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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Kirby School District 140 Board of Education Met July 23

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Kirby School District 140 Board of Education met July 23.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Opening of Meeting.

Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. At 7:00 P.M., President Martelli called to order the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education, Kirby School District 140, Cook County which was held with Board Members present. While there were a few members of the community physically present at this meeting most of the public viewed and heard the live Board Meeting virtually using Zoom Video Conferencing; and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Roll Call. Board Members present: Mrs. Deborah Kowalski, Dr. Jacqueline Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Lisa Strand, Mr. John Lutz, Mrs. Carol DeMicheal, Mr. Chuck Augustyniak and Mr. Thomas Martelli; Board Members absent: None. Others present: Dr. Shawn Olson, Superintendent; Mr. Michael Andreshak, Director of Business Services, Mrs. Danielle Callahan, Administrative Assistant and Mrs. Karen Jamraz, Recording Secretary.

Correspondence. Incoming: Thank you acknowledgement from Susan Haynie; Thank you letter from Rob Lipovsky and a letter from the Tinley Park Police Department about the DARE Program. Outgoing: None.

Approval of Minutes Summary of Previous Meeting - Regular Meeting of June 18, 2020. It was moved by Mr. Augustyniak and seconded by Dr. Kelly-McHale to approve the Minutes Summary of Previous Meeting - Regular Meeting of June 18, 2020, as presented. The voice vote was: Ayes: 7; Nays: 0; Abstains: 0. The motion carried; whereupon President Martelli, as attested by Secretary DeMicheal affixed their signatures to said minutes summary.

Public Comment.

Recognition of Public.

Dr. Olson stated that we have received several e-mails from concerned community members that wanted to have their opinions known to the Board. He read the emails to the Board. All of these emails were in regard to the District's return to school plan.

A parent who was physically present at the meeting addressed the Board also regarding the District's return to school plan. Dr. Olson and Mrs. Dwyer tried to answer the questions based on the information we have from the CDC and Cook County Department of Public Health.

Financial Reports.

Monthly Expenditures Consent Agenda. It was moved by Mrs. DeMicheal and seconded by Dr. Kelly-McHale to approve expenditures including payroll, accounts payable, procurement card in the aggregate amount of $9,427,705.00. The roll call vote was: Ayes: Dr. Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Kowalski, Mr. Lutz, Mrs. Strand, Mrs. DeMicheal, Mr. Augustyniak and Mr. Martelli; Nays: None; Abstains: None. The President declared the motion carried whereupon President Martelli, as attested by Secretary DeMicheal affixed their signatures to said expenditure report.

Statement of Revenues and Expenditures. Mr. Andreshak presented the report explaining that the report shows a deficit and the reason is because of construction projects a few of our schools.

Administrative Reports.


Return to School Plan. Dr. Olson thanked everyone who sent in an email or spoke this evening to the Board about the Return to School Plan. He stated that parents will be given a choice of full remote learning or a hybrid plan where student would attend school on an A/B schedule; in person 2 days a week and attend remotely the other 3 days a week. The hybrid option is more in line with District 230's plan. Those who choose the full remote learning option will be asked that their choice would be for the first semester of school (until January 2021). Due to the many recommended guidelines that would have to be met to keep our students and staff safe, we will not be able to offer a full in person learning plan at this time. This is the plan that will be presented to the Board tonight for approval.

Administrative Procedure. Dr. Olson asked the Board for their consensus to adopt an Administrative Procedure that would restrict non-essential visitors from the school buildings in order to protect the health and safety of District students and staff and to help stop the spread of COVID-19. This procedure would only be in effect during the course of this COVID-19 pandemic. There was a consensus among the Board to adopt this Administrative Procedure.

Director of Business Services. Mr. Andreshak had nothing to report at this time.

Unfinished Business. There was no unfinished business.

New Business.

Board Reports. Mr. Martelli reported that there was a Committee of the Whole Meeting held on July 9, 2020. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the Return to School Plan.

Approve Report on Shared Services or Outsourcing. Based on the recommendation of Administration, it was moved by Dr. Kelly-McHale and seconded by Mr. Augustyniak to approve the Report on Shared Services or Outsourcing, as presented. The roll call vote was: Ayes: Mrs. Kowalski, Mr. Lutz, Mrs. Strand, Mrs. DeMicheal, Mr. Augustyniak, Dr. Kelly-McHale and Mr. Martelli; Nays: None; Abstains: None. The President declared the motion carried.

Adopt New Board of Education Policies. Upon the recommendatin of Legal Counsel, it was moved by Dr. Kelly-McHale and seconded by Mrs. DeMicheal to adopt the new Board of Education Policies: 400.05.21 Required Face Coverings for Staff; 500.48 Required Face Coverings for Students; 500.49 Student Observation Policy, as presented. The roll call vote was: Ayes: Mr. Lutz, Mrs. Strand, Mrs. DeMicheal, Mr. Augustyniak, Dr. Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Kowalski and Mr. Martelli; Nays: None; Abstains: None. The President declared the motion carried.

Adopt Resolution Approving Covid-10 Reopening Plan. Based upon the recommendation of Administration, it was moved by Mrs. DeMicheal and seconded by Dr. Kelly-McHale and Mrs. Kowalski to adopt the Resolution entitled: "Resolution Approving Covid-19 Reopening Plan", as presented. The roll call vote was: Ayes: Mrs. Strand, Mrs. DeMicheal, Mr. Augustyniak, Dr. Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Kowalski, Mr. Lutz and Mr. Martelli; Nays: None; Abstains: None. The President declared the motions carried.

Closed Session.

Closed Session - for the purpose of discussing the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific District Employees and Collective Bargaining. At 8:27 P.M. it was moved by Mrs. DeMicheal and seconded by Mr. Augustyniak to enter closed session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific District employees and collective bargaining. The roll call vote was: Ayes: Mrs. DeMicheal, Mr. Augustyniak, Dr. Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Kowalski, Mr. Lutz, Mrs. Strand and Mr. Martelli; Nays: None; Abstains: None. The President declared the motion carried and the Board entered closed session at 8:32 P.M.

Return to Open Session. It was moved by Dr. Kelly-McHale and seconded by Mrs. DeMicheal to return to open session. The voice vote was: Ayes: 7; Nays: 0; Abstains: 0. The motion carried and the meeting was called back to order at 9:00 P.M.

Accept Agreement Between the Board of Education of Kirby School District 140 and the Service Employee International Union, Local 73. Based upon the recommendation of Administration, it was moved by Dr. Kelly-McHale and Mr. Augustyniak and seconded by Mr. Lutz and Mrs. Strand to accept the Agreement between the Board of Education of Kirby School District 140 and the Service Employee International Union, Local 73, as presented. The roll call vote was: Ayes: Mr. Augustyniak, Dr. Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Kowalski, Mr. Lutz, Mrs. Strand, Mrs. DeMicheal and Mr. Martelli; Nays: None; Abstains: None. The President declared the motion carried.

Personnel - Consent Agenda. It was moved by Mr. Augustyniak and seconded by Mrs. DeMicheal to approve the presented items on consent agenda. The roll call vote was: Ayes: Dr. Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Kowalski, Mr. Lutz, Mrs. Strand, Mrs. DeMicheal, Mr. Augustyniak and Mr. Martelli; Nays: None; Abstains: None. The President declared the motion carried. The following personnel items were approved:

Kathleen Lurie

Accept Intent to Retire as Teacher, effective the close of July 20, 2020 – McAuliffe

Valeri Bergunder

Accept Resignation Due to Retirement as Technology Specialist, effective the close of July 31, 2020 – District

Carol Fitzgerald

Accept Resignation Due to Retirement as Paraeducator, effective the close of August 21, 2020 – Millennium

Conrad Dybala

Accept Resignation Due to Retirement as Custodian (part time), effective the close of July 31, 2020 – Grissom

Theresa Schill

Accept Resignation as Teacher, effective the close of July 15, 2020 – Grissom

Cathleen Benda

Accept Resignation as Substitute Secretary – Business Department, effective the close of June 30, 2020 – Ad Center

Michelle Maus

Accept Resignation as Paraeducator, effective the close of August 7, 2020 – Millennium

Monica Belsky-Homerding

Accept Resignation as Paraeducator, effective the close of July 6, 2020 – Grissom

Alyssa Martinez

Offer Revised First Year Probationary Contract as Teacher at step 1, lane 4, $51,310.00, effective August 25, 2020 – Keller

Kelly Mohan

Offer First Year Probationary Contract as Teacher at step 3, lane 2, $50,725.00, effective August 25, 2020 – Grissom

Lacie Lucca

Offer First Year Probationary Contract as Teacher at step 3, lane 1, $49,675.00, effective August 25, 2020 – Prairie View

Tracy Rizzo

Offer First Year Probationary Contract as Teacher at step 8, lane 8, $64,590.00, effective August 25, 2020 – Grissom

Staffing Request

Speech Pathologist (increase from 60% FTE to 100% FTE), effective August 25, 2020 – Special Services

James Keating

Employ as IT-Technology (part-time) at $52.59 per hour, effective July 15, 2020 – District

Michael McGarry

Employ as Bus Driver Trainee at $13.00 per hour, effective June 29, 2020 – Transportation

Michael McGarry

Employ as Bus Driver Trainee at $14.00 per hour, effective July 1, 2020 – Transportation

Michael Rumbaugh

Offer Stipend as Instructional Technology Facilitator at $6,845.00 - District

Michelle Schussler

Offer Stipend as 7th Grade Team Leader at $4,500.00 – Grissom

Lauren Cook

Offer Stipend as Special Services Coordinator at $3,422.50 – District

Annette Houlihan

Offer Stipend as Special Services Coordinator at $3,422.50 – District

Ashley Krizik

Offer Stipend as Special Olympics Coordinator at $1,400.00 – Special Services

Robert Lipovsky

Dismissal effective the close of June 30, 2020 – District (on leave)

Adjournment. It was moved by Mr. Augustyniak and seconded by Mrs. DeMicheal that the Regular Meeting be adjourned. The voice vote was: Ayes: 7; Nays: 0; Abstains: 0. The motion carried whereupon President Martelli declared the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education adjourned at 9:09 P.M.
