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Naperville Community Unit School District 203 Board of Education Met December 7


Naperville Community Unit School District 203 Board of Education met Dec. 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to order

President Kristin Fitzgerald called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. Board members present: Charles Cush, Kristin Fitzgerald, Kristine Gericke, Joe Kozminski, Paul Leong Janet Yang Rohr, Donna Wandke, and Kristine Gericke, (arrived at 5:07 pm).

Administrators present were:

Dan Bridges, Superintendent,

Bob Ross, Chief Human Resources Officer Michael Frances, Chief Finance Officer/CSBO

Closed Session

Donna Wandke moved, seconded by Paul Leong to go into Closed Session at 5:03 p.m. for consideration of:

1. Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District.

2. Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (2) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives.

Meeting Opening

Donna Wandke made a motion, seconded by Joe Kozminski to return to Open Session at 7:04pm. A roll call vote was taken. Those voting yes: Leong, Gericke, Fitzgerald, Wandke, Yang Rohr, Cush and Kozminski. No: None. The motion carried

Welcome and Mission

Donna Wandke welcomed all and read Naperville Community Unit School District 203’s Mission Statement.

Roll Call

Board members present: Kristin Fitzgerald, Donna Wandke, Charles Cush, Kristine Gericke, Joe Kozminski, Paul Leong, and Janet Yang Rohr.

Student Ambassadors present: None.

Administrators present: Dan Bridges, Superintendent, Roger Brunelle, Chief Information Officer, Michael Frances, Chief Financial Officer/CSBO, Chuck Freundt, Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Education, Christine Igoe, Assistant Superintendent for Student Services, Rakeda Leaks, Executive Director of Inclusion and Diversity, Sinikka Mondini, Executive Director for Communications, Patrick Nolten, Assistant Superintendent for Assessment and Accountability, Stephanie Posey, Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education, Bob Ross, Chief Human Resources Officer, and Jayne Willard, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction.

Pledge of Allegiance

Led by the Board of Education

Good News

Sinikka Mondini reported that:

Central Times Named a Crown Award Winner

Last week the Columbia Scholastic Press Association named the Central Times as a Crown Award winner. From among nearly 850 high school publications submitted to the contest from around the country, the website version of Central Times was selected as one of 17 winners, and is one of only two Illinois publications to make the list.

Mission Maker

Superintendent Bridges offered congratulations to NCHS Central Times.

Superintendent Bridges introduced our Mission Maker, nominated by Matthew Sniadecki.

Never being able to walk, drive, dance, run, or stand. That is Paul Milano’s day with ALS, a fatal disease that has an expectancy of 3-5 years after diagnosis. Yet, that is a small part of his story. For three years, Paul Milano has influenced hundreds of students, starting at Jefferson three years ago in my classroom and then following me to Kennedy. He has changed the lives of kids, making them realize they have a gift to share with the world, so they had better take advantage of it. From his honesty about his physical depletion, the moral of his story uplifts the kids’ empathy, making them truly be better community contributors themselves. They have gone out to do acts of kindness among our Naperville and Lisle homes because of Paul. The feedback from the over 300 students has been of gratitude, respect, emotions, and life-changing decisions because of this humble man. Paul knows his fate is sooner than most, yet he lives his life molding our District 203 students into the personification of our mission statement. Paul Milano is a maker of mission makers.

Superintendent Bridges noted congratulations and thank you for sharing your story with our students. President Fitzgerald offered Paul a thank you for your service to our students.

Public Comment:

There are no written communications for this meeting this evening.

We have reached the point in our agenda for public comment.

The Board of Education welcomes comments from the public at its meetings. We regret that due to guidance received by our DuPage County Health Department consistent with current mitigations limiting in person professional meetings to ten persons, we are meeting virtually and thus unable to receive public comment in person.

However, all individuals who wish to submit a public comment are able to do so by email, as has been our practice at our virtual meetings during the pandemic. These emails are included as a part of the record of our meetings and can be accessed under public comment on our website.

All public comment emails have been reviewed by the Board of Education. Community members have expressed a desire that the community be able to hear these messages as a part of our Board meetings and all will now be read aloud. In future meetings, our ability to read all email messages aloud will be determined by the number of comments received.

Mrs. Mondini read each of the submitted public comments aloud. They are also attached to the Agenda in Board Docs.

We want to thank all those who submitted public comments by email or have contacted the Board of Education. Reading your comments is a vital part of understanding the challenging issues faced by our community. Due to the volume of email, there are times where we are unable to respond in a timely way however, all emails are read and valued greatly by the Board of Education

Issues raised in public comment will be taken under advisement by the Board of Education but will not be discussed this evening. Issues raised during public participation may be added to future agendas or addressed by administrative staff. The Superintendent is the Board’s designee to coordinate response to public comment and will apprise the Board accordingly.

As has been communicated by our Superintendent, answers to questions raised in public comment will be posted on our website under Frequently Asked Questions.

This will conclude our public comment period.

Action by Consent:

1. Adoption of Personnel Report

Charles Cush made a motion to approve the Personnel Report as presented, seconded by Janet Yang Rohr. Those voting yes: Kozminski, Leong, Wandke, Gericke, Yang Rohr, Fitzgerald, and Cush. No: None. The motion carried.

2. Snow Removal Bid

We have not done this new bid in the past so I would like to understand our past procedure and then our need for changing that to moving forward with this bid.

Mr. Frances reported that Pat Dolan looked at what we spend on snow removal on a yearly basis. In speaking with Bob Rechenmacher and Melanie Brown, he decided to go out for bid in an effort to make this more cost effective for the district.

Therefore, it was bid out as three separate snow events. Looking for a company to work in sync with our B&G people.

Mr. Frances responded that this would give us some flexibility to pay by event or hourly depending on the size of the event.

Can we have an understanding of what has been spent in years past?

Would be helpful to see what has been spent in the past.

The work to get additional bid in the future will be helpful.

Superintendent/Staff/School Report

Return to Learn Update

 As a reminder, this is the current state of stage 2 - enhanced eLearning- of the R2L plan. Staff continue to monitor student progress and make determinations about which students need in- person instruction in order to make progress. For the health and safety of students and staff, we have limited in-person instruction to 10% of the student body.

 We will continue with enhanced eLearning model thru January 22, 2020.

 DCHD has determined that there continues to be a substantial level of community spread across the county. Even though there is substantial community spread, we are beginning to see some of the metrics return to the moderate level- such as the % of overall cases increasing- as well as the overall % of youth cases and the positivity rate has begun to trend downward.

 The number of new cases is beginning to stabilize and the positivity rate is beginning to trend down. In order for us to move from a substantial level of spread to a moderate level of spread we need to see the cases per 100,000 below 100 and the positivity rate needs to be below 8%.

 As a reminder, the number of cases for students is likely an underrepresentation of the total number of positive cases. For example, last week we had 117 students report that they had COVID like symptoms but they continued to be able to participate in remote learning activities.

 While the numbers are high, they are beginning to trend downwards, which is exciting.

 Our PPE stock continues to be adequate and there are no concerns with replacing our supply.

 Staffing concerns also are beginning to stabilize, today; we have 71 staff members who are not able to report to work for COVID related reasons. We believe that this reduction is partially due to being 100% remote last week.

 As we continue in Stage 3 enhanced elearning, we remain focused on the academic and social emotional wellbeing of all students.

 Our professional learning communities continue to analyze classroom data to guide their instruction and student supports and enrichment.

 During our November 24 remote planning day, educators spent time researching and sharing strategies to further engage all students in the online environment.

 As Dr. Igoe shared earlier, we continue to monitor the health and safety guidelines to determine our transition to hybrid learning. Our teachers and leaders have robust plans ready for when we transition into the buildings that ensure health and safety for all and high quality, in-person academic and social emotional learning for students.

 Currently, at the elementary level, we are analyzing standards proficiency attainment at the school, grade and student level based on first trimester reporting. We are using SY20 as a relative comparison.

 At the junior high and high school levels, we continue to monitor student grade attainment in conjunction with attendance while integrating with other information.

 Based on preliminary results, we have identified English Learner, African-American, Hispanic/Latinx and Economic Disadvantage as groups at highest risk for underperformance.

 Teachers and PLC teams continue to monitor students’ social-emotional wellbeing, and when appropriate seek assistance from the school social worker or counselor. Social workers are reporting that due to the trauma of experiencing a global pandemic, there are more students and families that need support than in a typical year; with a greater amount of need at the HS level compared to the JH and elementary levels. Requests for referrals for outside professionals has focused on the need for family therapy as opposed to student specific concerns.

 Parents can support their students SEL during the pandemic by creating continuity and structure, provide opportunities for peer connections through virtual systems, and by modeling through thinking aloud, what they are feeling and how they are going to work through their emotions. Parents should contact either the school social worker or counselor if they have concerns for their child.

 We are committed to our return to learn plan and over the next few weeks will continue to focus on our ability to increase in person instruction for students in January.

 On Friday, December 11, the Block Schedule feedback window will close for our secondary students, staff and caregivers.

 District leadership will review the feedback and provide a summary of the findings to the BOE at the December 21 BOE meeting.

 District leadership will use this data to inform possible revisions and enhancements to our current instructional model.

 This information will also be available on the district website for all to review.

 We will continue to update the frequently asked questions document on our website as questions come in through email and public comment.

 Communication will be coming out to caregivers that asks for confirmation of in person or online learning for all levels as we approach January 25 and the plan to move to a hybrid in person learning structure.

 Lastly, over the next two weeks we will monitor health and safety guidance to finalize our Return to Learn January calendar.

 District administration will present this information at the December 21 Board of Education meeting.

 The CDC has stated, that at first, the vaccine may not be recommended for children as clinical trials that include youth are just beginning.

 The current IDPH mass vaccination planning guide indicates that the vaccine will be voluntary.

 However, should they change their recommendation; Illinois School Code would need to be updated to include this vaccine. Changes to the school code requires, IDPH and the state board of health to conduct public hearings throughout the state, review recommendations from the State Immunization Advisory Committee, and issue a report.

 As we move forward, here is what families can expect over the next 8 weeks. As a mitigation strategy, we will once again go fully remote the first week back from winter break. Given how the break falls, there will only be 3 days in which there will be no in-person instruction.

 Beginning the week of Jan. 25, we will begin to transition.

 We will continue to update the COVID-19 dashboard weekly, but delays in data release may result in posting no later than Tuesday mornings at 8 a.m. We will closely monitor the data and update as soon as possible.

 As always, our Return to Learn web page includes the most up to date information and we will continue to send Talk 203 messages as needed.

Board Questions/Comments:

Thank you for the presentation. I am glad that we have a new procedure to get the questions in public comments answered.

Thank you for the report. What is needed to make in person a reality? Are we tied to the number presented? Can we move if we see the numbers trending downward?

Superintendent Bridges responded that if we see the data to move in the right direction we are in a position to move into our hybrid on January 25.

Dr. Igoe added that the numbers are there to provide a benchmark of what the county would be looking for.

As the CDC changes guidelines, the DCHD may change their guidance. Would we move into hybrid earlier?

Superintendent Bridges noted that not likely that we will move fully. We may be able to add more students coming into the buildings. If we see a significant change in metrics, we would revisit our plan. If DCHD no longer recommends 100% remote would we move back faster?

Superintendent Bridges responded they are not likely to do that. We will look at our plan if they do change their recommendations.

Can you update us on the IDPH changes; are they changing their guidelines like the CDC?

Dr. Igoe remarked, just this afternoon, the IDPH has changed some guidance to align with the CDC as it relates to the quarantine.

Case reporting rate within the district. Is the jump up more of a reporting issue?

Dr. Igoe stated that is might be a reporting issue. We are seeing trends coming down.

Can we talk about how prepared the buildings are? Are we ready to go in the physical plant?

Dr. Igoe responded, yes, we have been working and preparing the buildings since the beginning of the year.

Mr. Freundt added that we have had students in and have been following all the safety protocols.

Can you describe the communication plan? Will there be an orientation?

Mr. Freundt responded that at the elementary level, schools have been preparing videos to show students what looks different. Our plan that we outlined in October would allow for a staggering of grade levels to allow teachers to show the youngest students to learn the new procedures. Bringing in students now is helping as well.

Mrs. Posey added all buildings are ready to go. They are labeled and the traffic patterns are all laid out. All buildings are planning on some acclimation events for students whether they are new to the building or returning.

Going back to the staggered return, are you looking at this in the same way or if numbers look good is there a way to bring students back faster?

Mr. Freundt responded we did accelerate that plan back in October. The exact timing will be shared well in advance of the January 25.

Superintendent Bridges added we would share more information regarding the return to learn calendar at the December 21 Board of Education meeting.

How many students and staff are unable to attend or teach?

Dr. Igoe remarked quarantine numbers are students or staff who have symptoms or have been exposed.

Looking at staff numbers, we would be okay staffing with substitutes while the teachers can teach remotely?

Superintendent Bridges noted we are trending in the right direction with staff. Right now, we are concerned but should not negatively affect us going forward.

Thank you for the work with the regulatory entities

In terms of SEL, counselors are seeing an uptick in referrals for family counseling. What are we doing in class to augment those peer to peer connections?

Dr. Igoe stated we started the school year by building a community in the classrooms. Teachers do check in multiple times a day. Using class meeting times. If they feel like a student is not connecting, they are talking about that student in their PLC’s and will refer them to the student services team. Working hard to connect with the right support.

At the secondary level, are they using that 1:30-3:00 timeframe in the same way?

Dr. Igoe remarked, yes Need to have parents to help us if they are seeing a different student at home.

What are you identifying, what are you seeing in regards to trends around student performance?

Dr. Nolten noted that we are looking at trends in achievement and attendance particularly at the Junior High and High School levels. We are looking at D’s and F’s. Last year the number of D’s and F’s was 7%, this year it is 9%.

It is concerning to see the 2% increase. When you saw it, what did our PLC’s do with that data? Dr. Nolten stated, teams by department at NCHS for example, went thru to see if it was a skill deficit or was it an interest issue.

How are teachers reaching out to those students who are not good at advocating for themselves?

Dr. Igoe reported that teachers are looking at students overall.

There are still some students not seeking the help that they need. Need parents to communicate with us as well.

Dr. Igoe agrees that we need parents to help us if they are seeing something.

This is like a first year for all teachers. Is there anything else that Superintendent Bridges and team need to better support our teachers?

Superintendent Bridges remarked that we do not have a specific ask tonight but the team and others are working on figuring out what we may need.

What has our experience been with our own students, staff, and transmission of COVID?

Dr. Igoe reported that we contact trace and mostly found that they are exposed out of school. As cases go up, some people cannot trace exactly where they may have been exposed.

Mitigations are there to ensure that we are not transmitting.

Status report on testing?

Superintendent Bridges reported that he and Dr. Igoe have a call later this week with someone about rapid testing to be used as surveillance. There may be some opportunities.

What is the timeline for communicating with parents, survey regarding block scheduling and parent choice?

Superintendent Bridges noted that we do not have a timeline but will begin on that this week.

Will parent choice be fluid so they can move in and out?

Superintendent Bridges stated we have built in some fluidity with some added technology.

Can you speak to the resolution that we passed giving you authority?

Superintendent Bridges stated the resolution is really just an affirmation that the superintendent is in consultation with the Board of Education concerning anything that is a significant change. Any assertion that the Board does not have any authority is negated by the evaluation that the Board conducts of the Superintendent

We know how hard the staff are working and not leaving any stone unturned.

Thank you to the teachers who are really working to implement the nuts and bolts of making this work.

2020 Summer School Review

DB welcomed Kevin Wojtkiewicz to provide a summary of the 2020 Summer School, a presentation on Summer School 2021 will be given later.

Mr. Wojtkiewicz thanked all the teachers and summer directors for all their flexibility and efforts in navigating the online environment for summer school. The courses for K-8 were focused on essential grade level standards. High School coursed were limited to graduation requirements and those that could be successfully delivered in a virtual environment either through our own online courses or through Gradpoint and Academic Approach for a SAT prep course. The Alive Center provided a space for students to engage in online summer learning as well.

There was low enrollment at the Elementary and Junior High levels.

The full report is available in BoardDocs.

Board Questions/Comments:

Thank you for the report and the documentation in BoardDocs

How are we addressing the significant numbers who did not meet standards?

Mr. Wojtkiewicz stated that we are looking at curriculum to make sure that it aligns.

This was the first time with the SAT prep course, how did you feel about it? Did you see students use the waivers?

Mr. Wojtkiewicz noted that we had about 25 families who had registered for it. Once summer school started about 15 actually showed up.

KF-how did you feel about how it helped students?

Mr. Wojtkiewicz stated he was happy to see the progress made. Looking forward to doing it again next summer.

Thank you for the work that went into changing it several times. High School was such a huge increase. What are you thinking about doing next summer?

Mr. Wojtkiewicz remarked that Summer School was about the only thing they could participate in as there were no sports and families were not traveling. We will have to see how it goes next summer. Will review online courses.

Superintendent Bridges cautioned about looking too far ahead as we are planning for 2021.

Audit Report

Superintendent Bridges noted that every year the school district has to conduct an audit.

Each year the District engages an independent accounting firm to perform an audit of the District’s financial records in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the standards applicable to the financial audits contained in Governmental Auditing Standards. Wipfli CPAs of Aurora have performed this year’s audit and have found that our financial records correctly represent the District’s financial position, otherwise known as an unqualified opinion.

Andy Mace from Wipfli CPA’s in Aurora presented the audit report.

Business office has done a nice job of cleaning up any prior issues. We like the various levels that the district has in place. There are controls in place.

Board Questions/Comments:

Thank you Andy for the report and Mr. Frances for how you run the business office.

After 8 years of being on the board, the good financial position really is because of the boards before us.

We need to look at a wide brush stroke as to how to utilize the surplus to help all taxpayers. Superintendent Bridges also thanked Andy. Also thanks to Mike and your team. Greater than planned revenue we have a greater unplanned surplus. Administration is looking at ways to save some money to the taxpayers. At a future board meeting, we will present some additional recommendations on ways we can utilize the surplus.

Thank you for the report. Revenue variance, how did we end up with a revenue surplus during a pandemic?

Mr. Frances stated we adopted the budget and were conservative on the amount of interest we would earn. FY20 budget was conservative with interest income. Federal revenue comes in at odd times. Typically flat so it is more of a timing issue. The evidenced based funding are the only funds we can count on. Categorical disbursements are another story.

Tax levy did come under budget; do we anticipate that coming in lower going forward?

Mr. Frances stated that is because of the deferral of the taxes. Levy years are in alignment with the FY. Will be closer going forward.

Thank you Michael Frances and your team. Nice to have an auditor say there are no issues and there have been some improvement.

There are areas where we have under spent due to pandemic. We are looking forward to hearing your recommendation as to how to spend the surplus and support our taxpayers.

We were not afraid to spend to meet the needs of the students and staff during the pandemic. Some of those expenditures may show up in this budget year. Nice that we have the resources to help with that.

President’s Report

Superintendent Bridges and Mrs. Fitzgerald met with Rep Casten thru LEND. Working at the Federal level to help us have access to testing. Expressed that we will likely see additional needs with students because of the pandemic so they are looking at Federal dollars like IDEA and Title 1. Districts expressed concern of the future needs of students due to the pandemic and appreciate any efforts to increase those dollars.

Board of Education reports:

Mrs. Wandke reported on the November IASB Joint conference. Day of various meeting and different districts around the state. Grateful for colleagues who attended.

Mrs. Fitzgerald reported that there was 100% attendance from our board.

Discussion without Action

2020 Tax Levy Workshop and Discussion

Superintendent Bridges reported that there was no additional information. The tentative tax levy was presented at the November 16, 2020 Board of Education meeting and we will be looking for action at the December 21, 2020 Board of Education meeting. Recommendation is to file the levy at the full amount allowed and recommending an abatement of the debt service levy in March 2021. The Board can consider any additional abatements between now and March 2021.

Administration will be asking for approval at the December 21, 2020 Board of Education meeting. Board Questions/Comments:

Just a comment that as we pass the full levy so we do not lose any new dollars, make sure we are looking at how we can offer savings to all taxpayers.

Important to continue to get money back into the taxpayers or take less from the community. I also support those comments. Look at debt service levy

Well timed to hear recommendations for the Administration

The Board will take action December 21.

Discussion with Action


Old Business


New Business


Upcoming Events

Superintendent Bridges noted the next Board of Education meeting will be held on Monday December 21 at 7:00pm. Anticipate that it will be virtual, Winter vacation begins December 23, 2020- January 5, 2021. January 6-8 fully remote

January 25 we are anticipating beginning our hybrid schedule.


Donna Wandke moved seconded by Charles Cush to adjourn the meeting at 9:59 p.m. A roll call vote was taken. Those voting yes: Yang Rohr, Cush, Fitzgerald, Wandke, Kozminski, Leong and Gericke. Those voting no: None. The motion carried.



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