Village of South Chicago Heights Board of Trustees met June 15.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Regular meeting was held at the Village Hall, 3317 Chicago Road, South Chicago Heights, Illinois. Mayor Terry Matthews called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance followed. Mayor Matthews requested Clerk Linan to call roll.
APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES: Trustee Bosco motioned to approve the Regular Board of Trustee meeting minutes of June 1, 2020, seconded by Trustee Ross. There being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Eugene Fazzini, Terry Fiorenzo, Sally Marrufo, Tracy Bosco, & John Ross.
Nays: None.
Abstain: None.
Absent: Eric Stanton.
Motion carried 5 to 0.
APPROVAL OF THE BILL LIST OF JUNE 15, 2020: Trustee Bosco motioned to approve the bill list of June 15, 2020 seconded, by Trustee Marrufo. There being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Eugene Fazzini, Terry Fiorenzo, Sally Marrufo, Tracy Bosco, & John Ross
Nays: None.
Abstain: None.
Absent: Eric Stanton.
Motion carried 5 to 0.
Trustee Marrufo announced that Community Meeting on June 17th has been cancelled. Trustee Marrufo reminded everyone to sign up for the Village Wide Yard Sale on July 9th, 10th, & 11th, and that you must call the Village to register.
Finance Director Dolsinski stated that auditors will be back on site to complete the fiscal year audit and will do a presentation at the next Village Board meeting.
Police Chief Joyce summarized the peaceful protest that took place on Sunday, June 14th Police Chief summarized the joint efforts between Steger and South Chicago Heights. Chief Joyce thanked the other departments for their assistance with this protest.
Public Works Director Martin stated that his department fixed 7 water main breaks, 2 valve replacements, 2 valve repairs, 3 b-box repairs and 3 sanitary sewer repairs.
APPROVAL - PROPOSAL FOR SANITARY SEWER REPAIR ON DORNELL: Trustee Fiorenzo motioned to approve the proposal for National Power Rodding in the amount of $10,200.00, seconded, by Trustee Ross. There being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Eugene Fazzini, Terry Fiorenzo, Sally Marrufo, Tracy Bosco, & John Ross.
Nays: None.
Abstain: None.
Absent: Eric Stanton.
Motion carried 5 to 0.
ORDINANCE 2020-ORD-19: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF SOUTH CHICAGO HEIGHTS, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AMENDING CHAPTER 14 OF THE ZONING CODE REGARDING ADULT-USE CANNABIS REGULATIONS: Mayor Matthews presented the ordinance. Attorney Welch explained that this was a text amendment to the current zoning code to allow restrict a craft grower to be 500 feet or more away from a residential area instead of 1500 ft. Trustee Ross motioned to approve the ordinance seconded, by Trustee Bosco. There being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Eugene Fazzini, Terry Fiorenzo, Sally Marrufo, Tracy Bosco, & John Ross.
Nays: None.
Abstain: None.
Absent: Eric Stanton.
Motion carried 5 to 0.
ORDINANCE 2020-ORD-20: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE VILLAGE OF SOUTH CHICAGO HEIGHTS ZONING MAP TO ZONE AND INCLUDE WITHIN ITS BOUNDARY LINES OF THE I INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT THE PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 3201 EAST END AVENUE: Mayor Matthews presented the ordinance. Attorney Welch explained that this is changing 3201 East End to a B1 class instead of 11. Discussion ensued regarding this being a permanent change. Trustee Ross motioned to approve the ordinance seconded, by Trustee Fiorenzo. There being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Eugene Fazzini, Terry Fiorenzo, Sally Marrufo, Tracy Bosco, & John Ross.
Nays: None.
Abstain: None.
Absent: Eric Stanton.
Motion carried 5 to 0.
ORDINANCE 2020-ORD-21: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF SOUTH CHICAGO HEIGHTS, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, GRANTING A SPECIAL USE TO ALLOW FOR AN “ADULT-USE CANNABIS CRAFT GROWER" AND "ADULT-USE CANNABIS TRANSPORTER" FACILITY WITHIN THE INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (3201 E. END AVENUE): Mayor Matthews presented the ordinance. Attorney Welch stated that the Zoning Planning Board recommended approval pending a security plan to be submitted and approved by the South Chicago Heights Police Department and that a fence is installed based on the current code guidelines. Attorney Welch stated that the remaining ordinances on this agenda were approved with the same conditions. Trustee Ross motioned to approve the ordinance seconded, by Trustee Fazzini. There being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Eugene Fazzini, Terry Fiorenzo, Sally Marrufo, Tracy Bosco, & John Ross.
Nays: None.
Abstain: None.
Absent: Eric Stanton.
Motion carried 5 to 0.
ORDINANCE 2020-ORD-22: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF SOUTH CHICAGO HEIGHTS, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, GRANTING A SPECIAL USE TO ALLOW FOR AN "ADULT-USE CANNABIS CRAFT GROWER”, “ADULT-USE CANNABIS INFUSER" AND "ADULT-USE CANNABIS TRANSPORTER” FACILITY WITHIN THE I INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (3333 E. END AVENUE): Mayor Matthews presented the ordinance. Discussion ensued regarding the number of special use permits issued in the Village, and what an infuser license entailed Attorney Welch explained that only one license within 1500 ft of each other and that the first zoning application submitted would be approved. Trustee Bosco motioned to approve the ordinance seconded, by Trustee Fiorenzo. There being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Eugene Fazzini, Terry Fiorenzo, Sally Marrufo, Tracy Bosco, & John Ross.
Nays: None.
Abstain: None.
Absent: Eric Stanton.
Motion carried 5 to 0.
ORDINANCE 2020-ORD-23: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF SOUTH CHICAGO HEIGHTS, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, GRANTING A SPECIAL USE TO ALLOW FOR AN "ADULT-USE CANNABIS CRAFT GROWER" AND “ADULT-USE CANNABIS TRANSPORTER" FACILITY WITHIN THE I INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (3215 BUTLER AVENUE): Mayor Matthews presented the ordinance. Trustee Fiorenzo motioned to approve the ordinance seconded, by Trustee Ross. There being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Eugene Fazzini, Terry Fiorenzo, Sally Marrufo, Tracy Bosco, & John Ross.
Nays: None.
Abstain: None.
Absent: Eric Stanton.
Motion carried 5 to 0.
ORDINANCE 2020-ORD-24: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF SOUTH CHICAGO HEIGHTS, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, GRANTING A SPECIAL USE TO ALLOW FOR AN "ADULT-USE CANNABIS CRAFT GROWER” FACILITY WITHIN THE INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (304 EAST SAUK TRAIL): Mayor Matthews presented the ordinance. Trustee Ross motioned to approve the ordinance seconded, by Trustee Fiorenzo. There being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Eugene Fazzini, Terry Fiorenzo, Sally Marrufo, Tracy Bosco, & John Ross.
Nays: None.
Abstain: None.
Absent: Eric Stanton.
Motion carried 5 to 0.
ORDINANCE 2020-ORD-25: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF SOUTH CHICAGO HEIGHTS, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AMENDING CHAPTER 2 AND CHAPTER 6 OF THE ZONING CODE REGARDING MISCELLANEOUS TRUCK & AUTOMOTIVE REGULATIONS: Mayor Matthews presented the ordinance. Attorney Welch explained that this is a text amendment to the current zoning code that makes truck repair facilities in the industrial area a special use permit and no longer allows auto repair facilities in the industrial area. Trustee Ross motioned to approve the ordinance seconded, by Trustee Bosco. There being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Eugene Fazzini, Terry Fiorenzo, Sally Marrufo, Tracy Bosco, & John Ross. Nays: None.
Abstain: None.
Absent: Eric Stanton.
Motion carried 5 to 0.
2020-R-13: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE OF SOUTH CHICAGO HEIGHTS, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING CERTAIN HIGHWAY AUTHORITY AGREEMENTS WITH SPEEDWAY, LLC: Mayor Matthews presented the resolution. Attorney Welch explained what this agreement is for allowing Speedway to do any clean up in easement or roadway if the Village was to do any repairs and open these areas. Attorney Welch stated that without this agreement no banks will loan or finance money to gas station without this agreement. Attorney Welch stated that there would be no liability to the Village. Trustee Bosco motioned to approve the resolution seconded, by Trustee Fazzini. There being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Eugene Fazzini, Terry Fiorenzo, Sally Marrufo, Tracy Bosco, & John Ross.
Nays: None.
Abstain: None.
Absent: Eric Stanton.
Motion carried 5 to 0.
MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Matthews stated that he was not happy with our current engineering firm and that they are not able to meet our deadlines. Mayor Matthews stated that he was appointing a committee to interview new engineering firms. Mayor Matthews stated that the committee will consist of Trustee Fiorenzo, Trustee Stanton, Nick Goncher, Nora Gomez, and Mark Martin, Mayor Matthews thanked everyone for the peaceful protest and stated that there were numerous meetings with the administration of Steger. Mayor Matthews stated that the real estate sales closing for 3220 East End Avenue was on
Tuesday, June 16th.
ADJOURNMENT: With nothing further to discuss, Trustee Bosco motioned to adjourn the Regular meeting, seconded by Trustee Ross. On a voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered. Meeting adjourned at 7:44 p.m.