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Thursday, January 30, 2025

City of Burbank City Council met June 17

Webp meeting 11

City of Burbank City Council met June 17.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:


The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Mayor Dan M. Foy in the Council Chambers at 6530 West 79ft Street Burbank IL.


Mayor Foy requested a roll call which indicated the following members present: Alderwoman Barb Gagle, Alderman Robert Contreras, Alderwoman Sheri Gustafson, Alderman Claude Haerr, Alderman John Pacella Alderman Mitchell Piznarski, Alderman Jason Pyle, Mayor Dan M. Foy, Clerk Barry J. Szymezak and City Attorney Vince Cainkar. Due to the pandemic regulation of 1o people or less at a public gathering, excused absences were granted to Treasurer Viverito, police Chief Rick Shore, Fire Chief Dave Gilgenberg II, Public Works Director Jim Burris, Building and Zoning Commissioner Dave Ricchiuto and City Engineer Tim Geary.


Mayor Foy then asked all to rise for the Pledge of Allegiance.


Mayor Foy asked for a motion to approve the minutes of May 27, 2020. The motion was made by Alderman Contreras and seconded by Alderman Pacella with unanimous approval by voice vote and so declared by the Chair.


Mayor Foy then asked for a motion to approve the current list of bills. The motion was made by Alderman Contreras and seconded by Alderwoman Gagle. A roll call indicated 7 Ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle. Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Haerr, Alderman Pacella. Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle.


Alderman Robert Contreras made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Gustafson to adopt Ordinance # 12-6-20 Rosetia Place, LLC. 7958 State Road and 7940 S. Luna Burbank, Il. requesting a special use to convert the existing residential property into parking for a hotel. A roll call indicated 7 Ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gutafson, Alderman Haerr, Alderman Pacella, Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle.

Alderman Contreras then made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Gagle to adopt Ordinance # l3-6-20 Berman-LaPetina Enterprises, L.LC. 8320 South Cicero Burbank, Il. requesting a special use to convert the existing building into a climate controlled self-storage facility. A roll call indicated 7 Ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson. Alderman Haerr, Alderman Pacella, Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle.

Alderman Contreras then made a motion seconded by Alderman Haerr to adopt Ordinance # 14-6- 20 Ruben Trejo 7830 South Lanobe Burbank, IL. requesting a variation for 6' privacy fence on front yard side set back- A roll call indicated 7 ayes and 0 Nays. voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gusafson, Alderman Had Alderman Pacella, Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle.


Alderman Mitch Piznarski made a motion seconded by Alderman Contreras to approve Resolution #6-1-20 appropriating MFT funds in the amount of $412,320.00 in reference to 2021 MFT Maintenance Program. A roll call indicated 7 Ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Haerr, Alderman Pacella, Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle.


Alderman Jason Pyle made a motion seconded by Alderman Pyle to adopt Ordinance # 15-6-20 providing for the issue of not to exceed $5,000,000.00 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2020, of the City of Burbank, Cook County, Illinois and for the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said bonds. A roll call indicated 7 Ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gale, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Haerr, Alderman Pacella, Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pvle.


Alderman Robert Contreras made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Gagle to ask the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance for Petition #20-05-I Pedro Zavala 8604 S. Newland, Burbank, IL. 60459 requesting a variation for a 6' privacy fence on front yard side set back and to waive any starting date restrictions due to the Council summer schedule. A roll call indicated 7 Ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Haerr, Alderman Pacella, Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle.

Alderman Contreras then made a motion seconded by Alderman Pyle to ask the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance for Petition#20-05-2 Joseph Szwab 7756 S. Rutherford, Burbank, Il. 60459 requesting a variation for a 6' privacy fence on front yard side set back and to waive any starting date restrictions due to Council summer schedule. A roll call indicated 7 Ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Haerr, Alderman Pacell4 Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle.

Alderman Contreras then made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Gustafson to ask the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance for Petition #20-05-3 Vanessa Nava 7800 S. Mobile Burbank, IL. 60459 requesting a variation for a 6' privacy fence on front yard side set back and to waive any starting date restrictions due to Council summer schedule. A roll call indicated 7 Ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle. Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Haerr, Alderman Pacella, Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle.

Alderman Contreras then made a motion seconded by Alderman Haerr to ask the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance for Petition #20-05-4 Tammy Rocharz and Robert Rocharz 7800 S.

Leamington, Burbank, lL. 60459 requesting a variation for a 6' privacy fence on front yard side set back and to waive any starting date restrictions due to the Council summer schedule. A roll call indicated 7 Ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Haerr, Alderman Pacell4 Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle.


Alderman Piznarski made a motion seconded by Alderman Pacella for permission to advertise for bids for the 2021MFT Maintenance Material Bulk Rock Salt Program. A roll call indicated 7 Ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson. Alderman Haerr, Alderman Pacellq Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle.


There being no further business, the Chair asked for a motion to adjourn. The motion was made by Alderman Contreras and seconded by Alderman Pyle with unanimous voice approval and so declared by the Chair.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 P.M.
