
South Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Chicago Heights School District 170 Board of Education Met October 13

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Chicago Heights School District 170 Board of Education met Oct. 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Upon roll call, those present were: 

Member Castanon

Member Cordes

Member Karwowski

Member DiGiovanni

Member Nevarez

Member Sanders

President Costello

Those absent were: None


Lori Davis, Adam Orze, Adele Propst, Amanda Ruiz, Angela Carlton, Angela Jacobucci, Angelique Sayeed, Anthony Nacisi, Arma Bentley, Artis McCann, Ashlee Walik, Ashley Krueger, Brandi Harvey-Robinson, Briana Heckler, Bryan Cisneros, Cara Pastere, Cherie Galle, Christina De La Cerda-Moreno, Christine Zomparelli, Christopher Baikauskas, Consuela Ramirez, Cynthia Heffron, Cynthia Sanchez-Jezler, Dana Carlson, Dana Flamini, Dana Walaszczyk, Daniel Petrarca, Danielle Scartozzi, Dawnielle Smith, Diane Kostovski, Diane Matise, Eden Medina, Elizabeth Briones, Elizabeth Reyes, Elizabeth Tapajna, Ellen Wise, Erica Hamrin, Erick Sinay, Erin Salamon, Faith Bern, Gina Rizzo, Gina Sefcik, Gloria McFarlane, Helena Greenfield, I’Keia Malone, Jennifer Kerr, Jacquelyn Hermes, Jeannie Cruz, Jenn Deenihan, Jenn Magruder, Jennifer Meehan, Joe Taylor, Juanita Guzman, Julie Craig, Julie Lynch, Karen King, Karen Smith, Kate Welch, Katrina Colonnelli, Kerstine Papa, Kim Naylor, Kimberly Boyd-Robinson, Kimberly Florez, Kristen Turner, Laura Rehak, Lauren Cordes, Lori Barberi, Louisa Flamini, Mamie Kernagis, Marcia Wilson, Maricela Clark, Maritza Mota, Marjorie Doll, Martha Belmontes, Mary Thompson, Maureen O’Brien, Megan Homoky, Melissa Bryant, Michele Dabrowski, Monica Dudek, Monica Hinojosa, Nancy Glennon, Natalie Lewis, Patricia Corcoran, Patricia Grotovsky, Priti Idrovo, Rebecca DiCosmo, Iliana Roman, Sabrina Steck, Sandra Copher, Shawn Vavelous, Sheila Barbanski, Tom Ritter, Tracy Sundwall, Tricia Knight, Tricia Wells, Vernell Hopkins, William Seidelmann, Jodi Irwin, Karen Brennan, Jon Simpson, Amanda Zambrano, Deonna Grant-Stinson, Mark Pesavento, Elvia Estrada, Lynette Grant, Jackie Jenikins,Marita Roberts, Karlin Ritter, Genelle Spears, Becky Medlicott, Kathy Smok,Megan Beals, Kris Linde, Lori Kirby, Emily Repking, Keturah Byrd, Anne Contreras, Kathy Haywood, Smantha Nichols, Larissa Villagomez, Michelle Robinson, Charice Wright, Kaitlin Damiani, Linda Grossi, Rich Hunt and Sandra Castaneda-Mendez were present. Superintendent Amadio addressed parent and staff concerns regarding the return to in person learning.


- Students are participating in morning social emotional learning check ins on Class Catalyst. The on-line platform provided by Mindful Practices. Students check in with their teachers each morning and start the day with a mindful activity to help them get ready for learning.

- Our certified staff is participating in SEL 102 to learn more about SEL practices to support our students and parents, as well as learn how to take time for their own mental health and well being.

 - Antonio Gutierrez, 8th grader at the new Chicago Heights Middle School, finished 4th in the cross country conference. 8th grader Luis Garcia finished 9th. The team qualified for sectionals which is this Thursday, October 15th at Southwood Middle School.

- After school clubs will be starting as part of the After School Program Grant to provide enrichment activities for our students. Some of these clubs may involve art, drama, STEM/STEAM, student council, to name a few. Teachers and paraprofessionals can host these after school activities.

- Our first Parent/Teacher Conference will be held remotely on November 02, 2020.


A. President Costello reminded the Board that the buildings and grounds report was provided to them in an attachment.

B. President Costello reminded the Board that the August 2020 Treasurer’s Report was provided to them in an attachment.

C. Assistant Superintendent Mary Kay Entsminger updated the Board on the current Professional Development being provided to staff.

D. President Costello reminded the Board that the next Board meeting would be held on November 09, 2020 at 5:00 pm.


Member Cordes moved, seconded by Member Sanders , to enter into Executive Session at 6:27 pm to discuss:


Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the findings shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11)


Student disciplinary cases. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(9)

(8) Security procedures, school building safety and security, and the use of personnel and equipment to respond to an actual, a threatened, or a reasonably potential danger to the safety of employees, students. staff, the public or public property. 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (8)

(10) The placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students. 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (10)

Upon roll call, those voting yea: 

Member Castanon

Member Cordes

Member Karwowski

Member DiGiovanni

Member Nevarez

Member Sanders

President Costello

Those voting nay: None

Motion Carried.

Member Karwowski moved, seconded by Member Nevarez , to come out of the Executive Session at 7:27 pm.

Upon roll call, those voting yea: 

Member Castanon

Member Cordes

Member Karwowski

Member DiGiovanni

Member Nevarez

Member Sanders

President Costello

Those voting nay: None

Motion Carried.


There was no action taken after the Executive Session.


A. Minutes (attachment)

The approval of the minutes of the Board Meeting held on September 14, 2020.

B. District Invoices (attachment)

The approval of invoices for payment on 9/21/20, 10/05/20.

C. Imprest Report (attachment)

The approval of the September, 2020 Imprest Report.

D. State & Federal Grant Invoices (attachment)

The approval of invoices for payment on October 01, 2020.

E. District Pre-K Invoices (attachment)

The approval of invoices for payment on , October 06 2020.

F. ISC4 Invoices (attachment)

The approval of invoices for payment on 9/4/20, 9/18/20, 10/5/20, 10/6/20.

G. Personnel

1. Employment Pending Pre Employment Processing

The approval of the employment of the following persons:

Michelle Belair, Interventionist, Wilson School, effective 9/24/20

Martha Belmontes, Administrative Assistant, Washington-McKinley School, effective 9/25/20 (change in position)

Marilyn Brunk, Teacher 8th Grade Math, Chicago Heights Middle School, effective 9/9/20 Charles Bryant, Night Custodian, TBD, effective 9/13/20

James Clark, Teacher Resource SPED, Wilson School, effective 9/23/20 (change in position)

April Mason, Teacher, Chicago Heights Middle School, effective 10/8/2020

Croccifiixio Villagomez, Night Custodian, TBD, effective 9/28/2020

2. Resignation(s)

The approval, with regret, of the resignation of the following person(s):

Daniella Carbajal, Administrative Assistant, Chicago Heights Middle School, effective 9/15/20 (declined) Jacqueline Isom-Walk, Paraprofessional, Lincoln School, effective 9/08/20

3. Retirement(s)

The approval, with regret, of the retirement of the following employee(s):

Judy Phipps, Cafeteria Worker, Washington-McKinley School, effective 8/26/20

Alicia Diaz, Paraprofessional, Highland School, effective 6/2021

4. Leave of Absence(s)

The approval of the following request(s) for a leave of absence:

Karin Barber-Keith, Teacher, Lincoln School, EFMLA, effective 8/31/20 - 11/22/20

Michele Brosius, Teacher, Washington-McKinley School, Maternity Leave, effective 10/14/20 Emiliano Gonzalez, Custodian, Lincoln School, EFMLA, effective 9/29/20-10/2/20

Member Cordes moved, seconded by Member Castanon , to approve the consent agenda as presented.

Upon roll call, those voting yea: 

Member Castanon

Member Cordes

Member Karwowski

Member DiGiovanni

Member Nevarez

Member Sanders

President Costello

Those voting nay: None

Motion Carried.


A. Review and Approval of 2nd Reading of Updates and Revisal of Board Policy: 2:220, 2:265, 4:180, 5:10, 5:20, 5:100, 5:220, 5:330, 7:10, 7:40, 7:180, 7:185, 7:190, 7:190-APR, 7:340, 7:345.

President Costello moved, seconded by Member Cordes, to approve the Review and Approval of 2nd Reading of Updates and Revisal of Board Policy: 2:220, 2:265, 4:180, 5:10, 5:20, 5:100, 5:220, 5:330, 7:10, 7:40, 7:180, 7:185, 7:190, 7:190-APR, 7:340, 7:345.

Upon roll call, those voting yea: 

Member Castanon

Member Cordes

Member Karwowski

Member DiGiovanni

Member Nevarez

Member Sanders

President Costello

Those voting nay: None

Motion Carried.

B. Approval of Revised 2020-2021 School Calendar.

Member Karwowski moved, seconded by President Costello, to approve the Revised 2020-2021 School Calendar.

Upon roll call, those voting yea: 

Member Castanon

Member Cordes

Member Karwowski

Member Sanders

President Costello

Those voting nay: Member DiGiovanni

Member Nevarez

Motion Carried.

C. Approval of House of Light, LLC Contract

President Costello moved, seconded by Member Cordes, to approve the House of Light, LLC Contract.

Upon roll call, those voting yea: 

Member Castanon

Member Cordes

Member Karwowski

Member DiGiovanni

Member Nevarez

Member Sanders

President Costello

Those voting nay: None

Motion Carried.

D. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding between the Board and Chicago Heights Classified Staff Council AFT Local 604 regarding the Pre-K Parent Coordinator.

Member DiGiovanni moved, seconded by Member Cordes, to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the Board and Chicago Heights Classified Staff Council AFT Local 604 regarding the Pre-K Coordinator.

Upon roll call, those voting yea: 

Member Castanon

Member Cordes

Member Karwowski

Member DiGiovanni

Member Nevarez

Member Sanders

President Costello

Those voting nay: None

Motion Carried.

E. Approval of Revised Proposal for Construction Management Services QSCB Multiple Phase.

President Costello moved, seconded by Member Castanon, to approve the Revised Proposal for Construction Management Services QSCB Multiple Phase.

Upon roll call, those voting yea: 

Member Castanon

Member Cordes

Member Karwowski

Member DiGiovanni

Member Nevarez

Member Sanders

President Costello

Those voting nay: None

Motion Carried.

F. Approval of Change Order CCD 031 and 032 Linear Electric Inc. - $102,040.80.

G. Member Karwowski moved, seconded by Member Castanon, to approve the Change Order CCD 031 and 032 Linear Electric Inc. - $102,040.80.

Upon roll call, those voting yea: 

Member Castanon

Member Cordes

Member Karwowski

Member DiGiovanni

Member Nevarez

Member Sanders

President Costello

Those voting nay: None

Motion Carried.

H. Approval of Change Order #4 - Reichelt Plumbing Inc. - $4,336.00.

Member Castanon moved, seconded by Member Cordes, to approve the Change Order #4 - Reichelt Plumbing Inc. - $4,336.00.

Upon roll call, those voting yea: 

Member Castanon

Member Cordes

Member Karwowski

Member DiGiovanni

Member Nevarez

Member Sanders

President Costello

Those voting nay: None

Motion Carried.

I. Approval of Change Order CCD 030, 031R, and 032 - Chicago Heights Construction Company - $90,532.00.

Member Karwowski moved, seconded by Member Cordes, to approve the Change Order CCD 030, 031R, and 032 - Chicago Heights Construction Company - $90,532.00.

Upon roll call, those voting yea: 

Member Castanon

Member Cordes

Member Karwowski

Member DiGiovanni

Member Nevarez

Member Sanders

President Costello

Those voting nay: None

Motion Carried.

J. Approval of Change Order - Tri Electronics - $20,780.00.

President Costello moved, seconded by Karwowski, to approve Change Order - Tri Electronics - $20, 780.00.

Upon roll call, those voting yea: 

Member Castanon

Member Cordes

Member Karwowski

Member DiGiovanni

Member Nevarez

Member Sanders

President Costello

Those voting nay: None

Motion Carried.

K. Approval of Student Activity Insurance.

Member karwowski moved, seconded by Member Cordes, to approve the Student Activity Insurance.

Upon roll call, those voting yea: 

Member Castanon

Member Cordes

Member Karwowski

Member DiGiovanni

Member Nevarez

Member Sanders

President Costello

Those voting nay: None

Motion Carried.

Member Karwowski moved, seconded by Member DiGiovanni , to adjourn the meeting at 7:54: pm.

Upon roll call, those voting yea: 

Member Castanon

Member Cordes

Member Karwowski

Member DiGiovanni

Member Nevarez

Member Sanders

President Costello

Those voting nay: None

Motion Carried.
