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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Kirby School District 140 Board of Education met June 18

Webp meeting 02

Kirby School District 140 Board of Education met June 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Opening of Meeting.

Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. At 7:00 P.M., President Martelli called to order the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education, Kirby School District 140, Cook County which was held with Board Members present while the public viewed and heard the live Board Meeting virtually using Zoom Video Conferencing; and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call. Board Members present: Mrs. Deborah Kowalski, Dr. Jacqueline Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Lisa Strand, Mr. John Lutz, Mrs. Carol DeMicheal, Mr. Chuck Augustyniak and Mr. Thomas Martelli; Board Members absent: None. Others present: Dr. Shawn Olson, Superintendent, Mr. Michael Andreshak, Director of Business Services, Mr. Thomas Melody, Attorney and Mrs. Karen Jamraz, Recording Secretary.

Correspondence. Incoming: Thank you acknowledgements from Mariann Stanton, Carol Large and Veena Rao; Transportation Query from a parent; Email from a parent regarding fees; Thank you email from a parent. Outgoing: None.

Approval of Minutes Summary of Previous Meeting - Regular Meeting of May 21, 2020. It was moved by Mr. Augustyniak and seconded by Dr. Kelly-McHale to approve the Minutes Summary of Previous Meeting - Regular Meeting of May 21, 2020, as presented. The roll call vote was: Ayes: Dr. Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Kowalski, Mr. Lutz, Mrs. Strand, Mrs. DeMicheal, Mr. Augustyniak and Mr. Martelli; Nays: None; Abstains: None.The motion carried; whereupon President Martelli, as attested by Secretary DeMicheal affixed their signatures to said minutes summary.

Public Comment.

Recognition of Public. No one asked to be recognized.

Financial Reports.

Monthly Expenditures Consent Agenda. It was moved by Dr. Kelly-McHale and seconded by Mrs. Strand to approved expenditures including payroll, accounts payable, procurement card in the aggregate amount of $4,224,520.00. The roll call vote was: Ayes: Mrs. Kowalski, Mr. Lutz, Mrs. Strand, Mrs. DeMicheal, Mr. Augustyniak, Dr. Kelly-McHale and Mr. Martelli; Nays: None; Abstains: None. The President declared the motion carried whereupon President Martelli, as attested by Seecretary DeMicheal affixed their signatures to said expenditure report.

Statement of Revenues and Expenditures. Mr. Andreshak presented the report.

Administrative Reports.


Covid 19 Update. Dr. Olson reported that as the state is moving to Phase 4 of opening everything up, we are still awaiting what the "return to school" plan will look like. We will either continue with remote learning, conduct a hybrid plan or full return to in person learning. He asked if the Board can hold a Committee of the Whole meeting to discuss the options.

E-Learning. Dr. Olson said that we are in the process of "tweaking" our e-learning plan. We would like to use e-learning in lieu of using holidays when we have a snow day/emergency closing day. Our hope is to bring this plan to the Board at the July meeting for approval.

iPads. Dr. Olson reported that as of today, 406 iPads have been sold to the 8th graders or returned to the school. We have 52 that unaccounted for and those families will be contacted regarding their iPad.

Director of Business Services.

FOIA Requests. Mr. Andreshak reported that he received two FOIA requests. The first was from WLS-TV asking for the percent of students who participated in remote learning. He reported to them we had 100% participation through either See-Saw or Google Classroom. The second was about the Bannes construction project asking what currently has been paid out and how much is left to pay.

Unfinished Business. There was no unfinished business.

New Business.

Board Reports. Mr. Martelli scheduled a Committee of the Whole Meeting for Thursday, July 9, 2020 to discuss the return to school plan.

Approve Insurance Carriers for Property/Casualty, Workers' Compensation, School Board Legal Liability and Cyber Insurance for the 2020-2021 Policy Year. Based upon the recommendation of Administration, it was moved by Dr. Kelly-McHale and seconded by Mrs. DeMicheal to approve the following insurance carriers as presented: Property/Casualty Insurance - Continue with Wright Specialty Insurance for the 2020-2021 policy year; Workers' Compensation Insurance: New carrier will be United Heartland Insurance for the 2020-2021 policy year; School Board Legal Liability Insurance - Continue with Stratford Insurance for the 2020-2021 policy year; Cyber Insurance - Continue with Lloyds of London for the 2020-2021 policy year. The roll call vote was: Ayes: Mr. Lutz, Mrs. Strand, Mrs. DeMicheal, Mr. Augustyniak, Dr Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Kowalski and Mr. Martelli; Nays: None; Abstains: None. The President declared the motion carried.

Approve the 2020-2021 District Consolidated Grant Plan Submission. Upon the recommendation of Administration, it was moved by Mrs. DeMicheal and seconded by Mr. Lutz to approve the electronic submission of the 2020-2021 District Consolidated Grant Plan to the Illinois State Board of Education. The roll call vote was: Ayes: Mrs. Strand, Mrs. DeMicheal, Mr. Augustyniak, Dr. Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Kowalski, Mr. Lutz and Mr. Martelli; Nays: None; Abstains: None. The President declared the motion carried.

Adopt New Board of Education Policy 400.05.20 Employee Social Media Policy. Upon the recommendation of Legal Counsel, it was moved by Dr. Kelly-McHale and seconded by Mrs. Strand to adopt the new Board of Education Policy 400.05.20 Employee Social Media Policy. The roll call vote was: Ayes: Mrs. DeMicheal, Mr. Augustyniak, Dr. Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Kowalski, Mr. Lutz, Mrs. Strand and Mr. Martelli. The President declared the motion carried.

Adopt Salary Guidelines Components Consent Agenda. Upon the recommendation of Administration, it was moved by Mrs. DeMicheal and seconded by Mrs. Strand to approve the Salary Guidelines (Stipends and Educational Support Staff), as presented. The roll call vote was: Ayes: Mrs. Augustyniak, Dr. Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Kowalski, Mr. Lutz, Mrs. Strand, Mrs. DeMicheal and Mr. Martelli; Nays: None; Abstains: None. The President declared the motion carried.

Closed Session.

Closed Session - for the purpose of discussing the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific District Employees and collective bargaining. At 7:38 P.M. it was moved by Dr. Kelly-McHale and seconded by Mrs. DeMicheal to enter closed session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific District employees; and Collective Bargaining. The roll call vote was: Ayes: Dr. Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Kowalski, Mr. Lutz, Mrs. Strand, Mrs. DeMicheal, Mr. Augustyniak and Mr. Martelli; Nays: None; Abstains: None. The President declared the motion carried and the Board entered closed session at 7:40 P.M.

Return to Open Session. It was moved by Dr. Kelly-McHale and seconded by Mrs. DeMicheal and Mr. Augustyniak to return to open session. The voice vote was: Ayes: 7; Nays: 0; Abstains: 0. The motion carried and the meeting was called back to order at 8:32 P.M.

SEIU Local 73 Agreement.

Accept Agreement Between the Board of Education of Kirby School District 140 and SEIU Local 73. It was moved by Dr. Kelly-McHale and seconded by Mr. Augustyniak to table this item until the July Board Meeting. The roll call vote was: Ayes: Mr. Lutz, Mrs. Strand, Mrs. DeMicheal, Mr. Augustyniak, Dr. Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Kowalski and Mr. Martelli; Nays: None; Abstains: None. The President declared the motion carried.

Personnel - Consent Agenda. It was moved by Mr. Augustyniak and seconded by Mrs. Strand to approve the presented items on consent agenda. The roll call vote was: Ayes: Mrs. Strand, Mrs. DeMicheal, Mr. Augustyniak, Dr. Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Kowalski, Mr. Lutz, and Mr. Martelli; Nays: None; Abstains: None. The President declared the motion carried. The following personnel items were approved:

Carol Dwyer - Accept Resignation Due to Retirement as Paraeducator, effective the close of August 14, 2020 - Millennium

Virginia Ciba - Accept Resignation Due to Retirement as Bus Driver, effective the close of May 29, 2020 - Transportation

Erin Duncan - Offer First Year Probationary Contract as School Counselor at step 10, lane 6, $64,109.00, effective August 25, 2020 - Keller

Alyssa Martinez - Offer First Year Probationary Contract as Teacher, at step 1, lane 1, $47,675.00, effective August 25, 2020 - Keller

Amelia Zhour - Offer First Year Probationary Contract as Teacher, at step 1, lane 1, $47,675.00, effective August 25, 2020 - Keller

Alaa Hasan - Offer First Year Probationary Contract as Speech Pathologist, at step 1, lane 6, $53,710.00, effective August 25, 2020 - Millennium

Carie Ludvid - Employ as Physical Therapist at $47.62 per hour, effective August 25, 2020 - Special Services

Ashley Mangin - Employ as Occupational Therapist (part-time) at $44.00 per hour, effective August 25, 2020 - Special Services

Josephine Murray - Employ as Registered Nurse at $31.00 per hour, effective August 18, 2020 - Millennium

Mafalda Baier - Employ as Paraeducator at $13.16 per hour, effective August 25, 2020 - Bannes

Caitlin Halloran - Reassign as Paraeducator at 80% FTE, effective August 25, 2020 - Keller

Roseanne Ballard - Offer Stipend as Webmaster/Communications Specialist at a prorated amount of $246.15 - District

Adjournment. It was moved by Mr. Augustyniak and seconded by Mrs. DeMicheal that the Regular Meeting be adjourned. The roll call vote was: Ayes: Dr. Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Kowalski, Mr. Lutz, Mrs. Strand, Mrs. DeMicheal, Mr. Augustyniak and Mr. Martelli; Nays: None; Abstains: None. The motion carried whereupon President Martelli declared the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education adjourned at 8:37 P.M.
