
South Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Hometown City Council Met August 11

Webp meeting 10

City of Hometown City Council met Aug. 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Call to Order: The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Hometown was called to order by Mayor Kevin Casey on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 8:00 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Alderman Smith.

Roll Call: Roll call indicated that the following were present: Aldermen Kurysz, Reynolds, Smith, Grochowski, Barnhouse, Finnegan and Zak. Absent: Aldermen Touchie, Walsh and Banasiak.

Also present: Michael Cainkar, City Attorney, Louis Dominguez, Chief of Police, Bonnie Gesiakowski, Director of Public Health and Safety, Mark Trlak, Public Works Director, and James Forbes, Building Commissioner.

Press: Kelly White, Hometown Hi-Lites.

Journal July 28, 2020: Moved by Alderman Grochowski seconded by Alderman Reynolds to approve as published the Journal of July 28, 2020 Regular City Council Meeting.

Roll Call Indicated:

AYES: (6) Aldermen Zak, Smith, Reynolds, Finnegan, Grochowski and Kurysz.

NAYS: (0)

ABSENT: (3) Aldermen Touchie, Walsh and Banasiak

ABSTENSION: (1) Alderman Barnhouse




Office of the Mayor:

Mayor Casey stated he talked to a few people interested in the position of Zoning Board of Appeals Member and decided to appoint Paul Leubscher. Paul has lived in Hometown for many years and understands Hometown codes and keeping things uniform.

Appointment: Moved by Alderman Kurysz, seconded by Alderman Zak to approve the appointment of Paul Leubscher to the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Roll Call Indicated:

AYES: (7) Aldermen Zak, Smith, Reynolds, Finnegan, Barnhouse, Grochowski and Kurysz.

NAYS: (0)

ABSENT: (3) Aldermen Touchie, Walsh and Banasiak


Mayor Casey stated it is with sadness that I give each of you this letter. It is a letter of resignation from Alderman Spencer Touchie. Spencer has experienced some health issues and feels he wants to spend time with his family and getting 100% better. Spencer has been a great Alderman, Friend and confidant and he will be missed. Mayor Casey stated he met with a few candidates for appointment to the Office of Alderman Ward Three and has found someone but was waiting to get the resignation letter. The appointment will be made at the next meeting and the person appointed will have to run in April.

The reconstruction of 89th Street is 90% finished and the project went well. The next project will be the sixty (60) ADA corners, and they are already marking Duffy which will be reconstructed from Main Street to 87th Place, that should begin in September. Things are starting to develop in the Shopping Center but until there are signed leases there will be no announcement. BP was approved by the gaming board and had their machines delivered but not turned on yet. It is extremely important to encourage residents to fill out the census forms, they can do it online, it is quick and easy. If they do not have computers, they can use the library computers. The lost revenue from missed residents means 10 years of lost revenue.

Office of the City Clerk:

Clerk Hacker reported that her office received notification from the Department of Revenue that the Sales Tax collected in the month of March 2020 was in the amount of $16,084.46 the amount collected in the month of March 2019 was in the amount of $26,710.87.

Clerk Hacker reported that her office received notification from the Department of Transportation that the MFT collected in the month of March 2020 was in the amount of $6,008.19 the amount collected in the month of March 2019 was in the amount of $9,626.32.

Office of the Treasurer:

Treasurer Roti stated everyone should have a copy of the reports generated by his office. We are doing well, Real Estate Tax money has been coming in and of course the vehicle sticker money and business license revenue.


City Attorney: Michael Cainkar, City Attorney had no report.

Police: Louis Dominguez, Chief of Police reported with the looting in Chicago, the surrounding agencies

were in communication with one another. There was one incident by the Pawn Shop that the police were able to prevent before it got started. Please stress to people asking questions or with complaints to make a phone call to the police station, posting on FB does absolutely nothing to solve the issue. There was discussion regarding stop signs.

Public Works: Mark Trlak, Director reported they have been painting and flushing hydrants.

Building: James Forbes, Building Commissioner had no report.

Public Health and Safety: Bonnie Gesiakowski had no report.


Accounts Payable and Payroll August 11, 2020: Moved by Alderman Reynolds, seconded by Alderman Barnhouse to approve for payment the accounts payable vouchers in the amount of $25,150.29 and payroll vouchers in the amount of $80,455.95 for a total expenditure of $105,606.24.

(List of vouchers marked “EXHIBIT A” attached to and made a part of this Journal)

Roll Call Indicated:

AYES: (7) Aldermen Zak, Smith, Reynolds, Finnegan, Barnhouse, Grochowski and Kurysz.

NAYS: (0)

ABSENT: (3) Aldermen T

Alderman Reynolds acknowledged receipt of the City Treasurer’s report and the Clerk Collector’s report for July.


Alderman Glen Zak, Chairman had no report.


Alderman Walsh, Chairman absent.


Alderman Smith, Chairman had no report. Mayor Casey stated they will meet tomorrow night.


Alderman Barnhouse, Chairman gave the Building Report.

Alderman Barnhouse notified the City Council that a meeting of the Building Board of Appeals was held on July 29, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at the request of Kevin Luckett of 9031 Corcoran Road after his roof permit was denied due to the color matching his garage but not his neighbor’s house roof. The Building Board voted 6 Yes 0 No.

Alderman Barnhouse notified the City Council that a meeting of the Building Board of Appeals on July 29, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at the request of Eric Gonzalez of 4014 W. 90th Place after request to keep his house painted grey while his duplex neighbor’s house is white was denied. This is an L shaped house. The Building Board voted 6 Yes 0 No.

LICENSE COMMITTEE: Alderman Donna Grochowski, Chairman reported so far in August there has been $3,099.00 in vehicle stickers and late fees.


Alderman Bob Reynolds, Chairman had no report.

INSURANCE COMMITTEE: Alderman Rick Banasiak, Chairman was absent.

PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE: Alderman Luci Kurysz, Chairman had no report.

POLICE COMMITTEE: Alderman Finnegan, Chairman gave the report for May:

Incident Reports 227 P Tickets 518 State Tickets 32 Written Warnings 72 Verbal Warnings 78 Compliance REPORTS FROM SPECIAL COMMITTEES

Library: Alderman Grochowski reported the meeting was short, they still have not received their per capita funds. They have received approximately $11,000.00 in Real Estate Taxes. They signed a contract on the grant work. They are still deciding what they will do with the $1,100.00 donated in memory of Shirley Sears.

Legislation: Alderman Spencer Touchie, Chairman was absent.

Fire Department: Alderman Rick Banasiak was absent. Mayor Casey reported their meeting was cancelled due to the severe weather, they will meet in September.

Personnel Review: Mayor Kevin Casey, Chairman had no report.


ORD. No. 7-2020: Moved by Alderman Finnegan, seconded by Alderman Zak to approve Ordinance No. 7-2020, an Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Appointed City Officers, by Revising Section 2.21, Officers and

Employees; Chain of Command, and Section 2.24, Chief of Police Powers and Duties; Full-Time Officer; Fire Inspector, Of The City Of Hometown Municipal Code.

Chief Dominguez explained the changes this makes is an equal rank structure across all shifts, with the training and many mandates, there needs to be a person in charge every shift to be in compliance.

Roll Call Indicated:

AYES: (7) Aldermen Zak, Smith, Reynolds, Finnegan, Barnhouse, Grochowski and Kurysz.

NAYS: (0)

ABSENT: (3) Aldermen Touchie, Walsh and Banasiak


Special Events: Alderman Grochowski had no report.

Health, Welfare & Community Awareness: Alderman Grochowski reported the free shredding event will be August 21, from 9-11 a.m. and each car is limited to 2 boxes. Mayor Casey reported that Nick & Vito’s is celebrating their 100th Anniversary this Thursday from 3 pm to 11 pm.


NEW BUSINESS: Mayor Casey congratulated Clerk Hacker on her recent marriage.


ADJOURNMENT: Motion made by Alderman Reynolds seconded by Alderman Finnegan to adjourn the regular meeting of the Hometown City Council.


The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm
