
South Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Burbank City Council met July 15

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City of Burbank City Council met July 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The meeting was called to order at7:30 PM by Mayor Dan M. Foy in the Council Chambers at 6530 West 796 Street Burbank Il.

Mayor Foy requested a roll call which indicated the following members present Alderwoman Barb Gagle, Alderman Robert Contreras, Alderwoman Sheri Gustafson, Alderman Claude Haerr, Alderman John Pacella Alderman Mitchell Piznarski, Alderman Jason Pyle, Mayor Dan M. Foy, Clerk Barry J. Szymczak Treasurer Dean Viverito and City Attorney Vince Cainkar.

Mayor Foy then asked all to rise for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor Foy asked for a motion to approve the minutes of June 17,2020. The motion was made by Alderman Contreras and seconded by Alderwoman Gagle with unanimous approval by voice vote and so declared by the Chair.

Mayor Foy then asked for a motion to approve the current list of bills. The motion was made by Alderman Contreras and seconded by Alderman Pacella. A roll call indicated 7 Ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Haerr, Alderman Pacella, Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle.

Treasurer Dean Viverito had no report to file for the month of June.

Clerk Szymczak attended a bid opening on Monday July 13, 2020 @ l0:00 AM in Council Chambers in reference to the 2021 MFT Maintenance Material Bulk Rock Salt Program. The following companied submitted bids:

Mayor Foy asked for a motion to ratify actions taken by the City Council at meetings on May 13th, 2020, May 27th, 2020 and June 17th, 2020 while the Governor's Executive Orders on Covid-I9 were in effect. The motion was made by Alderman Contreras and seconded by Alderwoman Gagle. A roll call indicated 7 Ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Haerr, Alderman Pacella, Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle.

A motion was made by Alderman Contreras and seconded by Alderman Pyle to adopt Ordinance # 16-7-20 Joseph Szwab 7756 S. Rutherford Burbank, Il. requesting a variation for a 6' privacy fence on front yard side set back. A roll call indicated 7 Ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contrera^s, Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Haerr, Alderman Pacella Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle.

A motion was made by Alderman Contreras and seconded by Alderman Pyle to adopt Ordinance # 17-7-20 Vanessa Nava 7800 S. Mobile Burbank, Il. requesting a variation for a 6"privacy fence on

front yard side set back. A roll call indicated & Ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Haerr, Alderman Pacell4 Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle.

A motion was made by Alderman Contreras and seconded by Alderman Pyle to adopt Ordinance # 18'7-20 Tammy Rocharz and Robert Rocharz 7800 S. Leamington Burbank, ll. requesting a variation for a 6' privacy fence on front yard side set back. A roll call indicated 7 Ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson. Alderman Haerr. Alderman Pacella, Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle.

A motion was made by Alderman Contreras and seconded by Alderman Pyle to adopt Ordinance # 19'7-20 Pedro Zavala 8601 S. Newland Burbank, Il. requesting a variation for a 6' privacy fence on front yard side set back. A roll call indicated 7 Ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Haerr, Alderman Pacella, Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle.

A motion was made by Alderman Pacella and seconded by Alderman Haerr to ask the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance for Petition # 20-0Gl Anand Trivedi 8201 S. Sayre Burbank, Il. requesting a variation to install a 6' privacy fence on front yard side set back and waive any starting date restrictions due to Council summer schedule. A roll call indicated 7 Ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Haerr. Alderman Pacella, Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle.

A motion was made by Alderman Contreras and seconded by Alderwoman Gustafson to ask the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance for Petition #20-06-2 Nicholas Gutierrez 7703 S. Lorel Burbank, Il. requesting a variation to install a 6'privacy fence on front yard side set back and waive any starting date restrictions due to Council summer schedule. A roll call indicated 7 Ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Haerr, Alderman Pacella, Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle.

A motion was made by Alderwoman Gagle and seconded by Alderman Contreras to ask the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance for Petition#20-06-3 Mahmoud Samra 7800 S. Linder Burbank, Il. requesting a variation for a 6' privacy fence on front yard side set back and waive any starting date restrictions due to Council summer schedule. A roll call indicated & ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Haerr, Alderman Pacella, Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle.

A motion was made by Alderman Contreras and seconded by Alderman Pacella to ask the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance for Petition #20-06-4 Alfred Trujilla 8301 S. Mayfield Burbank, Il. requesting a variation for a 6' privacy fence on front yard side set back and to waive any starting date restrictions due to Council summer schedule. A roll call indicated & ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Haerr,

Alderman Pacell4 Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pvle.

A motion was made by Alderman Pacella and seconded by Alderwoman Gagle to ask the City Attomey to prepare an ordinance for Petition# 20-06-5 Pawel Suchecki (represented by Ana Lukaszczyk) 8543 S. Lockwood Burbank, ll. requesting a suMivision of 2 lots consisting of 74.71 x I 19.83 and 58 x I 19.83 and leaving the existing structure and to waive any starting date restrictions due to Council summer schedule. A roll call indicated 7 Ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Haerr, Alderman Pacella, Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle.

A motion was made by Alderman Piznarski and seconded by Alderman Haerr to award Morton Salt. Company as low bidder for the 2021 MFT Maintenance Material Bulk Rock Salt Program in the amount of $172,410.00 (557.47 per ton / 3000). A roll call indicated 7 Ayes and 0 Nays: Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Haerr, Alderman Pacella, Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle.

A motion was made by Alderman P.vle and seconded by Alderman Contreras to adopt Ordinance # 20-'7-20 terminating Special Service Areas 5l through 53. A roll call indicated 7 Ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras. Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Haerr, Alderman Pacella, Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle. These areas are bounded by 77m Street to 78ft Street, Central to Parkside, Natchez to Neenah and Newcastle to Oak Park Ave.

Aldermanic committees had no reports to file for the month of June.

Chief Richard Shore reported that 2 Police recruits are in the F.T.O. program and 2 more candidates are scheduled for hire, pending completion of background checks and further testing, in August 2020. Chief Shore also reported that calls for 46 of July fireworks complaints were about the same as last year and the City will focus, with outside agencies, to deter residents with larger displays next year.

Chief Dave Gilgenberg II reported that a total of 11 municipalities, including Burbank, received a grant for Covid-l9 PPE in the amount of $240,000.00, $38,000.00 of which went to the City of Burbank for reimbursement expenditures and future purchases. Congressman Dan Lipinski was instrumental in writing a letter of support for the grant. A regional grant was secured by the Village of Bridgeview for tactical equipment, which the City of Burbank also was a recipient. PPE supplies for the City are plentiful for any upcoming situations. The City since March 17th has had 137 persons under investigation for Covid-19 per Fire Department statistics which includes 4l confirmed and transported patients.

Commissioner Dave Ricchuito reported the following businesses applied for permits: Burbank Rehabilitation Center, Ings Chinese Restaurant, Burbank Manor and Ascend Hotel.

Director Jim Burris reported that the 78tr Street Rehabilitation Project is going along smoothly.

No report was filed for the month of June.

There were no public speakers or comments from the audience.

Mayor Foy commented that the City is still in. good financial shape. Revenue is down due to the pandemic situation but so are expenditures. He applauded all City Departments for the diligent attention they have given.

There being no further business, the Chair asked for a motion to adjourn. The motion was made by Alderman Contreras and seconded by Alderman Pyle with unanimous voice approval and so declared by the Chair.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:53 P.M.
