
South Cook News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Brookwood School District 167 Board of Education met May 11

Webp meeting 11

Brookwood School District 167 Board of Education met May 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


President Doreen Davis called the Board of Education Committee Meeting of Brookwood School District 167 to order at 7:01 pm

Roll call was answered by: Vice President Sandra Washington, Secretary Mary Taylor, Member John Dixon, Member Tiffany Graham, Member Toleda Hart, Member Roslon Seals and President Doreen Davis.

Absent: NONE



II. CITIZEN’S COMMENTS: (Limited to Agenda Items) NONE


Superintendent Bethany Lindsay:

Good Evening. Thanks to the Board of Education for allowing me to serve, this is something new that we are experiencing and I appreciate all of your support. A huge thank you to our Cafeteria Food Service Team who have provided the Grab and Go service to feed our students during these past 8 weeks, so far they have served 7,561 breakfast and lunches and 15,122 meals overall.

Thank you to our Teachers and Staff – Last week was Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week, Honor our Lunch Heroes Day and Health Service Team Appreciation. We greatly appreciate all of the commitment and dedication of all of our staff. We did purchase gift cards and a t-shirt for all staff.

Currently, we are in phase 2 of the Governor’s Restore Illinois Plan and we need to be in phase 4 to return back to in-person instruction. I know that I will do whatever it takes to create a plan for our students to return back to school.

Tonight, I am seeking the Board’s approval to offer a Remote Learning Summer School Program as this is the only format ISBE will approve at this time. This will ensure that we are providing continuity of instruction to the extent possible (even though we know nothing can replace or compare to in-person instruction).

I do want to say that although this is not how any one of us would want to end the school year, we remain fully committed in serving the needs of our students and families. We will get through this together. As I receive information from the Illinois State Board of Education, I will continue to share it in the weekly updates.

And finally, I do have a message for our 8th Grade Graduates:

Dear 8th Grade Class of 2020:

This virus may have stolen your 8th grade year and graduation, but it cannot and will not steal your future. While you will always remember this time, you'll also be the generation that doesn't take anything for granted. You know what it's like to have something taken away from you in a moment and as a result you will appreciate what you have when you have it. You'll value your relationships, make the most of your opportunities and create a great future. I know it's easy to be bitter about what happened but choose to get better. Don't look backwards. Look forward. Stay positive. Work hard. Believe the best is yet to come. What you believe will determine what you create. Please stay optimistic and faithful on your journey. Remember, you are here for a reason and the most important thing you can do in life is to find, live and share your purpose. We look forward to your future success.


Review of IASB Press Policies from Issue 103: 4:50, 7:130, 7:325, 8:80, 2:125, 2:125-E1, 2:125-E2, 5:60, 5:60-E1, 5:60-E2


Happy Birthday Vice President Sandra Washington! Extending my heartfelt condolences to President Davis & her family during their time of bereavement.

Thank you Member Dixon for the Mother’s Day well wishes. A heartfelt wishes to all the mother’s.

Thanks Superintendent/BOE for the Rocking Remote/we’re in this together---I so agree and will wear my t-shirt with pride.

A special thanks to Superintendent Lindsay for her unwavering commitment, strength, and leadership demonstrated as she has had to lead under the most unprecedented challenging times and have done it with pose and grace. Kudos!

A huge thanks to the administrators, principals, teachers and all support staff for standing with us (BSD 167) during this public health crisis by showing up every day to let the students and families know that we are in this together and that they care.

Thanks to President Davis/ Superintendent Lindsay for keeping the BOE informed and for the continuous communication to the school community, students/parents that focus on the students learning and academic growth beyond the school walls.


A. Acceptance of the bid package submitted by Kickert School Bus Line Inc. opened on April 15, 2020, for the transportation of the District’s students for the 2020-2021, 2021- 2022, and 2022-2023 school years

Approved: 5-1

Abstain: 1


B. Approval to provide a Remote Learning Summer School Program in lieu of an in-person instructional model

Approved: 7-0


C. Approval of FY21 School Calendar

Approved: 7-0


D. Approval of Board of Education Meeting Calendar for the 2020-2021 School Year

Approved: 7-0


E. Approval of Pam Marcus to Rescind her Resignation

Approved: 7-0


F. Approval of the Bridges Beyond Brookwood Program offering summer employment opportunities for our former Brookwood students currently in high school (Not to exceed $12,000)

Approved: 7-0


G. Approval of April Accounts Payable Pre-List in the Amount of $806,518.79; Imprest Account in the amount of $0.00, and Total Payroll in the Amount of $689,826.56 for a Grand Total Amount of $1,496,345.35

Approved: 7-0


H. Approval of May Accounts Payable Pre-List in the Amount of $69,038.55, Imprest Account in the amount of $0.00, and Total Payroll in the Amount of $653,110.26 for a Grand Total Amount of $722,148.81

Approved: 7-0


I. Approval of March 9, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Minutes

Approved: 7-0


VII. CITIZEN’S COMMENTS (Limited to 5 minutes) NONE

Motion to adjourn the meeting.

Adjournment at 7:21 p.m. ALL AYE
