compliance Evaluation Summary Report.  Dr. Olson presented the official report from our recent compliance visit.  This report commended our District on having no citations in all of our buildings during the Health/Life Safety Inspection.   This report also stated that there were a few issues with the licensure for a few of our teachers.  We are working to resolve these issues.
      • Calendar - 2020-21 School Year.  Dr. Olson talked about the 2020-21 calendar that will be presented for approval at tonight's meeting.  He asked that the motion to approve the calendar be amended to change April 6, 2021 (primary election day) and May 13, 2021 (observation of Eid based on low attendance from previous years) be non-attendance days by Board action therefore adding 2 days to the end of the school calendar.  The last day of attendance would be June 11, 2021. There was a consensus to amend the motion to approve the 2020-21 calendar showing that April 6, 2021 and May 13, 2021 be non-attendance days by Board action and adding 2 days to end of the school calendar with the last day of attendance being June 11, 2021.    
    2. Director of Business Services.
      • ISBE Response - Property Tax Relief Grant.  Mr. Andreshak received a response from ISBE letting us know that our District is not eligible to receive the 2020 Property Tax Relief Grant that we applied for in December.  They did encourage us to apply again in future grant cycles.
      • Impact Fees.  Mr. Andreshak stated that we recently received a check from the Village of Tinley Park in the amount of $7,600.00.  Impact fees are fees required by a local government on a new or proposed development project to pay for all or a portion of the costs of providing public services to the new development.  These fees were collected through November, 2019.
      • FOIA Request.  Mr. Andreshak received two FOIA requests this month.  The first one was from the Illinois Retired Teachers Association who wanted a current list of retirees for the current year and the second one was from NBC5 News who wanted to know what content filtering monitor software we use on our one on one devices.  I let them know that our District uses Smoothwall.
  5. Unfinished Business.  There was no unfinished business.
  6. New Business.
    1. Board Reports.
      • Mr. Martelli reported that there was a Committee of the Whole Meeting held on February 11, 2020.  Several components of the Comprehensive Plan were presented and discussed.  The Board will take action on these items during this meeting.
      • There is another Committee of the Whole meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 4, 2020 at 6:00 pm.  The purpose of this meeting is to discuss Press Plus, a service offered by IASB to ensure that our policy manual is always up to day and in compliance.  This is the first of several meetings needed to set up this service.
    2. Approve 2020-21 Calendar (Option B).  Based upon the recommendation of administration, it was moved by Mr. Augustyniak and seconded by Mrs. DeMicheal to adopt Option B for the 2020-21 School Calendar.  This calendar represents a total of 185 days, including 2 Institute Days, 2 Parent/Teacher Conference Day and 5 Emergency Days; pending approval by the Regional Office and State Superintendent.  Mrs. DeMicheal made a motion to amend this motion to add 2 Board approved non-attendance days and extend the school year by 2 days ending the year on June 11, 2021. Dr. Kelly-McHale and Mrs. Kowalski seconded this motion. The roll call vote was:  Ayes:  Mrs. Kowalski, Mr. Lutz, Mrs. Strand, Mrs. DeMicheal, Mr. Augustyniak, Dr. Kelly-McHale and Mr. Martelli; Nays:  None; Abstains:  None.  The President declared the motion carried.
    3. Approve Select Components of the Comprehensive Plan.  Based upon the recommendation of Administration and consensus of the Board, it was moved by Dr. Kelly-McHale and seconded by Mr. Augustyniak and Mrs. DeMicheal to approve the following Comprehensive Plan components on consent agenda:  District Mission Statement; Emergency Crisis Preparedness Checklist; Education Program Plan; Curriculum Review Cycle; Accelerated Academic Program; Band; Summer Reading/Math Tutoring Program; Extended School Year - SPED, EL & Title I; Preschool Enrollment Status; Section 504; 2020-21 Student Fees; 2020-21 Salary Guidelines; 2020-21 Fringe Benefits; Summer Sports Camps 2020; Summer Band Program 2020; Maintenance Overview; Technology Overiew; and Transportation Overview, as presented.  The roll call vote was:  Mr. Lutz, Mrs. Strand, Mrs. DeMicheal, Mr. Augustyniak, Dr. Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Kowalski and Mr. Martelli; Nays:  None; Abstains:  None.  The President declared the motion carried.
    4. Approve Threat Assessment Protocols and Procedures. Based upon the recommendation of Administration, it was moved by Mrs. DeMicheal and seconded by Dr. Kelly-McHale to approve the Threat Assessment Protocols and Procedures on consent agenda.  The roll call vote was:  Ayes:   Mrs. Strand, Mrs. DeMicheal, Mr. Augustyniak, Dr. Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Kowalski, Mr. Lutz and Mr. Martelli; Nays:  None; Abstains:  None.  The President declared the motion carried.
    5. Award Milk Contract to Krystal Dairy for Milk for the 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 School Years.  Based upon the recommendation of Administration, it was moved by Dr. Kelly-McHale and seconded by Mrs. Strand to accept the Milk Quotes of February 13, 2020, as presented, and award the contract for milk for the 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 school years to Krystal Dairy, Inc. of Homewood, Illinois, who submitted the lowest quote for milk.  The roll call vote was:  Ayes:  Mrs. DeMicheal, Mr. Augustyniak, Dr. Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Kowalski, Mr. Lutz, Mrs. Strand and Mr. Martelli; Nays:  None; Abstains:  None.  The President declared the motion carried.
  7. Closed Session.  There was no reason to enter closed session.
  8. Personnel - Consent Agenda.  It was moved by Mr. Augustyiak and seconded by Mrs. DeMicheal to approve the presented items on consent agenda.  The roll call vote was:  Ayes:  Mr. Augustyniak, Dr. Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Kowalski, Mr. Lutz, Mrs. Strand, Mrs. DeMicheal and Mr. Martelli; Nays:  None; Abstains:  None.  The President declared the motion carried.  The following personnel items were approved:

Patricia Grenda

Accept Intent to Retire as Teacher, effective the close of the 2023-2024 school year – Keller


Brian Bussean

Accept Resignation Due to Retirement as Bus Driver, effective the close of February 28, 2020 – Transportation


Maysoon Abuzir

Accept Resignation as Teacher, effective the close of the 2019-2020 school year – McAuliffe


Tania Martinez

Accept Resignation as Paraeducator, effective the close of February 7, 2020 – Bannes


Kelly McDonough

Accept Resignation as Bus Driver, effective the close of February 13, 2020 – Transportation


Scott Socha

Accept Resignation as Custodian, effective the close of January 15, 2020 – Fernway


Staffing Request

Staffing Request as Communications Coordinator, effective March 1, 2020 at $78,000 annually – District


Staffing Request

Staffing Request as Full-Time Custodian, effective as soon as possible at $10.60 per hour – Grissom


Staffing Request

Staffing Request as Safety & Security Facilitator (Part-Time), effective as soon as possible at $42.86 per hour – District


Catherine Herrmann

Offer Revised Remainder of the Year Contract as Teacher, effective January 8, 2020 at Step 1, Lane 5, $27,695.67 – Keller


Jeffrey Jamraz

Employ as Safety & Security Facilitator, effective February 3, 2020 at $42.86 per hour – District  


Mandy Kawczynski

Employ as Paraeducator, effective February 10, 2020 at $12.91 per hour – Prairie View


Curtis Petrey

Employ as Paraeducator, effective February 10, 2020 at $12.91 per hour – Bannes


Susan Haynie

Reassign as Communications Coordinator, effective March 1, 2020 at $78,000 per year – District


Kristen Boros

Reassign as Occupational Therapist – FTE 80%, effective February 10, 2020 – Special Services


Sabrina Murray

Reassign as Occupational Therapist – FTE 60%, effective February 3, 2020 – Special Services


Nichole Herzke

Reassign as Paraeducator, effective January 27, 2020 at $12.91 per hour – McAuliffe


Hebatalla Mohamed

Reassign as Paraeducator, effective January 22, 2020 at $12.91 per hour – Millennium


Denise Koterman

Reassign as Paraeducator, effective February 3, 2020 at $12.91 per hour – McAuliffe


Jennifer Thomas

Reassign as Supervisory Aide, effective February 3, 2020 at $10.25 per hour – Prairie View


Valeri Bergunder

Grant 2nd Unpaid General Leave of Absence as Technology Specialist, effective February 14, 2020 through May 7, 2020 – Technology


Carrie O’Keefe

Grant 3rd Unpaid General Leave of Absence as Teacher, effective for the 2020-2021 school year – District



  1. Adjournment.  It was moved by Mr. Augustyniak and seconded by Mrs. DeMicheal that the Regular Meeting be adjourned.  The voice vote was:  Ayes:  7; Nays:  0.  The motion carried whereupon President Martelli declared the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education adjourned at 7:40 p.m.