Illinois State Senate District 15 issued the following announcement on June 3.
In response to the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor, State Senator Napoleon Harris, III (D-Harvey) released the following statement:
“May 25, 2020 will forever be a day engrained in the hearts and minds of millions of Americans. From Central Park to Minneapolis, multimedia and social networks confirmed to the world the fears and omnipresent terror that have been steadfast companions to Black America’s 150-year journey through ‘Freedom in America.’
“My grandfather, Bishop Napoleon Bill Harris Sr. served this country in the United States Air Force and was told he was expendable. However, while home from duty he was subjected to racial discrimination. He took action. He decided to take a stand and join the fight for civil and human rights. He was a part of the civil rights movement and was destined to create better conditions for his children, grandchildren, and future generations. I’ve learned from my grandfather that when injustice happens, action is required. As a young black man, father, husband, son, and legislator, I feel the pain and hurt of this generation and the African American community.
“The young people of America have mobilized in unified outrage and it is time we acknowledged their cries. It is time we acknowledged the humanity and grievances of African-Americans throughout this country. We must not dishonor the tragic murder of George Floyd with empty rhetoric, inaction and mendacious critique of the outraged. Whether it be Jim Crow, disenfranchisement, disinvestment, miseducation, red-lining, mass-incarceration or the infamous ‘War on Drugs,’ institutional racism has systematically infected every aspect of our society.
“In order to cure this infection, leaders must provide real hope and opportunity to the marginalized. As citizens we must vote. And even more, we must hold our leaders and elected officials accountable. It is time we accept nothing short of tangible change. Policy or legislation will not root out the evil of racism. But it is a start and a charge I intend to lead. I sincerely look forward to working with you as we craft our plan. Prayers to the family of George Floyd and all the victims and families that have been affected by racial discrimination. We are with you both in thought and prayer and you will not be forgotten.”
Original source can be found here.