
South Cook News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

City of Burbank City Council Met October 28

Webp meeting 05

City of Burbank City Council Met Oct. 28.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Mayor Dan M. Foy in the Council Chambers at 6530 West 79ft Street Burbank, II. 

ROLL CALL Mayor Foy requested a roll call which indicated the following members present: Alderwoman Barb Gagle, Alderman Robert Contreras, Alderwoman Sheri Gustafson, Alderman Claude Haerr, Alderman Mitchell Piznarski, Alderman Jason Pyle, Mayor Dan M. Foy and Clerk Barry J. Szymczak. Absent Treasurer Dean Viverito and Alderman John Pacella 

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Foy then asked all to rise for the Pledge of Allegiance. 

JOURNAL Mayor Foy asked for a motion to approve the minutes of October 14, 2020. The motion was made by Alderman Contreras and seconded by Alderman Pyle with unanimous approval by voice vote and so declared by the Chair. 

CURRENT BILLS Mayor Foy then asked for a motion to approve the current list of bills. The motion was made by Alderman Contreras and seconded by Alderwoman Gagle. A roll call indicated 6 Ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Haerr, Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle. 

CLERK'S REPORT Clerk Szymczak had no report to file for the Council meeting. 

ORDINANCES/RESOLUTION/PETITIONS Alderman Piznarski made a motion seconded by Alderman Contreras to ask the city Attorney to prepare an ordinance for Petition #20-08-l Mohamad Khaled E557 S. Newland Burbank, Il. a variation to install a 6' privacy fence on front yard side set back and waive any starting date restrictions- A roll call iodicated 6 Ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderman Gagte Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson Alderman Haerr, Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle 

Alderman Piznarski made a motion seconded by Alderman IIaErr to ask the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance for Petition #20-@,-l Roger and Leslie Harper 8301 S. Narragansett Burbank, Il. requesting a variation to install a 6' privacy fence on front yard side set back and waive any starting date restrictions. A roll call indicated 6 Ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderman Gustafson, Alderman Haerr, Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle.

Alderman Contreras made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Gagle to ask the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance for Petition #20-09-2 Luis Bautista, 7750 S. Menard Burbank Il- requesting a variation to install a 6'privacy fence on front yard side set back and waive any starting date restrictions. A roll call indicated 6 Ayes and 0 Nays. Voting Aye: Alderwoman Gagle, Alderman Contreras, Alderwoman Gustafson, Alderman Haerr, Alderman Piznarski and Alderman Pyle. 

COMMITTEE REPORTS No committee reports were filed for this meeting. 

POLICE DEPT. REPORT Chief Shore reported that a study is underway for new radios for the Police Department- The Chief also reported that we have 2 candidates in the academy at the present tine,2 officers are off on medical and that the Department is ready for any Election Day problems which might arise 

FILE DEPT. REPORT Chief Gilgenberg reported that the City has received a check from the Cook County Covid- 19 Response Plan Team in the amount of $597,1 54-42 in conjunction with the Intergovernmental and Subrecipient Agreement between Cook County and the City of Burbank. The Chief also stated that a bid opening will be taking place on Tuesday, November l0* @ I l:00 AM at City Hall in reference to the purchase of PPE. 

BUILDING & ZONING REPORT Commissioner Ricchiuto reported 2 new homes, 3 room additions, 2 new garages and 161 permits issued within the last month. 

PUBLIC WORKS REPORT Director Burris stated that the new sign strips are in, as well as the installation of new stop signs within the City. Mayor Foy thanked Public Works for repairing a damaged fence behind the Woodspring Suites Hotel which would have cost the Cilv nearly $1,000.00 to outsource for repair. 

CITIZEN'S REPORT The Chair recognized Frank Pryztula 129 Pinehurst Court who inquired about the proposed medical center on the site of the Burbank Manor Banquets and closing plans for restaurants in the Burbank area. Mayor Foy stated that the business should follow guidelines set up by the State and that the Cig, would work with the businesses as close as it can. 

ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Chair asked for a motion to adjourn. The motion was made by Alderman Contreras and seconded by Alderman Pyle with unanimous approval and so declared by the Chair. The meeting was adjourned at 7:44 P.M. 
