
South Cook News

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Arbor Park School District 145 Board of Education Met August 26


Arbor Park School District 145 Board of Education met Aug. 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

1. Call to Order. At 7:01p.m. President Mrs. Moslander called the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education, Arbor Park School District 145, Cook County, Illinois to order and led the board in the Pledge of Allegiance.

2. Roll Call. Board members present Mr. Rana, Mr. Werner, Mrs. Ing, Mr. Pepe, Mrs. Bear and Mrs. Moslander. Absent Mrs. Lux Others present: Dr. Andrea Sala, Superintendent, Dr. Brian O'Keeffe, Asst. Superintendent of Pinance/CSBO and Mrs. Sherry Esparza, recording secretary.

3. Correspondence and Information- None

4. Administrative Report- Presentations by Camille Hogan - Director of Teaching and Learning

5. Public Comments- None

6. Approval of Minutes.

a. Committee Meeting Minutes of June 10, 2020. Mrs. Bear made the motion and Mr. Rana seconded to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of May 13, 2020. The voice vote was: Ayes: 6, Nays: 0, The President declared the motion carried.

b. Regular Meeting Minutes of June 24, 2020. Mrs. Lux made the motion and Mr. Werner seconded to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of May 20, 2020. The voice vote was: Ayes: 6, Nays: 0, The President declared the motion carried.

c. Closed Session Meeting Minutes of June 24, 2020. Mr. Rana made the motion and Mr. Werner seconded to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of May 20, 2020. The voice vote was: Ayes: 6, Nays: 0, The President declared the motion carried.

7. Financial Report of the Assistant Superintendent ofFinance/CSBO

*a. Ratify the June 30, 2020, July 1, 2020, July 15, 2020, July 30, 2020 and August 14, 2020 Accounts Payable Disbursement Journals. Approve the August 31, 2020 Disbursement Journal.

*b. Ratify the July 3, 2020, June 17, 2020, July 31, 2020 and August 14, 2020 District Payrolls.

*c. Subject to review of the Board at the next regular meeting, The Board will be asked to approve the payment of the following:

1. Recurring expenses, including but not limited to items such as utilities, employee benefits, professional services, supplies, and expenditures related to state and federal grants, for which nonpayment before the next regular Board meeting will result in the assessment of a late payment penalty and/or interest� and

2. The September 2020 District employee payrolls, as determined based on existing teacher and employee contracts, and verified hours worked by the end of the applicable pay period.

*d. Acceptance of the 11Unaudited" Statement of Position for the Month Ending June 30, 2020.

*e. Acceptance of the Statement of Position for the Month Ending: July 31, 2020. The roll call vote was: Ayes: Mr. Rana, Mr. Werner, Mrs. Bear, Mr. Pepe and Mrs. Moslander. The President declared the motion carried.

f. Approval to sell Arbor Park School District 145 end-of-life desktops, laptops, and any other identified technology to Active Resource Company of Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin as described in the August 23, 2020 Asset Panda Report. Mr. Rana made the motion and Mr. Werner seconded to approve to sell Arbor Park School District 145 end-of-life desktops, laptops, and any other identified technology to Active Resource Company of Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin as described in the August 23, 2020 Asset Panda Report. The roll call vote was: Ayes: Mr. Rana, Mr. Werner, Mr. Pepe, Mrs. Bear, Mrs. Ing and Mrs. Moslander. The President declared the motion carried.

g. Acceptance of an offer of $1,350.00 from Active Resource Company of Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin for Arbor Park SD 14S end-of-life desktops, laptops, and any other identified technology as described in the August 23, 2020 Asset Panda Report. Mr. Pepe made the motion and Mr. Rana seconded to approve the Resolution Related to the Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 2021. The roll call vote was: Ayes: Mr. Rana, Mr. Werner, Mr. Pepe, Mrs. Bear, Mrs. Ing and Mrs. Moslander. The President declared the motion carried.

h. Approval to donate Arbor Park School District 145 decommissioned assets to St. Damian Elementary School of Oak Forest, Illinois as identified in the August 23, 2020 Asset Panda report. Mr. Werner made the motion and Mr. Pepe seconded to accept and approve of the 7/1/2020 - 6/30/2021 renewal for Property/Liability/Auto and Workers Compensation coverage as submitted by Alliant Financial Insurance Services. The roll call vote was: Ayes: Mr. Rana, Mr. Werner, Mr. Pepe, Mrs. Bear, Mrs. Ing and Mrs. Moslander. The President declared the motion carried.

8. Closed Session. At 7:28 p.m. Mrs. Bear made the motion and Mr. Rana seconded to enter closed session to discuss matters of appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District. At 8:43 p.m. Mr. Rana made the motion and Mr. Werner seconded to return to open session.

9. Report of the Superintendent of Schools.

Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Mr. Pepe seconded by Mr. Rana, to approve/ratify the following personnel items as presented.

*a. Personnel


Sandy Bahena, APMS, Secretary, eff. 7-1-2020

Jane Freyer, APMS, Nurse eff. 8-17-2020

Juliet Miglieri, SOS, 3rd & 4th Special Ed, eff. 8-17-2020

Malgorzata Neely, MGS, 1st gr Teacher leave of absence, eff. 8-17-2020

Courtney Rubino, MGS, 2nd grade Teacher, eff. 8-17-2020

Samantha Akouris, APMS, PE Teacher, eff. 8-17-2020

Zeinab Ramadan, KHS, PT Paraprofessional, eff. 8-17-2020

Previously Unfilled Para Positions:

Mervitt Tadros, APMS, Paraprofessional, eff. 8-17-2020

Kimberlee Aaron, MGS, Paraprofessional, eff. 8-17-2020

Jeanine Marcheschi, SOS, Paraprofessional, eff. 8-17-2020

Vanessa Raygoza, MGS, Paraprofessional, eff. 8-17-2020


Patsy Kilmczak, TRANS, Bus Driver, eff. 8-17-2020


Sofija Jasudaite, MGS, Special Ed, eff. 7-1-2020

Jennice Turner, APMS, Literacy Coach eff. 7-6-2020

Zahra Kazmi, APMS, Computers, eff. 7-6-2020

Nitza Adrianzen, APMS, Paraprofessional, eff. 7-24-2020

Jeanne Laird, APMS, 7th grade Science Teacher, eff. 7-24-2020

Sandra Hill-Bicek, APMS, Paraprofessional, eff. 8/1/2020

Jenna Lake, APMS, Music Teacher, eff. 8-1-2020

Daniel Burdi, APMS, Communications (formally Computers), eff. 8-14-2020


Connie Mroczek, MGS, 2nd grade Teacher, eff. 8-1-2020


Mary Cosentino, MGS, 1st grade Teacher, eff. 2020-2021 School Year

The roll call vote was: Ayes: Mr. Rana, Mr. Werner, Mr. Pepe, Mrs. Lux, Mrs. Bear and Mrs. Moslander. The President declared the motion carried.


SmartProcure Public Records Request for APSD 145 Staff

c. Informational items

• Panda New Notification System-Sendit

School Pointe

Team viewer

• O&M

PPE & Signs Everywhere

Big Presence of Custodial Team

Stickers for Door Handles every night showing room was cleaned & sanitized

• All students provided with a SurfaceGo or iPad, training done by staff

10. Adjournment

At 9:24 p.m. Mrs. Bear made the motion and Mr. Pepe seconded, to adjourn the meeting. The voice vote was: Ayes: 6, Nays: 0. The President declared the motion carried and the meeting was adjourned.
