
South Cook News

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Village of Palos Park Board of Commissioners met March 9

Webp meeting41

Village of Palos Park Board of Commissioners met March 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Mayor Mahoney called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Answering to roll call were Commissioners Milovich-Walters, Reed, Pavlatos, and Mayor Mahoney. Commissioner Polk was not in attendance.

Also in attendance were Marie Arrigoni, Village Clerk; Rick Boehm, Village Manager; Tom Bayer, Village Attorney; Howard Jablecki, Assistant Village Attorney; Mike Sibrava, Public Works Director, Lauren Pruss, Community Development Director; Barbara Maziarek, Finance Director: Joe Miller, Police Chief, and Cathy Gabel, Deputy Clerk.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON FEBRUARY 24, 2020: Commissioner Milovich-Walters moved, seconded by Commissioner Polk, to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on February 24, 2020 as presented.

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -4- Commissioners Milovich-Walters, Pavlatos, Reed, and Mayor Mahoney 

NAYS: -0- 

ABSENT:-1- Commissioner Polk




All items on the consent agenda are routine or have been brought forward at the direction of the Board of Commissioners and will be enacted with one motion. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately,

Commissioner Reed moved, seconded by Commissioner Milovich-Walters to:

A. adopt an Ordinance amending Part Six, Chapter 696 of the Palos Park Village Code in regard to Raffles - the ordinance amends Chapter 696 of the Village Code to bring it in compliance with the amendments made to the Illinois Raffle and Poker Runs Act (230 ILCS 15/0.01) by Public Act 101-0109

B. approve payment of invoices on the Warrant List dated March 9, 2020 in the amount of $118,806.58

C. approve the Supplemental Warrant List dated March 9, 2020 for manual checks, payroll, and recurring wire transfers in the amount of $371,956.20

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -4- Commissioners Reed, Milovich-Walters, Pavlatos, and Mayor Mahoney 


ABSENT: -1- Commissioner Polk





the Metra Station have cracked or settled and it has become a tripping hazard for commuters. Dorgan Concrete recently did work for the Village at the McCord House and was again asked to submit a proposal to repair the damaged sidewalk in twelve locations and update the ADA ramps in front of the Metra Station to meet current standards. The proposal was for $11,400.00. It was noted, Public Works put $25,000.00 in the current Metra budget to complete any necessary parking lot maintenance. To date, no money has been spent for lot maintenance.

Commissioner Milovich-Walters moved, seconded by Commissioner Reed, to approve the proposal from Dorgan Concrete in the amount of $11,400.00 to replace damaged sidewalk in twelve locations and bring the ADA ramps in front of the Metra Station into compliance.

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -4- Commissioners Milovich-Walters, Reed, Pavlatos, and Mayor Mahoney 

NAYS: -0-

ABSENT:-1- Commissioner Polk

NEW LIFT STATION EQUIPMENT: Four of the eleven lift stations in the Village have been converted to cellular service. Public Works would like to convert the last seven lift stations from the existing phones to cellular equipment and service as they have had problems with the land lines the last few years. Flow Technics has submitted a proposal in the amount of $19,777.00 to replace the phone portion of the alarm systems with cellular equipment and includes one (1) full year of cell service for each lift station. $50,000.00 was budgeted for SCADA equipment and to date, $1,667.00 has been spent.

Commissioner Milovich-Walters moved, seconded by Commissioner Reed, to approve the proposal from Flow Technics in the amount of $19,777.00 to replace phone lines in seven (7) sewer lift stations with cellular equipment and service.

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -4- Commissioners Milovich-Walters, Reed, Pavlatos, and Mayor Mahoney 

NAYS: -0-

ABSENT: -1- Commissioner Polk

COMMISSIONER OF BUILDING & PUBLIC PROPERTY, G. DARRYL REED: PERMITS: Residents were reminded that all work being done in the Village requires a permit. The permit shall be visible on site at all times. The permit is good for one (1) year from date of issue. A property owner is allowed to pull a permit and act as a general contractor for work performed on their home provided that all work follows Village codes, ordinances, and regulations including the registering of any subcontractors used on the job. All inspections require a 24-hour notice before inspections are needed. All construction fences and silt fences must be maintained and in place at all times during construction.

BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT: Commissioner Reed reported the Building Department issued five (5) permits from February 19, 2020 – March 4, 2020 resulting in $2,360.00 in perinit fees. Eleven (11) inspections were completed during this time period. No occupancy permits were issued.

FURTHER EXTENSION FOR COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 1274.05(G)(4): On December 11, 2017, the Village Council approved Ordinance 2017-33 Authorizing a Commercial Planned Development in the B-2 General Retail and Wholesale Business District, Granting Commercial Development Construction and Landscaping Criteria Approval and Granting Certain Landscaping Variations. A twelve (12) month extension for compliance with the provisions of Section 1274.05(g) (4), was approved at the March 11, 2019 Council meeting. Construction was to commence on or before March 11, 2020 and construction was to be completed on or before June 11, 2021. The owner of the subject property has filed a request for an additional twelve (12) month extension in which construction shall commence on or before March 11, 2021 and construction shall be completed on or before June 11, 2022. The owner of the property located at 9520 West 131st Street in Palos Park intends to build a 6,459 square foot retail/office building,

Commissioner Reed moved, seconded by Commissioner Milovich-Walters, to adopt an Ordinance providing for the further extension of the time period for compliance with Section 1274.05(g)(4) of the Palos Park Village Code by an additional twelve (12) months, with respect to the Commercial Planned Development approved pursuant to Ordinance No. 2017-33, adopted December 11, 2017, entitled "An Ordinance approving a Commercial Planned Development in the B-2 General Retail and Wholesale Business District, granting Commercial Development Construction and Landscaping Criteria Approval and Granting Certain Landscaping variations in relation thereto.

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -4- Commissioners Reed, Milovich-Walters, Pavlatos, and Mayor Mahoney 


ABSENT:-1- Commissioner Polk

COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY, DANIEL POLK: POLICE ACTIVITY REPORT: In Commissioner Polk's absence, Mayor Mahoney reported the Police received 2,192 calls for service from February 24, 2020 through March 8, 2020. Palos Park Police also issued 34 adjudication tickets, 13 traffic tickets, 38 written warnings, 28 verbal warnings, completed 12 case reports, arrested 2 adults, 0 juveniles, 0 impounds, 13 senior checks, 19 citizen assists and 32 community contact hours.

20 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR THE SHARING OF POLICE SERVICES, EQUIPMENT AND RESOURCES: An Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) currently exists between Orland Park, Orland Hills, Tinley Park, Midlothian, and Oak Forest recognizing that in certain situations it may be desirable and necessary to associate, cooperate, and share certain police s and resources in order to adequately respond to emergency and non-emergency situations within their respective corporate limits in order to preserve the health, safety, and welfare of their respective residents. The First Amendment to the IGA states Palos Park's desire to join the joint task force to perform enhanced enforcement within the community in response to a recent increase in car related thefts.

Commissioner Milovich-Walters moved, seconded by Commissioner Reed, to pass a resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village of Orland Park, the Village of Tinley Park, the Village of Midlothian, the Village of Orland Hills, and the City of Oak Forest for the sharing of police services, personnel, equipment and resources and the First Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement adding Palos Park as a member municipality,

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -4- Commissioners Milovich-Walters, Reed, Pavlatos, and Mayor Mahoney 

NAYS: -0- 

ABSENT:-1- Commissioner Polk

COMMISSIONER OF ACCOUNTS AND FINANCES, JAMES PAVLATOS: Commissioner Pavlatos had no formal report this evening,

MAYOR'S REPORT: ESTABLISHING A LOCAL MOTOR FUEL TAX: Mayor Mahoney reported it is necessary, advisable and in the best interests of the Village and its residents to amend the Palos Park Village Code to impose a motor fuel tax. A tax would be levied and imposed upon all persons engaged in the Village in the business of selling motor fuel at retail for the operation of motor vehicles upon public highways or for the operation of recreational watercraft upon waterways at a rate of $0.03 per gallon of motor fuel sold at retail in the Village for the purpose of use or consumption and not for the purpose of resale. The motor fuel tax will be collected and enforced by the Illinois Department of Revenue. The Mayor stated a certified copy of the ordinance, if adopted, would have to filed with the Illinois Department of Revenue on or before April 1, 2020 and would go into effect July 1, 2020. Mayor Mahoney entertained a motion to adopt an Ordinance amending Part Eight, Title Four of the Palos Park Village Code in regard to establishing a Local Motor Fuel Tax.

Commissioner Milovich-Walters moved, seconded by Commissioner Reed, to adopt an Ordinance amending Part Eight, Title Four of the Palos Park Village Code in regard to establishing a Local Motor Fuel Tax.

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -4- Commissioners Milovich-Walters, Reed, Pavlatos, and Mayor Mahoney 

NAYS: -0- 

ABSENT: -1- Commissioner Polk

CLERK'S REPORT: Clerk Arrigoni had no formal report this evening.

MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Boehm had no formal report this evening.


ADJOURNMENT OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: There being no further business, Commissioner Reed moved, seconded by Commissioner Milovich-Walters, to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m.

Upon voice vote, the motion passed with 4 yes votes.

AYES: -4- Commissioners Reed, Milovich-Walters, Pavlatos, and Mayor Mahoney 

NAYS: -0- 

ABSENT: -1- Commissioner Polk
