
South Cook News

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Village of Palos Park Board of Commissioners met May 11

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Village of Palos Park Board of Commissioners met May 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Due to the Emergency Declaration by the CDC and Illinois Governor, the Village Council meeting was held by teleconference. Physical attendance at this public meeting was limited to 5 individuals with Village officials, staff and consultants having priority over members of the public and each participating via teleconference in separate offices.

Above Meeting Restrictions per the Open Meetings Act, the CDC directive (no more than 10 persons in attendance at group meetings) and Illinois Governor Executive Order 2020-07 dated March 16, 2020 and "Stay-At-Home” Executive Order 2020-10 dated March 20, 2020, as extended by the executive Order issued April 1, 2020.

The Board of Commissioners of the Village of Palos Park, Cook County, Illinois held its regular meeting on Monday, May 11, 2020. Mayor Mahoney called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m. Answering to roll Clerk Arrigoni, Commissioners Milovich-Walters, Reed, Polk, and Pavlatos

Also in attendance were Rick Boehm, Village Manager; Tom Bayer, Village Attorney; Lauren Pruss, Community Development Director via teleconference; Barbara Maziarek, Finance Director via teleconference; Joe Miller, Police Chief; Kathi May, Community Development Coordinator; Lisa Boyle, Community Development Coordinator; and Cathy Gabel, Deputy Clerk.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON April 27, 2020: Commissioner Milovich-Walters moved, seconded by Commissioner Reed, to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on April 27, 2020 as presented.

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -5- Commissioners Milovich-Walters, Reed, Polk, Pavlatos, and Mayor Mahoney 

NAYS: -0 





All items on the consent agenda are routine or have been brought forward at the direction of the Board of Commissioners and will be enacted with one motion. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately.

Commissioner Milovich-Walters moved, seconded by Commissioner Reed to:

A. adopt an Ordinance declaring certain personal property owned by the Village as surplus and authorizing the sale of same – the Ordinance states the Village has a 2000 Ford Explorer which is no longer necessary or useful and the best interest of the Village would be served by the sale of same at next available auction at Richie Brothers in Morris, IL for the best price offered

B. approve the payment of invoices on the Warrant List dated May 11, 2020 in the amount of $118,224.00

C. approve the Supplemental Warrant List dated May 11, 2020 for manual checks, payroll, and recurring wire transfers in the amount of $372,497.41

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -5- Commissioners Milovich-Walters, Reed, Polk, Pavlatos, and Mayor Mahoney 






COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS AND STREETS/RECREATION & PARKS, NICOLE MILOVICH-WALTERS: Commissioner Milovich-Walters had no formal report this evening.

COMMISSIONER OF BUILDING & PUBLIC PROPERTY, G. DARRYL REED: VILLAGE INSPECTIONS: Residents were reminded that inspections help protect their family by ensuring all work is done safely and per Code.

BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT: Commissioner Reed reported the Building Department issued seven (7) permits from April 28 - May 6, 2020 resulting in $2192.50 in permit fees. Twenty-four (24) inspections were completed during this time period. No occupancy permits were issued.

COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY, DANIEL POLK: POLICE ACTIVITY REPORT: Commissioner Polk reported the Police Department received 2,158 calls for service from April 27, 2020 through May 10, 2020. Palos Park Police also issued 7 adjudication tickets, 5 traffic tickets, 29 written warnings, 15 verbal warnings, completed 14 case reports, arrested 1 adults, 0 juveniles, 1 impounds, 14 senior checks, 25 citizen assists and 52 community contact hours.

Commissioner Polk reminded drivers to slow down and obey the speed limit. Fewer cars on the roads do not give license to drive faster than the speed limit.

As part of National Police Week in May, some patrol offers will be wearing PPPD uniforms from the 1980s and early 1990s. We only wear them in this special week as it is in honor of officers that came before us at PPPD as well as recognition and tribute to fallen offers everywhere.

COMMISSIONER OF ACCOUNTS AND FINANCES, JAMES PAVLATOS: Commissioner Pavlatos had no formal report this evening.

MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Mahoney had no formal report this evening.

CLERK'S REPORT: Clerk Arrigoni had no formal report this evening.

MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Boehm had no formal report this evening.


ADJOURNMENT OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: There being no further business, Commissioner Milovich-Walters moved, seconded by Commissioner Reed, to adjourn the meeting at 7:48 p.m.

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -5- Commissioners Milovich-Walters, Reed, Polk, Pavlatos, and Mayor Mahoney

NAYS: -0

