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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Bloom Township High School District 206 Board of Education Met September 28

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Bloom Township High School District 206 Board of Education met Sept. 28.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Bloom Township High School District 206 Board of Education met in regular session in the boardroom of the Administration Center and via electronic attendance in accordance with the Executive Order No. 7 (the “Order No. 7”) signed by Governor Pritzker on March 16th, 2020. Mr. Drake called the meeting order at 2:04 p.m. The pledge of allegiance was recited.

Roll Call

Board members present were Mr. Drake, Ms. King, Ms. Palombi, and Mr. Rossi. Mrs. Everett, Mr. Murphy, and Mr. Angell were absent.

Administrators present were Dr. Navarre, Mr. Okrasinski, Mr. Reda. Also present was

Mr. Wong (school board attorney)via telephone.

Superintendent’s Report

A. Dr. Navarre informed the board that the Special Education students are beginning testing EL and SpEd students. Dr.Navarre went to recommend the beginning of scheduling services like speech therapy and physical therapy and other related services; this would be referred to a Phase 1. He was also able to speak with other foundation Superintendents including Dr. Leak in Sauk Village, Dr. Jackson in Ford Heights, and Mr. Amadio at 170 in Chicago Heights. All agree that there is a need to bring some SpEd students back into the districts for school.

Approval of the Consent Agenda

Mr. Drake asked the Board for a motion to approve the consent agenda. Mr. Rossi moved and Ms. King seconded. Upon roll call, all Board members voted “Aye." Motion carried 4-0.

A. Approval of the Open Session Minutes of August 24, 2020

B. Approval of Bills dated: 09/28/2020

C. Approval of Imprest Account bills dated: 09/21/2020

D. Approval of Payroll dated: 08/28/2020, 09/01/2020, 09/03/2020, 09/15/2020, & 09/30/2020

E. Approval of Personnel Report

1) Resignation(s)

2) Employment/Appointment(s)

3) Stipends

4) Leave(s) of Absence

5) Other


New Business – Action Items

A. First Reading Board Policy Manual Revision—Press Issuse 104 & 105

Ms. King moved and Mr. Rossi seconded approving the first reading of the District 206 Policy manual Revision updates:

1) 2:220 – School Board Meeting Procedure

2) 2:260 – Uniform Grievance Procedure (Adopt as Presented by IASB)

3) 2:265 – Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Grievance Process (Adopted as Presented by IASB)

4) 4:180 – Pandemic Preparedness; Management and Recovery

5) 5:10 – Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment (Adopted as Presented by IASB)

6) 5:20 – Workplace Harassment Prohibited (Adopted as Presented by IASB)

7) 5:100 -- Staff Development Program (Adopted with Additional District Edits)

8) 5:220 – Substitute Teachers (Adopted as Presented by IASB)

9) 5:330 – Sick Days. Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves (Adopted as Presented by IASB)

10) 7:10 – Equal Educational Opportunities (Adopted with Additional District Edits)

11) 7:20 – Harassment of Students Prohibited (Adopted as with Additional District Edits)

12) 7:180 – Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation and Harassment (Adopted as Presented by IASB)

13) 7:185 – Teen Dating Violence Prohibited (Adopted as Presented by IASB)

14) 7:340 – Student Records

15) 7:345 – Use of Educational Technologies; Student Data Privacy and Security

B. Fundraising Project

Dr. Navarre informed the board that this is huge annual fundraiser that will take place virtually due to the current circumstances. Ms. King moved and Mr. Rossi seconded approving the Drive for Your School to begin October 21, 2020.

C. E-book—Modern Welding e-book by Goodheart Wilcox Publisher

Mr. Rossi moved and Ms. King seconded approving the Modern Welding e-book by Goodheart Wilcox Publisher at the total cost of $16,818.75

D. Agreement—Solution Tree

Ms. King moved and Mr. Rossi seconded approving the professional development agreement with Solution Tree for teaching staff on equity and cultural competency in the amount of $7,000.00, paid through Title I.

E. Subscription Service—Honest Game

Mr. Reda informed the board that Honest Game will monitor the NCAA clearing house for our student athletes as they make their way towards collegiate athletics. Mr. Rossi moved and Ms. King seconded approving the Honest Game Subscription Service at no cost to the district due to a donation from YWCA.

F. Agreement—Fence Masters

Dr. Navarre informed the board that within the past 3 months the district has had several break-ins on the football field. The repairs included a barrier would cost $9,000.00 and would add an additional component, but a new fence entirely makes more sense. Mr. Rossi asked if there was any vandalism during the break ins. Mr. Reda and Dr. Navarre both stated that there was no vandalism, and that the majority were students and community members that just wanted to enjoy the field. Mr. Rossi moved and Ms. King seconded, approving the proposal from Fence Masters in the amount of $18,480.00.

G. Agreement—DocuSign

Ms. King moved and Mr. Rossi seconded approving the the DocuSign eSignature Business Pro Edition contract in the amount of $3,500.00.

H. Appointment—Contact Tracing Consultant

Dr. Navarre informed the board that Ms. Julian would serve as the Tracing Consultant so that we have an expert on staff as needed. Mr. Rossi moved and Ms. King seconded approving the appointment of retired teacher, Paulette Julian to the position of District Contact Tracing Consultant effective September 15, 2020.

I. Compensation Reports

Ms. King moved and Mr. Rossi seconded approving the following compensation reports:

1) Administrator & Teacher Salary

2) IMRF Total Compensation Package in Excess of $75,000

J. Request for Use of Facilities

Ms. King moved and Mr. Rossi seconded approving a waiver of rental fees received on August 20, 2020 from Ron Newquist of the Chicago Heights Renegades to utilize Bloom Varsity Softball field on Mondays and Wednesdays practices and workouts through October 28, 2020.

Public Participation

There was no public participation.

Closed Session

At 2:20 p.m., Ms. King moved and Mr. Rossi seconded to convene to a closed session meeting for the purpose of discussing the following: personnel – the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, collective negotiations matters, the closed session minutes and discussion of litigation. Upon roll call, all present Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 4-0.

Return to Open Session

At 2:49 p.m., Ms. Palombi moved and Mr. Rossi seconded to to reconvene to open session. Upon roll call, all present Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 4-0.

Mr. Rossi moved and Ms. King seconded approving the closed session minutes of August 24, 2020. Upon roll call, Mr. Rossi, Ms. King, and Ms. Palombi voted “Aye”. Mr. Drake abstained. Motion carried 3-0-1.


Ms. King moved and Mr. Rossi seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Upon roll call, all Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 4-0. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, Mr. Drake declared the meeting adjourned at 2:51 p.m.
