
South Cook News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Bremen High School District 228 Board of Education met June 16

Bremen High School District 228 Board of Education met June 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

1 President Resler called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2 Board of Education

Present: Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth,

Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler Central Office & Principals

Present: Dr. Kendall, Dr. Williams, Dr. Goggins, Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. Giglio- Byczek, Mr. Boswell, Mr. Masterson, Ms. Bonnema, Mrs. Taylor

3 Mrs. Resler opened the floor to the public for comments.

There being no additional comments, Mrs. Resler closed the floor to the public for comments.

4 Mr. Canning moved to approve the regular meeting minutes of May 12, 2020. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler Nays: None

5 Dr. Kendall reported the following: Freedom of Information Act Requests

Since the last regular Board meeting, we have received the following Freedom of Information Act requests.

 Jonathan Fagg, ABC7 Data, requested access to and a copy of breakdown of attendance rates by school, details of how attendance is being tracked from when remote learning began until the most current date available upon production. This request has been completed.

 Suzanna Price, DM Construction Services Inc., requested copies of the two bonds for Hillcrest-Tinley Park and Oak Forest-Bremen. This request has been completed.

We are still awaiting guidance from the state regarding the reopening of schools. Additional information will be provided once received.

6 There were no Board member reports.

7 Mrs. Morrison presented item 5.1 – Bills, Addendum to Bills, Payroll, and CDS Bills. Mrs. Gleason moved to approve item 5.1. Mr. Whitcomb seconded the motion. Ms. Kampwirth inquired about cost for new construction. Mrs. Morrison explained the new construction has been placed on hold. Bills are for the drawings started. Mrs. Kampwirth also asked about the Constellation energy bills and Sodexo bills. Mrs. Morrison explained the bills are sometimes billed quarterly and energy used during March, April and May when staff was in the buildings to provide lunches. The Sodexo bill were billed to the district for reimbursement instead of the individual schools. Mr. Johnson inquired about which schools were supposed to receive the cafeteria remodels. Dr. Kendall explained all four, with Bremen receiving an extension. Mr. Johnson also asked about a report on the interest earnings. Dr. Kendall stated he would ask Joe McDonnell to present once we have in-person meetings again. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Whitcomb, Mr. Canning, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Mrs. Morrison presented item 5.2 – Athletico Contract Renewal. Mr. Whitcomb moved to approve item 5.2. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Mrs. Gleason inquired about the contract should athletics be cancelled. Mrs. Morrison stated the contract was written to allow for proration when notified within 30 days. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Canning, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Mrs. Morrison presented item 5.3 – Sodexo Contract Renewal. Mr. Canning moved to approve item 5.3. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Mrs. Morrison presented item 5.4 – July 2020 - Health & Dental Insurance Renewals. Mr. Whitcomb moved to approve item 5.4. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Canning, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Mrs. Morrison presented item 5.5 – July 2020 - Property & Casualty Insurance Renewals. Mr. Canning moved to approve item 5.5. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Mr. Johnson asked for clarification on the amount of insurance and what it covers. Mrs. Morrison explained the $41 million covers all of the new capital improvement. (Fieldhouses, classrooms, etc.) Mr. Johnson asked if there was insurance coverage if a building burned down. Mrs. Morrison stated yes, but she was unsure of the amount offhand. Mr. Whitcomb stated it would likely be market value. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Mrs. Morrison presented item 5.6 – Fall 2020 Athletic Bid Results. Mrs. Gleason moved to approve item 5.6. Mrs. Kampwirth, seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mrs. Gleason, Mrs. Kampwirth, Mr. Canning, Mr. Johnson, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Mrs. Morrison presented item 5.7 – Consolidated District Plan SY21. Mr. Canning moved to approve item 5.7. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Mrs. Kampwirth asked what does the consolidated district plan consist of and does it include other school districts. Dr. Williams stated it is just a compilation of the various grants for services within our own district without having to be written separately, avoiding overlapping applications. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Dr. Goggins presented items 6.1-6.11 – Personnel. Mr. Whitcomb moved to approve items 6.1-6.11. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Mr. Johnson asked if the new P.E. teacher would be able to take the football coaching job. Dr. Kendall stated he would be eligible as a teacher. Additional discussion on the rights to coaching positions by educators over outside applicants. Dr. Kendall answered questions as they were asked. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Canning, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

At 7:27 p.m., Mr. Whitcomb made a motion to move to closed session consider information regarding probable or imminent litigation. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Whitcomb, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

At 7:53 p.m., Mr. Whitcomb motioned to return to public session. Mrs. Kampwirth seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Kampwirth, Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Ms. Stearns, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

At 7:55 p.m., Mr. Whitcomb made a motion to adjourn. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Voice vote was unanimous.
