
South Cook News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Bremen High School District 228 Board of Education Met July 21

Webp meeting 04

Bremen High School District 228 Board of Education met July 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

1 President Resler called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2 Board of Education

Present: Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler 

Absent: None

Central Office & Principals

Present: Dr. Kendall, Dr. Williams, Dr. Goggins, Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. Giglio-Byczek, Mr. Boswell, Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Clinton

3 Dr. Williams presented the information regarding the District E-Learning Plan. Mrs. Gleason moved to open the floor, Mr. Canning seconded.

Ayes: Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Canning, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler Nays: None

James Knight, asked for clarification on the e-learning plan and why it was only 2 hours. Dr. Williams explained the e-learning plan is only for emergency days during the school year. It is not the remote learning plan.

There were no additional questions. Mrs. Gleason moved to close the floor, Mr. Canning seconded.

Ayes: Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Canning, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler Nays: None

4 Mrs. Kampwirth moved to approve the regular session minutes of June 16, 2020. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mrs. Kampwirth, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Canning, Mr. Johnson, Ms. Stearns Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler Nays: None

Mr. Whitcomb moved to table the committee of the whole regular minutes of July 14, 2020. Mr. Canning seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Whitcomb, Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mrs. Resler Nays: None

5 Mrs. Resler opened the floor to the public for comments.

Kathy Albin, asked why there was no district survey taken with regards to physical vs. e-learning? She stated she is concerned about the mental well-being of the kids and what prolonged absence of school will do to their future mental health. She read a statement she prepared and sent via email.

Joyce Calvin, asked the following questions: Will plexi-glass be installed in classrooms or student desks? Will additional staff be hired to keep schools clean? Will touchless hand sanitizer stations be installed throughout the school? Is there hot water in the bathrooms? Will parents be allowed to tour school prior to opening?

Jeanette Beck, stated that in-person learning should occur and sports should be played. Questioned why the parents weren’t surveyed about how they feel.

Carrie Boger, stated she spoke at the previous meeting then read her statement regarding the risks and long term damage, repercussions of students not returning to school. She asked the Board not to follow other districts.

Kim Knight, stated she has 3 children in District 228, but she is focusing on her child who is in the Bridges program. She wished the administration well.

There being no additional comments, Mrs. Resler closed the floor to the public for comments.

Mrs. Resler stated the Board and Administration understands that this is an important topic. A lot of work has to be completed and not sending a survey does not mean they don’t care. They would like to provide the right options. The Board appreciates the guests for coming in to tell them why they want, or don’t want their students in school. Dr. Kendall and his team will put the safety of student, staff, and families first.

Ms. Stearns stated that IHSA will determine if sports will continue for the fall.

Mr. Canning stated that sports are important and considered a positive experience. He assured parents that their students are being sought by recruiters if they have the skill. Professional coaches are aware of their performance. He hopes this eases some of the nervousness parents and students are experiencing. It is a difficult situation and the Superintendent will gather the information required to make the right decision.

In an effort to avoid violating the Open Meetings Act, Mrs. Kampwirth read an email conversation regarding a situation brought to a Board member. (attached)

Discussion ensued between Mrs. Kampwirth, Mr. Johnson and Ms. Stearns regarding the email.

Mrs. Resler stated there is a protocol and going directly to a Board member is inappropriate.

1 Dr. Kendall reported the following: Freedom of Information Act Requests

Since the last regular Board meeting, we have received the following Freedom of Information Act requests.

 Ken Deloian, SmartProcure, requested all purchasing records from 1/10/20 to current. Specifically: Purchase order number, Purchase date, Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase), Line item quantity, Line item price and, Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address. This request is being completed.

2 Mrs. Gleason congratulated the graduates of 2020. She is happy they were able to celebrate this milestone. Joe McDonnell is retiring as of June 2021. They are looking for his replacement. The candidate must reside in Bremen Township and possess a CPA or CSBO. They hope to select a candidate by February of 2021 in order to train with Joe. She is sad to see him go.

1 Mrs. Morrison presented item 6.1 – Bills, Addendum to Bills, Payroll, and CDS Bills. Mr. Canning moved to approve item 6.1. Mr. Whitcomb seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Canning, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Mrs. Morrison presented item 6.2 – Approval of Assignment Request of Tax Abatement Agreement on Country Club Hills Plaza. Mrs. Gleason moved to approve item 6.2. Mr. Whitcomb, seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Whitcomb, Mr. Canning, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Mrs. Morrison presented item 6.3 – Disapproval of Final Pay Applications from CMM Group Inc. Mrs. Gleason moved to approve item 6.3. Mr. Canning seconded the motion. Ms. Stearns inquired which services, Mrs. Morrison responded it is the general contractor. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Canning, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Mrs. Morrison presented item 6.4 – FY 2021 District 228 Tentative Budget.

Mr. Canning moved to approve item 6.4. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Mrs. Gleason asked how late can the budget be amended, Mrs. Morrison responded June 30, 2021. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mrs. Kampwirth, Mr. Johnson, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Dr. Kendall presented item 6.5 – FY 2021 Career Development System Tentative Budget. Mr. Whitcomb moved to approve item 6.5. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Canning, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Dr. Williams presented item 6.6 – District 228 E-Learning Plan. Mr. Canning moved

to approve item 6.6. Mrs. Kampwirth seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Canning, Mrs. Kampwirth, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Dr. Kendall presented item 6.7 – 2020-21 Illinois High School Association Membership Renewal. Mr. Canning moved to approve item 6.7. Mr. Whitcomb seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Canning, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Dr. Kendall presented item 6.8 – 2020-21 South Suburban Conference Membership Renewal. Ms. Stearns moved to approve item 6.8. Mr. Canning seconded the motion. Mr. Canning stated he would love to see our own conference. Mrs. Resler inquired about the conference dues. Dr. Kendall stated if not used, the dues will roll over to the next year or the fees will be reduced or prorated. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Ms. Stearns, Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Dr. Goggins presented items 7.1-7.31 – Personnel. Ms. Stearns moved to remove item 7.15 for a separate vote. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Ms. Stearns, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Canning, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Mr. Whitcomb moved to approve items 7.1 – 7.14 & 7.16 – 7.31. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Canning, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Maternity/Paternity Leave

Courtney Stansberry Special Education Teacher Hillcrest HS

Michael Blakley Spanish Teacher Oak Forest HS

Steven Kushner Social Sciences Teacher Bremen HS

FMLA/Leave of Absence

Dan Chambers Art Teacher Oak Forest HS

Greg Botica Special Education/P.E. Teacher Hillcrest HS


Mary Gabel Media Specialist Tinley Park HS

Kesha Miree Math Teacher Hillcrest HS

Dori Nevens Guidance Counselor Tinley Park HS

Jennifer DeBosschere Social Worker Oak Forest HS


Delmar Smith Math Tutor Hillcrest HS

Kim Bartos Project Manager Tinley Park HS

Terry Masterson Facilities Manager Ad Center

Nicholas Murray Paraprofessional Oak Forest HS

Heidi Horne Grant Data Specialist Ad Center


Kevin Baffoe District Facilities Manager Ad Center

Kimberly Bergmann Physical Education Teacher Hillcrest HS

Jennifer Santor English/Language Arts Teacher Hillcrest HS

Jonathan Punke Math Teacher Bremen HS

Lauren Leprich Social Worker Intern Tinley Park HS

Cetrice Wright Social Work Intern Bremen HS

Alexa Kastanek Psychologist Intern

Lucretia Adams Social Work Intern Hillcrest HS

Kimberly Irving Social Work Intern Tinley Park HS

Mashs Johnson Psychologist Intern

Amy Loconte Special Education Teacher Hillcrest HS

Jerry Ward Industrial Technology Bremen HS

Eric Maze Social Worker Hillcrest HS

Christine Case IMC Media Specialist Hillcrest HS

Change in Position

Kate Stryszak Assoc. Principal Asst./Bookkeeper Tinley Park HS

Additional Employment

School Nurse

Health Aides

After discussion on the Facilities Manager recommendation, Mr. Canning moved to approve item 7.15. Mrs. Gleason seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

Mr. Johnson inquired about Heidi Horne’s resignation. Mrs. Resler referred him to the Board packet.

1 At 7:55 p.m., Mr. Whitcomb made a motion to move to closed session to discuss collective negotiating matters. Mr. Canning seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mr. Whitcomb, Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

At 8:42 p.m., Mrs. Gleason motioned to return to public session. Mr. Canning seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Canning, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Kampwirth, Ms. Stearns, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler

Nays: None

2 Mrs. Kampwirth moved to terminate Karl Schwartz as discussed in closed session on July 21, 2020. Mr. Canning seconded the motion. Roll call vote indicated:

Ayes: Mrs. Kampwirth, Mr. Canning, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Whitcomb, Mrs. Resler

Closed Session

Nays: Ms. Stearns

3 Mrs. Resler announced the following:

Committee of the Whole 8/11/20 6:45 pm Oak Forest HS

Board Meeting 8/18/20 7:00 pm Oak Forest HS

4 At 8:44 p.m., Mrs. Gleason made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Whitcomb seconded the

motion. Voice vote was unanimous.
