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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Naperville Community Unit School District 203 Board of Education met May 4

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Naperville Community Unit School District 203 Board of Education met May 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order

President Kristin Fitzgerald called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. Board members present: Kristin Fitzgerald, Kristine Gericke, Donna Wandke, Janet Yang Rohr, Charles Cush, Paul Leong and Joe Kozminski.

Administrators present were:

Dan Bridges, Superintendent

Bob Ross, Chief Human Resources Officer Michael Frances, Chief Financial Officer/CSBO

Charles Cush moved, seconded by Kristine Gericke to go into Closed Session at 6:31 pm for consideration of:

1. Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District.

2. Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (2) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives.

Meeting Opening

Janet Yang Rohr made a motion, seconded by Donna Wandke to return to Open Session at 7:01 p.m. A voice vote was taken. Those voting yes: all No: None. The motion carried

Welcome and Mission

Kristin Fitzgerald welcomed all and read Naperville Community Unit School District 203’s Mission Statement.

Roll Call

Board members present: Kristin Fitzgerald, Donna Wandke, Paul Leong, Joe Kozminski, Kristine Gericke Janet Yang Rohr and Charles Cush.

Student Ambassadors present:

Anna Snyder, NNHS

Administrators present: Dan Bridges, Superintendent, Roger Brunelle, Chief Information Officer, Michael Frances, Chief Financial Officer/CSBO, Chuck Freundt, Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Education, Christine Igoe, Assistant Superintendent for Student Services, Rakeda Leaks, Executive Director of Inclusion and Diversity, Sinikka Mondini, Executive Director for Communications, Patrick Nolten, Assistant Superintendent for Assessment and Accountability, Bob Ross, Chief Human Resources Officer, Nancy Voise, Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education, and Jayne Willard, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction.

Pledge of Allegiance

Led by the Board of Education

Good News

Superintendent Bridges noted that May 4-8 is teacher appreciation week. This year more than any, we all have a greater appreciation for our teachers. We celebrate all staff who are educators as well as all who are playing the role of teacher. Today and this week we celebrate you.

Thank you.

Public Comment: None

Action by Consent:

1. Adoption of Personnel Report

Effective Date





David Johnson




Alexandra Kelly

end of 19-20 school year


2nd Grade

Jean Long

end of 19-20 school year

Student Services

Hearing Itinerant

Sabah Memon



Language Arts/Science


Shraya Bhatia



1st Grade

Samantha Cherry



4th Grade

Lucas Croci



Social Science

Nathanael Dille




Emma Donahue



1st Grade

Kristin Lee


Highlands/N aper

Learning BehaviorSpecialist

Tyler Maveus



Physical Education

Cody Shears


Steeple Run

Learning BehaviorSpecialist



Dana Loughlin



Physical Education

Karen Stokes



Reading Specialist


Jacob Kolbe



Physical Education



Caila Klimczak



Physical Education(70%)

Leslie Gallin



Foreign LanguageSpanish (60%)

Claire Kennedy



Social Science (80%)



Annie Rauen

.40 2020-21


Communication Arts

Suzanna Robbins

8/17/20 - 12/20/20


El Coordinator


Terese L. Stueland



Special EducationAssistant

2. Bills and Claims from Warrant #1024789 thru Warrant #1024954 totaling $8,629,222.94 for the period of April 21, 2020 to May 4, 2020.

3. Junior High Chromebook Refresh

4. Title IX Training Agreement

Kristin Fitzgerald made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda items Personnel, Bills and Claims and Junior High Chromebook Refresh, seconded by Charles Cush. Those voting yes: Kozminski, Leong, Wandke, Gericke, Yang Rohr, Fitzgerald and Cush. No: None.

A Board member wanted to understand what the specified items are that kept the Title IX agreement from following the bid process. Superintendent Bridges noted that the Illinois School Code exempts some services from the bid process. Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education Nancy Voise and Executive Director of Diversity and Inclusion Rakeda Leaks worked with our legal counsel to identify potential providers. Mrs. Voise noted that this company is a leader in Title IX training and is able to provide virtual training. Chief Financial Officer/CSBO Michael Frances stated that this type of professional service is not subject to bid. Board member thought that some of the costs were high but if this is a common rate and you have done your diligence, it can be supported.

Donna Wandke made a motion to approve the Title IX Training Agreement, seconded by Joe Kozminski. Those voting yes: Leong, Kozminski, Fitzgerald, Cush, Gericke, Yang Rohr and Wandke. No: None.

Student Ambassador Reports

Anna Snyder-NNHS

 Virtual Show Choir Competition WWS May 2nd

 Virtual Senior Celebration May 30th

 Student Government Exec Elections May 15th

 On Friday, 65 parents volunteered their time to deliver Senior Signs to all the NNHS Seniors  Many NNHS spring sports and activities have been honoring their Seniors via Twitter

 The Students of Naperville North put together a video last week to show their teachers this week for Teacher Appreciation Week

 Throughout the month of April, Student Government has been hosting weekly challenges. The four challenges they had done are a Family Tik Tok, Room Transformation, Artwork, and a School Spirit Video. At the end of the week, 5-6 students will be chosen as winners and receive gift cards as their prize via mail.

Superintendent/Staff/School Report

Superintendent Bridges noted that tonight would have been our first budget workshop although the process has changed due to the suspension of in person meetings. Chief Financial Officer Michael Frances will give us an update and show how COVID 19 could affect the budget process.

Budget and Financial Forecast

CFO/CSBO Michael Frances walked thru the budget timeline. We will look initially at the budget on June 1 with adoption on July 13.

Mr. Frances noted some potential financial implication of COVID-19. While there will be some impacts in fiscal year 20, the greater impact will be felt in fiscal year 21.

The district will keep a close eye on the CPI to see the impact it has on future revenue. The district will see a decline in corporate personal property replacement tax revenue.

Interests on investments will be reduced. Our long-term investments will carry us through.

We will likely see a decrease in state funding but should see an offset with Federal funding. The detailed report can be found in BoardDocs.

Board of Education Questions/Comments:

Thank you for this report. Can you remind of what the drop in CPI will be if we go down to 1% or.5%?

Mr. Frances stated that for every 1% change it is about $2,500,000.00 to our tax base. If CPI goes to zero, we would have a drop of about $5,000,000.00

Thank you for this report. It is very positive that we have delayed our budget process.

President’s Report

IASB is beginning the resolution process. If the Board would like to submit any resolutions, they will be due June 24, 2020

Board of Education Reports

Board member commended Rakeda Leaks for her leadership of the Diversity and Inclusion committee. The end of the year meeting was nicely laid out with what has been done this year and what we will be working on next year.

Community and Staff participation in Diversity Advisory participation has been fantastic and collaborative.

No doubt, the staff has worked hard. Students need to receive a round of applause as well. Students have remained positive there have been many heartwarming statements; they want to be back, miss teacher and friends.

Discussion without Action

Establish Hourly Rates of Pay

Superintendent Bridges noted that these rates of pay are reviewed annually. Administration will ask for action next meeting.

Chief Human Resources Officer Bob Ross mentioned that last year we asked the Board of Education for a change in the way we pay substitutes. The change worked well for most groups. In many Student Services area, it did not work as well. We would like to return to the previous way that we procured substitutes for specialized areas. We had to contract these services and that likely caused us to spend additional money. We want to place them on the salary schedule instead of contracting these services out.

The other changes are much smaller. Crossing guards and others that have to do with minimum wage requirements. Administration believes we will save money by making above changes.


Thank you for the explanation and detail and the financial impact, it was helpful.

Policy Review: First Reading Policy 4:15, Identity Protection

Superintendent Bridges noted that Policies 4:15 and 4:80 updates are the result in changes in law that we have to stay current with and in relation to PRESS.

CFO/CSBO Frances stated that after our Audit in fall of 2019 we found a need to bring them up to date. These changes match the changes in PRESS.

Board Questions/Comments:


Thank you for your quick work to bring our policies up to date. If there are questions, please send them to Superintendent Bridges prior to the next meeting.

Policy Review: First Reading Policy 4:80, Accounting and Audits Superintendent Bridges gave similar comments to 4:15.

Board of Education Questions/Comments:


Thank you for the great information as to the changes and rational. If there are questions, please submit them and we take action in two weeks.

Policy Review: First Reading Policy 7:180, Preventing Bullying, Intimidation and Harassment

Superintendent Bridges remarked that the district is required to review this policy, annually. Assistant Superintendent Mrs. Voise worked with staff to review this policy. Administration will look for action on May 19, 2020.

Mrs. Voise reported that the committee made up of staff, students, parents and Board of Education members met on March 9 with Kristin Fitzgerald in attendance. Committee did not make any additional changes other than what legal and PRESS made.

The committee did make suggestions about how we use Tip203. To explain better this policy to students, the committee suggested putting up posters. Students and parents were unaware that we have complaint managers. Committee believes the policy meets the district’s needs.

Board Questions/Comments:

Thank you for gathering the committee. There were great conversations from all members of the committee. There was concern about the use of racial or ethnic slurs as a form of bullying. Could there be language included in the policy to address these?

Superintendent Bridges asked Mrs. Voise to speak to legal counsel about any additional language regarding slurs with regard to this policy and policies 7:190 and 7:240.

Assistant Superintendent Voise noted that the students really provided some helpful information as to how this policy is presented to students.

Policy Review: First Reading Policy 7:190, Student Behavior

Superintendent Bridges stated that we have always reviewed this policy long before Illinois School Code required it. We will be looking for Board approval on May 19, 2020.

Assistant Superintendent Voise noted that legal counsel went thru all the changes. Students and parents made some great suggestions to some language changes. Students also gave some great suggestions as to how we communicate this policy.

Board Questions/Comments:


If there are any questions, please send to Superintendent Bridges.

Policy Review: First Reading Policy 7:240, 7:240R, High School Co-Curricular Participation Code

Superintendent Bridges noted that we are not required to annually review but we do annually review with a parent/student/staff committee meeting. Led by the AD’s at both HS.

Assistant Superintendent Voise stated that students were concerned that this policy was not consistently applied with every student.

Social media was discussed, as students are not always understanding of the impact of what they do on social media. All changes were approved by the committee and felt the changes work well for the district.

Board Questions/Comments:

Board member thought there was honest discussion with students.

New language proposed by the activities directors to have discipline for student leaders. We don’t have the same language for athletics. Should this language be listed for both activities and sports?

Mrs. Voise noted that in sports it discusses contests and seasons, which is not how activities are run. The coaches are consistent in the practice even though it is not specifically stated.

A Board member stated that not all teams have leadership. Because of that inconsistency in leadership, that is hard to capture so it seems a bit different from activities.

It is okay to not start it in both areas as long as it is applied uniformly. Students felt that there was quite a bit of difference.

Superintendent Bridges remarked that we could work with AD’s and student activity leaders. This is our practice.

Discussion with Action

2020-2021 Board Meeting Calendar

Superintendent Bridges reminded the Board that the calendar was reviewed at the last meeting. Mr. Bridges noted that the July meeting is set for morning. If we are having in person meetings, we may need to change back to an evening meeting.

For the budget process, we will look to see if we need to add a meeting in either June or July. Recommend approval as presented.

The Board clarified that if there is a change, it will not take Board Action just notification. Superintendent Bridges confirmed that we would follow the Open Meetings Act for notification of a time change.

Charles Cush made a motion to approve the Board of Education meeting calendar as presented, seconded by Paul Leong. Those voting yes: Yang Rohr, Cush, Fitzgerald, Wandke, Kozminski, Leong and Gericke. No: None.

Summer School

Superintendent Bridges reminded the Board that earlier this year the Board of Education approved the plan for Summer of Learning. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, we reviewed the plan and are giving an overview of the adjustments.

Assistant Superintendent for Student Services Dr. Christine Igoe noted that Board Docs has a document that lists the adjustments needed by level as well as original budget and revised budget. There is a list of courses that we recommend that we run as well as those that we recommend that we cancel.

In High School, we are anticipating additional tuition as there has been an increase of registrations in Summer of Learning online classes.

Board Questions/Comments:

Were course cancellations driven by real enrollment?

No. They were made so that we can offer all students opportunities to achieve standards. For high school, we looked at what were the most important classes for graduation.

Disappointed in cancellation in enrichment classes. What is the reasoning?

Superintendent Bridges stated we are not in a position to provide the same type of instruction as we can with in person learning.

Dr. Igoe also expressed disappointment that we cannot offer the enrichment courses. We will have a website with resources that families can use. Students will be able to access all the same applications they have used all year.

We look at Summer of Learning to prevent learning loss. Are we looking ahead as to how we will address any additional levels of learning loss?

Dr. Igoe explained that we are looking at where students are at the end of the year and what we will need to do to address those areas. We will be training teachers as to how to meet those needs. We might also see an increase in enrollment.

Heard from community members why we are not running online blended learning classes.

Dr. Igoe noted the actual things involved in providing an online format require a lot of restructuring curriculum. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Jayne Willard noted that it requires a lot of teacher input and would pull them away from the current remote learning.

Just want the community to know how these decisions are made

Do we anticipate students being waitlisted? Will there be enough instructors?

Dr. Igoe responded that we do have teachers who want to teach. We will do all we can to meet the needs. These issues are true of regular Summer of Learning.

Mrs. Willard stated that we have been adding teachers to our online cohort every year. We are hoping that this allows us to offer as many courses as we can. We had already been working to have a robust group of teachers ready to go for online teaching this summer.

Public comments questions will be answered, right?

Yes and the answers will be posted.

Thank the team for all that has been done to turn on a dime to be able to provide all this for students.

Thrilled with what we are able to provide the number of courses that we can.

With classes being canceled, it will change the plans of some students. Offered that they can shift into a different class.

Superintendent Bridges noted that the community should discuss these adjustments with counselors to make the best adjustments.

Donna Wandke made a motion to approve the revision of Summer School as presented, seconded by Paul Leong. Those voting yes: Gericke, Fitzgerald, Kozminski, Cush, Yang Rohr, Wandke and Leong. No: None.

Old Business

New Business

Upcoming Events

Superintendent Bridges noted that High School Commencement on May 18, 2020 has been adjusted to a virtual ceremony. Will still hold July 19 date as a potential in person date or alternate virtual date. Next Board of Education meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 19, 2020.


Kristine Gericke moved seconded by Paul Leong to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. A voice vote was taken and the motion carried unanimously.
