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Thursday, January 30, 2025

City of Burbank City Council Met October 14

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City of Burbank City Council Met Oct. 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

CALL TO ORDER The meeting of October 14,2O2O was called to order at'7:30 PM by Mayor Dan M' Foy in theCouncil Chambers at 6530 West 79th Street Burbank- Il'

ROLL CALL Mayor Foy requested a roll call which indicated the following members present: Alderwoman BarbCa[le, Alierman Robert Contreras, Alderwoman Sheri Gustafson, Aldetman Claude Haerr,Alj'erman John pacella, Alderman Mitchell Piznarski, Alderman Jason Pyle, Mayor Dan M. Foyand Clerk Barry J. Szymczak. Absent: Treasurer Viverito

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Foy then asked all to rise for the Pledge of Allegiance'

JOURNAL Mayor Foy asked for a motion to approve the minutes of September 23,2020. The motion was made by Alderman Contreras and seconded by Alderwoman Gagle with unanimous approval by voice vote and so declared by the Chair.

CURRENT BILLS Mayor Foy then asked for a motion to approve the current list of bitls. The motion was made byAlderman Contreras and seconded by Alderman Pacella. A roll call indicated 7 Ayes and 0 Nays'Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Haerr, Alderman Pacella, Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle.

CLERK REPORT Clerk Szymczak had no report to file for this meeting'

TREASURER'S REPORT Mayor Foy reported that Treasurer Viverito will be undergoing hip-replacement on Oct. 15th. TheCity Council wishes him well and a speedy recovery.

ORDINANCES/RESOLUTION/PETITIONS No ordinances, resolutions or petitions were on the agenda for this meeting.

COMMITTEE REPORTS No committee reports were filed for this meeting.

POLICE DEPT. Chief Shore reported that the speed trailer is "on duty" and requested any aldermen or alderwomen who feel the need for the trailer in a specific area to contact him. He also reported that 2 of the 3recruits in training will be available for field training around November 1". The 3'd recruit is in extended training at the present time.

FIRE DEPT. Chief Gilgenberg reported that 9 department members have tested positive for Covid-19 and are currently quarantine, none of which were workplace exposure. I department member is off on a work-related injury and another is on personal medical leave. The Chief also reported that the City is within reach of possible grant funding for radar speed signs around schools, which contain traffic data software to assist the Police Department for vehicle identification.

BUILDING & ZONING Commissioner Ricchuito reported that Napa Auto at 82"d and Cicero should be opening by October17th.

PUBLIC WORKS Director Burris reported that the 78'r' Street Rehabilitation project is complete, including stripping and sign  ordering.

CITIZEN'S REPORT The Chair recognized Charles Bandusky 8548 S. Lavergne who inquired about the timeline of Barraco's pizza at the sight of Georgious' Restaurant. Mayor Foy explained that the City Council still needs to approve the project. Alderman Contreras stated that the residents that attended the Zoning meeting for the restaurant were very receptive to the project.

ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Chair asked for a motion to adjourn. The motion was made byAlderman Contreras and seconded by Alderman Pyle with unanimous voice approval and so declared by the Chair.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 P.M.
