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City of Blue Island City Council Met September 8

Webp meetingroom04

City of Blue Island City Council met Sept. 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:


The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Blue Island Held Remotely at 7:04 p.m. by Mayor Vargas as permitted by Executive Order 2020-07 signed by Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker on March 16, 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.



Roll Call indicates the following:

Present: 14 Cazares, Rita (7:19), Donahue, Hawley, Fahrenwald, Hill, Mech, CaIT, Zylman, Klinker, Stevo, Johnson (7:34), Alexander, Bilotto

Absent: 0

Present Also: Randy Heuser, City Clerk

Cary Horvath, City Attorney


Motion by Aid. Fahrenwald, second by Aid. Bilotto to approve the Regular City Council Minutes from August 25, 2020 as corrected.

Ayes: 11 Donahue, Hawley, Fahrenwald, Hill, Mech, Carr, Zylman, Klinker, Stevo, Alexander, Bilotto

Nays: 0

Absent: 2 Rita, Johnson

Abstention: 1 Cazares


There being Eleven ( 11) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Lone Voice in Blue Island thanked Mayor Vargas and Alderman Stevo for their actions to get the alarm turned off at the former Metro South hospital and suggested that we should have contact information for this property to avoid such occurrences and suggested that a Community Policing Program would have avoided this situation.

Emily Meyer asked the Council's assistance in helping with keeping Blue Island trash free. She is asking for a message on the monthly water bill for residents to know the City's policy regarding bulk waste, better enforcement in the Business District for businesses that do not keep their property trash free and a place for "trash brigades" to dispose of trash collected by these volunteer groups.

David Johnson commended the volunteer groups that are picking up trash throughout the City and asked that the City do a better job of citing commercial businesses for failing to uphold their responsibility to keep their prope1ty litter free.

Carol DiPace-Greene thanked all who helped or donated to the last mask, glove, hand sanitizer and food giveaway on August 13th and announced that the next giveaway would be September 12th from 10:30- 12:30 while supplies last.



Mayor Vargas wished all a belated Happy Labor Day, he also thanked the volunteers who continue to pick up trash throughout the City.

Mayor Vargas also informed the Council that demolition and remediation of the last remaining Building at 119th & Vincennes should begin soon.

Mayor Vargas asked continue to follow CDC guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic and welcomed all the Blue Island students back to school albeit in a remote learning environment.

He announced that the Western Ave Bridge rebuild was well underway and the Cal-Sag Trail is near completion.

Mayor Vargas stated that he is working on an October date for Summit with the six Community members he appointed to the Mayor's Advisory Committee.

Mayor Vargas reminded everyone that the 2020 Census is very important to make sure we get the Federal Funding due to us and asked that the Aldermen help with this cause and that we not forget the upcoming Anniversary of 9/11.

Thanks to the Blue Island Police for recently locating the missing person from Blue Island.

Motion by Aid. Fahrenwald, second by Aid. Stevo to approve the Appointment of Zoning Board of Appeals Chairman - Kimberly Byrne.

Ayes: 8 Cazares, Hawley, Fahrenwald, Carr, Klinker, Stevo, Alexander, Bilotto

Nays: 5 Rita, Donahue, Hill, Mech, Zylman

Absent: 1 Johnson

Abstention: 0

There being Eight (8) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion by Aid. Bilotto, second by Aid. Hawley to approve Proclamation - World Water Monitoring Day and Blessings of the Water

Ayes: 13 Cazares, Rita, Donahue, Hawley, Fahrenwald, Hill, Mech, Carr, Zylman, Klinker, Stevo, Alexander, Bilotto

Nays: 0

Absent: 1 Johnson

Abstention: 0

There being Thirteen (13) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion by Aid. Fahrenwald, second by Aid. Hawley: Effective September 9, 2020 the City of Blue Island will terminate the services of Akerman LLP and Montana and Welch, LLC. Final payment will be made for any properly authorized services provided by both firms through that date, upon presentation of detailed invoices.



Much discussion by Aldermen including a Motion to add removal of Odelson & Sterk as the City Attorney. Attorney Horvath stated that the Motion was out of order and illegal because the Mayor appoints the City Attorney. Original motion was then voted upon.

Ayes: 4 Hawley, Fahrenwald, Stevo, Johnson

Nays: 10 Cazares, Rita, Donahue, Hill, Mech, Carr, Zylman, Klinker, Alexander, Bilotto

Absent: 0

Abstention: 0

There being Four (4) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion failed.

No Bids


Motion by Aid. Bilotto, second by Aid. Donahue to approve Monthly Treasurer's Report.

Ayes: 14 Cazares, Rita, Donahue, Hawley, Fahrenwald, Hill, Mech, Carr, Zylman, Klinker, Stevo, Johnson, Alexander, Bilotto

Nays: 0

Absent: 0

Abstention: 0 There being Fourteen (14) Affimative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion by Aid. Donahue, second by Aid. Bilotto to approve Inter-fund Transfers from Unrestricted and Restricted Accounts.



Ayes: 12 Cazares, Rita, Donahue, Hawley, Fahrenwald, Hill, Mech, Carr, Zylman, Klinker, Alexander, Bilotto

Nays: 2 Stevo, Johnson

Absent: 0

Abstention: 0

There being Twelve (12) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

No Business

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT- next meeting September 9, 2020

Ordinance No. 2020-032 An Ordinance Granting a Parking Variation of the Blue Island Zoning Code for the Property located at 1964 Vermont Street, Blue Island, Illinois.

Motion by Aid. Bilotto, second by Aid. Cazares to approve Ordinance No. 2020-032

Ayes: 12 Cazares, Hawley, Fahrenwald, Hill, Mech, Carr, Zylman, Klinker, Stevo, Johnson, Alexander, Bilotto

Nays: 2 Rita, Donahue

Absent: 0

Abstention: 0

There being Twelve (12) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Ordinance No. 2020-033 An Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of a Special Use Permit to Taylor Ali Ziyad to Permit the Operation of an Automobile Body and Fender Shop and Automobile Repair Shop on the premises located at 1210 I S. Western Avenue, Which is in a C-2 Highway Commercial Zoning District in Blue Island, Illinois.

Motion by Aid. Bilotto, second by Aid. Cazares to approve Ordinance No. 2020-033.

Ayes: 12 Cazares, Hawley, Fahrenwald, Hill, Mech, Carr, Zylman, Klinker, Stevo, Johnson, Alexander, Bilotto

Nays: 2 Rita, Donahue

Absent: 0

Abstention: 0

There being Twelve (12) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

FINANCE COMMITTEE - next meeting September 14, 2020

Motion by Aid. Donahue, second by Aid. Rita to approve Payroll for August 21, 2020 for $346,571.89.

Ayes: 14 Cazares, Rita, Donahue, Hawley, Fahrenwald, Hill, Mech, Carr, Zylman, Klinker, Stevo, Johnson, Alexander, Bilotto

Nays: 0

Absent: 0

Abstention: 0

There being Fourteen ( 14) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion by Aid. Donahue, second by Aid. Carr to approve Accounts Payable for September 9, 2020 for $546,686.12.

Ayes: 12 Cazares, Rita, Donahue, Hawley, Fahrenwald, Hill, Mech, Carr, Zylman, Klinker, Alexander, Bilotto

Nays: 2 Stevo, Johnson

Absent: 0

Abstention: 0

There being Twelve (12) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Resolution No. 2020-037 A Resolution Approving and Authorizing a Contract with M.E. Simpson Co. Inc. for Fire Hydrant Maintenance and Flow Capacity Testing.

Motion by Aid. Donahue, second by Ald. Bilotto to approve Resolution 2020-037.

Ayes: 13 Cazares, Donahue, Hawley, Fahrenwald, Hill, Mech, Carr, Zylman, Klinker, Stevo, Johnson, Alexander, Bilotto

Nays: 0

Absent: 1 Rita

Abstention: 0

There being Thitteen (13) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion caiTied.

Resolution No. 2020-038 A Resolution Approving and Authorizing a Contract with Dero, a Playcore Company, for the Purchase of Service Stations and Air Kits for Installation on the Bike Trail.

Motion by Aid. Donahue, second by Aid. Bilotto to approve Resolution 2020-038.

Ayes: 12 Cazares, Donahue, Hawley, Fahrenwald, Hill, Mech, Can-, Zylman, Klinker, Stevo, Alexander, Bilotto

Nays: 0

Absent: 1 Rita

Abstention: 1 Johnson

There being Twelve (12) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Resolution No. 2020-039 A Resolution Approving and Authorizing a Contract with Doty & Sons Concrete Products Inc. for Town Square Litter Receptacles.

Motion by Aid. Donahue, second by Ald. Bilotto to approve Resolution 2020-039.

Ayes: 13 Cazares, Donahue, Hawley, Fahrenwald, Hill, Mech, Carr, Zylman, Klinker, Stevo, Johnson, Alexander, Bilotto

Nays: 0

Absent: 1 Rita

Abstention: 0

There being Thirteen (13) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY -Next Meeting is September 15, 2020

MUNICIPAL SERVICES-Next Meeting is October 13, 2020

Ordinance No. 2020-034 An Ordinance Rescinding Handicapped Parking Restrictions at 12717 Elm Street in the City of Blue Island, County of Cook and State of Illinois.

Motion by Aid. Carr, second by Aid. Fahrenwald to approve Ordinance 2020-034.

Ayes: 13 Cazares, Donahue, Hawley, Fahrenwald, Hill, Mech, Carr, Zylman, Klinker, Stevo, Johnson, Alexander, Bilotto

Nays: 0

Absent: I Rita

Abstention: 0

There being Thirteen (13) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

JUDICIARY COMMITTEE- Next Meeting September 15, 2020


Alderman Hill asked if we would be having a ceremony commemorating 9/11.

Mayor Vargas

Alderman Zylman has been getting complaints about the bushes not being groomed on the Western Avenue parking lot between Union & High

Alderman Stevo asked for status of web page updates.

Alderman Mech stated that residents in the 5th Ward have overhead sewers and still have flooding issues. Alderman Mech expressed concern about how the committees will be structured with one Alderman per Ward.

Alderman Johnson asked that we place do not block driveway signs at 13547 Western and also thanked Mayor Vargas for his help clearing the yard at 139th & California.


Motion by Aid. Bilotto, second by Aid. Hill to adjourn the meeting.

Ayes: 12 Cazares, Hawley, Fahrenwald, Hill, Mech, Carr, Zylman, Klinker, Stevo, Johnson, Alexander, Bilotto

Nays: 0

Absent: 2 Rita, Donahue

Abstention: 0

There being Twelve (12) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 p.m.

The next regular meeting of the City Council is scheduled for September 22, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.
