
South Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Kirby School District 140 Board of Education Met Oct. 15.

Webp meeting41

Kirby School District 140 Board of Education met Oct. 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

  1. Opening of Meeting.
    1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance.  At 7:00 P.M., President Martelli called to order the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education, Kirby School District 140, Cook County which was held with Board Members present.  While there were a few members of the community physically present at this meeting, most of the public viewed and heard the live Board Meeting virtually using Zoom Video Conferencing; and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
    2. Roll Call.  Board Members present:  Mrs. Deborah Kowalski, Dr. Jacqueline Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Lisa Strand, Mr. John Lutz, Mrs. Carol DeMicheal, Mr. Chuck Augustyniak and Mr. Thomas Martelli; Board Members absent:  None.  Others present:  Dr. Shawn Olson, Superintendent; Mr. Michael Andreshak, Director of Business Services; and Mrs. Karen Jamraz, Recording Secretary.
    3. Correspondence.  Incoming:  There were several emails from parents that were included in the Board packets regarding their concerns about remote learning;  Outgoing:  None.
    4. Approval of Minutes Summary of Previous Meeting - Regular Meeting of September 17, 2020.  It was moved by Mr. Augustyniak and seconded by Dr. Kelly-McHale to approve the Minutes Summary of Previous Meeting - Regular Meeting of September 17, 2020, as presented.  The voice vote was:  Ayes:  7; Nays:  0; Abstains:  0.  The motion carried; whereupon President Martelli, as attested by Secretary DeMicheal affixed their signatures to said minutes summary.
  2. Public Comments.
    1. Annual Audit Report.  Mr. Ed McCormick of Mueller & Company presented the 2019-20 Annual Audit Report stating the Kirby School District 140 continues to be fiscally responsible and maintains strong fund balances while renovating buildings and remaining debt free.  He commended Mr. Andreshak and his team for their efforts to keep things as they should be.  The Annual Finance Report for this audit will be posted for the public to view on our District website.
    2. Recognition of Public.  There were eighteen emails received and read aloud by members of the Board.  The general subject of all of these emails was in regard to the hybrid plan that is set to begin for the second quarter.  Some were in favor of this plan while others were not.  There were five parents attending the meeting in person that asked to be recognized.  One parent spoke about the need for more social emotion learning while others spoke about the impact that remote learning is having on their children.  The hybrid plan that the District is proposing beginning the second quarter poses many problems for working parents and families with small children.  They also spoke about the need to be back in school full time.  A petition was presented to Dr. Olson and the Board signed by over 500 people asking to return to full in-person learning.
  3. Financial Reports.
    1. Monthly Expenditures Consent Agenda.  It was moved by Mrs. DeMicheal and seconded by Dr. Kelly-McHale to approve the expenditures including payroll, accounts payable and procurement card in the aggregate amount of $4,541,413.00.  The roll call vote was:  Ayes:  Dr. Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Kowalski, Mr. Lutz, Mrs. Strand, Mrs. DeMicheal, Mr. Augustyniak and Mr. Martelli; Nays:  None; Abstains:  None.  The President declared the motion carried whereupon Mr. Martelli, as attested by Secretary DeMicheal, affixed their signatures to said expenditure report. 
    2. Statement of Revenues and Expenditures.  Mr. Andreshak presented the report stating that the District has received about 98% of our property tax money.
  4. Administrative Report.
    1. Superintendent.
      • Return to School. Dr. Olson redefined the hybrid plan for the Board.  This plan is to begin at the beginning of the 2nd quarter on November 2, 2020.  Monday, November 2nd will be a remote planning day for the teachers. Tuesday, November 3rd is the Presidential Election Day so students are not in attendance.  Students will begin their hybrid schedule on Wednesday, November 4th.  A letter with more information, including schedules, will be mailed home the week of October 19th.
      • School Report Card.  Dr. Olson stated that because state testing did not take place last year, each of the school's designations on the School Report Card will remain the same as last year.
      • Tuition Reimbursement.  Dr. Olson wanted to inform the Board that our teachers are using the Tuition Reimbursement Program. The Board received a memo in their packet stating that 90 teachers participated and were within $3.34 of spending the total money allotted for this program. As a result of coursework completed during the 2019-2020 school year, 60 teachers were approved for lane advancement on the Teacher Salary Schedule, including 8 teachers who earned their first Masters Degree.  In addition, we had 2 administrators participate in the District 140 Tuition Reimbursement Program.
    2. Director of Business Services.
      • FOIA Request.  Mr. Andreshak stated that he received one FOIA request from ADAC regarding information about special education in our District.  He referred this to Ms. Dwyer to answer since this was her department, therefore she would have the most accurate information.
  5. Unfinished Business.  There was no unfinished business.
  6. New Business.
    1. Board Reports. Mr. Martelli stated that there was a Committee of the Whole Meeting held on September 24, 2020.  This was a closed session meeting to conduct the Superintendent's evaluation.  Mr. Martelli scheduled a Committee of the Whole Meeting for Thursday, September 29, 2020 at 7:00 to discuss the 2nd quarter educational plan.
    2. Approve Electronic Submission of the Title I School Improvement 1003(a) Grant Application.  It was moved by Dr. Kelly-McHale and seconded by Mr. Augustyniak to approve the electronic submission of the 2020-2021 Title I School Improvement 1003(a) grant application to the Illinois State Board of Education.  The roll call vote was:  Ayes:  Mrs. Kowalski, Mr. Lutz, Mrs. Strand, Mrs. DeMicheal, Mr. Augustyniak, Dr. Kelly-McHale and Mr. Martelli; Nays:  None; Abstains:  None.  The President declared the motion carried.
    3. Approve District Insurance.  Upon the recommendation of Administration, it was moved by Dr. Kelly-McHale and seconded by Mrs. DeMicheal to approve the following carriers as presented:  Health Insurance-Continue with Blue Cross/Blue Shield for the 2021 policy year; Dental Insurance-Switch to Guardian for the 2021-2022 policy year; Vision Insurance-Continue with Vision Service Plan (VSP) for the 2021-2022 policy year; Life Insurance-Continue with Blue Cross/Blue Shield for the 2021 policy year; Long-Term Disability- Switch to Blue Cross/Blue Shield for the 2021-2022 policy year; Retiree Health Insurance-Continue with Hartford for the 2021 policy year.  The roll call vote was:  Ayes:  Mr. Lutz, Mrs. Strand, Mrs. DeMicheal, Mr. Augustyniak, Dr. Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Kowalski and Mr. Martelli; Nays:  None; Abstains:  None.  The President declared the motion carried.
  7. Closed Session.  There was no reason to enter closed session.
  8. Personnel - Consent Agenda.  It was moved by Mr. Augustyniak and seconded by Mrs. Strand to approve the presented items on consent agenda.  The roll call vote was:  Ayes:  Mrs. Strand, Mrs. DeMicheal, Mr. Augustyniak, Dr. Kelly-McHale, Mrs. Kowalski, Mr. Lutz and Mr. Martelli; Nays:  None; Abstains:  None.  The President declared the motion carried.  The following personnel items were approved:
Cynthia Sible

Accept Resignation as Teacher, effective the close of September 21, 2020 – Bannes


Carli Dunn

Accept Resignation as Teacher, effective the close of October 16, 2020 – McAuliffe


Josephine Murray

Accept Resignation as Registered Nurse, effective the close of October 2, 2020 – Millennium


Beverly Sowell

Accept Resignation as Building Clerk, effective the close of October 2, 2020 – Fernway


Hebatalla Mohamed

Accept Resignation as Paraeducator, effective the close of September 25, 2020 – Millennium


Margaret Mesch

Accept Resignation as Paraeducator, effective the close of December 22, 2020 – Keller


Kathleen McNulty

Accept Resignation as Paraeducator, effective the close of October 6, 2020 – Millennium


Kelly Rocca

Accept Resignation as Supervisory Aide, effective the close of October 6, 2020 – Bannes


Elizabeth Lejsek-Collins

Offer First Year Probationary Contract as Teacher at step 6, lane 6, $51,905.07, effective September 28, 2020 – Prairie View


Kathleen McNulty

Offer First Year Probationary Contract as Teacher at step 1, lane 1, $39,729.17, effective October 7, 2020 – Millennium


Catherine Herrmann

Offer First Year Probationary Contract as Teacher at step 2, lane 5, $43,965.25, effective October 13, 2020 – Keller


Bridget Purdy

Offer Combined Grade Class Compensation per KEA Contract at $2,500.00, effective August 25, 2020 – McAuliffe

Kelly Rocca

Reassign as Building Clerk at $12.00 per hour, effective October 13, 2020 – Fernway

Beverly Sowell

Reassign as Paraeducator at $14.36 per hour, effective October 5, 2020 – Millennium

  1. Adjournment.  It was moved by Dr. Kelly-Hale and seconded by Mrs. DeMicheal and Mr. Augustyniak that the Regular Meeting be adjourned.  The voice vote was:  Ayes: 7; Nays:  0; Abstains:  0.  The motion carried whereupon President Martelli declared the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education adjourned at 9:12 P.M.