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Bloom Township High School District 206 Board of Education Met October 19

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Bloom Township High School District 206 Board of Education met Oct. 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Bloom Township High School District 206 Board of Education met in regular session in the boardroom of the Administration Center and via electronic attendance in accordance with the Executive Order No. 7 (the “Order No. 7”) signed by Governor Pritzker on March 16th, 2020. Mr. Angell called the meeting order at 2:00 p.m. The pledge of allegiance was recited.

Roll Call

Board members present were Mr. Angell, Ms. King, and Ms. Palombi. Mrs. Everett was present via telephone. Mr. Drake, Mr. Murphy, and Mr. Rossi were absent.

Administrators present were Dr. Navarre, Mr. Okrasinski, Mr. Reda. Also present was Mr. Wong (school board attorney)via telephone.

Superintendent’s Report

A. Dr. Navarre informed the board Athletic Director Reda would address the board regarding new updates from the IHSA. The IHSA will be hosting regionals and sectional for only boys and girls cross country. Our teams will be competing in the upcoming weekend. Additionally, Mr. Reda congratulated them for winning the conference meet the previous weekend. Mr. Reda informed the board that the IHSA would be meeting later on that day to discuss the guidance and progression of winter sports. They are expecting to make an announcement by November 1st. Dr. Navarre mentioned that the Christmas tournaments had been cancelled. Mr. Angell asked if we were going to have basketball. Mr. Reda replied that this is what we were currently working on with tryouts beginning Nov. 16th. Both Dr. Navarre and Mr. Reda confirmed that the district is still waiting on guidance from IHSA and the Governor’s Office before making any further decisions.

B. Dr. Navarre informed the board that the district received a FOIA from Legal Aid Chicago that took approximately 12 hours to complete.

Approval of the Consent Agenda

Mr. Angell asked the Board for a motion to approve the consent agenda. Ms. King moved and Ms. Palombi seconded. Upon roll call, all Board members voted “Aye." Motion carried 4-0.

A. Approval of the Consent Agenda

A. Approval of the Open Session Minutes of September 28, 2020

B. Approval of Bills dated: 10/19/2020

C. Approval of Imprest Account bills dated: 10/13/2020

D. Approval of Payroll dated: 10/15/2020

E. Approval of Personnel Report

1) Resignation(s)

2) Employment/Appointment(s)

3) Stipends

4) Leave(s) of Absence


New Business – Action Items

A. Second Reading Board Policy Manual Revision—Press Issuse 104 & 105

Ms. Palombi moved and Ms. King seconded approving the first reading of the District 206 Policy manual Revision updates:

1) 2:220 – School Board Meeting Procedure

2) 2:260 – Uniform Grievance Procedure (Adopt as Presented by IASB)

3) 2:265 – Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Grievance Process (Adopted as Presented by IASB)

4) 4:180 – Pandemic Preparedness; Management and Recovery

5) 5:10 – Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment (Adopted as Presented by IASB)

6) 5:20 – Workplace Harassment Prohibited (Adopted as Presented by IASB)

7) 5:100 -- Staff Development Program (Adopted with Additional District Edits)

8) 5:220 – Substitute Teachers (Adopted as Presented by IASB)

9) 5:330 – Sick Days. Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves (Adopted as Presented by IASB)

10) 7:10 – Equal Educational Opportunities (Adopted with Additional District Edits)

11) 7:20 – Harassment of Students Prohibited (Adopted as with Additional District Edits)

12) 7:180 – Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation and Harassment

(Adopted as Presented by IASB)

13) 7:185 – Teen Dating Violence Prohibited (Adopted as Presented by IASB)

14) 7:340 – Student Records

15) 7:345 – Use of Educational Technologies; Student Data Privacy and Security

B. Revisions to Bloom Township High School District 206 Faculty Association 2020-2022 Collective Bargaining Agreement

Dr. Navarre informed the board that the revisions were corrections to pay dates and re- inserting clubs that were left off the initial documents. Ms. Palombi moved and Ms. King seconded approving the revisions to the Bloom Township HSD 206 Faculty Association 2020- 2022 CBA.

C. Job Description

Ms. Palombi moved and Ms. King seconded approving the job description for the position of District Director of Technology.

D. Agreement—ISC4 Social Emotional Learning In-Service

Ms. Palombi moved and Ms. King seconded approving the ISC4 contract for Social Emotional Leaning In-Service professional development funded through Title II.

E. Agreement—Lisa Westman Consulting, Inc.

Ms. King moved and Ms. Palombi seconded approving the contract for professional development funded through Title II.

F. Agreement—ISC4 Working with Special Populations In-Service

Ms. Palombi moved and Ms. King seconded approving the contract for Working with Special Populations In-Service funded through Title II.

G. Agreement—PaicelyProductions

Ms. King moved and Ms. Palombi seconded approving the proposal to perform services agreement with Paicely Productions.

Public Participation

There was no public participation.

Closed Session

At 2:09 p.m., Ms. Palombi moved and Ms. King seconded to convene to a closed session meeting for the purpose of discussing the following: personnel – the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, collective negotiations matters, the closed session minutes and discussion of litigation. Upon roll call, all present Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 4-0.

Return to Open Session

At 2:31 p.m., Ms. Palombi moved and Ms. King seconded to reconvene to open session. Upon roll call, all present Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 4-0.

Ms. Palombi moved and Ms. King approving the closed session minutes of September 28, 2020. Upon roll call, all present Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 4-0.


Ms. Palombi moved and Mr. Angell seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Upon roll call, all Board members voted “Aye.” Motion carried 4-0. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, Mr. Angell declared the meeting adjourned at 2:33 p.m.
