
South Cook News

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Bloom Township High School District 206 Board of Education Met October 19


Bloom Township High School District 206 Board of Education met Oct. 19.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Roll Call

II. Superintendent's Report

A. IHSA Update

B. FOIA Requests:

III. District's response to a request from Mrs. Terebessy, Legal Aid Chicago, re: a copy of the Bloom Township High School District (BTHD) current anti harassment and/or anti-discrimination policy; a copy of all documents outlining BTHD's current procedures for responding to sexual harassment and gender based discrimination, including both peer sexual harassment and discrimination and sexual harassment and discrimination between district employees and students; copies of any other documents or guidelines that impact the application and enforcement of these policies and procedures; the name and contact information of BTHD's designated Title IX coordinator.

IV. Approval of the Consent Agenda

A. Approval of the Open Session Minutes of September 28, 2020

B. Approval of Bills dated: 10/19/2020

C. Approval of Imprest Account bills dated: 10/13/2020

D. Approval of Payroll dated: 10/15/2020

E. Approval of Personnel Report

Resignation(s) Employment/Appointment(s) Stipends Leave(s) of Absence


V. New Business—Action Items

A. Recommend second reading of the suggested revisions to the Board Policy manual as recommended by Del Galdo Law Group in regards to the PRESS Issue 104 & 105 Updates as follows:

2:220 - School Board Meeting Procedure 

2:260 – Uniform Grievance Procedure (Adopt as Presented by IASB) 

2:265 – Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Grievance Process (Adopted as Presented by IASB) 

4:180 – Pandemic Preparedness; Management and Recovery 

5:10 – Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment (Adopted as Presented by IASB) 

5:20 – Workplace Harassment Prohibited (Adopted as Presented by IASB) 

5:100 -- Staff Development Program (Adopted with Additional District Edits) 

5:220 - Substitute Teachers (Adopted as Presented by IASB) 

5:330 - Sick Days. Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves (Adopted as Presented by IASB) 

7:10 - Equal Educational Opportunities (Adopted with Additional District Edits) 

7:20 - Harassment of Students Prohibited (Adopted as with Additional District Edits) 

7:180 – Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation and Harassment (Adopted as Presented by IASB) 

7:185 – Teen Dating Violence Prohibited (Adopted as Presented by IASB) 7:340 - Student Records 

7:345 – Use of Educational Technologies; Student Data Privacy and Security

B. Recommend approval of revisions to Bloom Township High School District 206 Faculty Association 2020-2022 Collective Bargaining Agreement.

C. Recommend approval of the updated job description for the position of District Director of Technology.

D. Recommend approval of the ISC4 contract for Social Emotional Leaning In-Service professional development in the amount of $1,200 funded through Title II.

E. Recommend approval of the Lisa Westman Consulting, Inc. contract for professional development in the amount of $2,500 funded through Title II.

F. Recommend the approval of the ISC4 contract for Working with Special Populations In Service in the amount of $600 funded through Title II.

G. Recommend approval of the proposal to perform services agreement with Paicely Productions.

VI. Public Participation

VII. Closed Session

A. Motion to convene to a closed session meeting for the purpose of discussing the following matters:

1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. [5ILCS 120/2(C)(1)]

2) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedule for one or more classes of employees [5ILCS 120/2(C)(1)]

3) Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06. [5ILCS 120(C)(21)]

4) Discussion of litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting, held in closed session pursuant to Section 2(c)(11) of the Open Meetings Act [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11)]

B. Motion to adjourn closed session meeting and reconvene open session meeting.

VIII. Additional action items for issues discussed in closed session meeting, if necessary.

A. Motion to approve minutes of the Closed Session meeting of September 28, 2020 B. Motion to approve employment/personnel actions tabled during Consent Agenda (if any).

IX. Adjournment of Open Session Meeting
