Village of Bedford Park Board met Sept. 2.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Bedford Park was held at 7:00 p.m. in the Courtroom of the Municipal Complex and virtually via GoToMeeting for social distancing standards. President Brady led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
PRESENT AT THE MEETING: President Brady, Village Clerk Solis, Trustees: Rubel (via phone), Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski, and Pallardy.
ABSENT: Trustee Kensik.
ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Village Attorney Larry Gryczewski, Chief Administrative Officer Finance (C.A.O.) Marilyn Curnutte, Police Chief Tom Hansen, Water Superintendent Chris Lesniak, Public Works Superintendent Kevin Ormins, Building Superintendent Jerry Ponio, Fire Marshal Mark Murray, Deputy Clerk Carla Murray, and Village Engineer Jim Butler.
VISITORS: All those in attendance on the conference call.
1. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes of August 5, 2021.
2. Place all correspondence on file.
3. Approval of the Cash Receipts Report for July 2021 in the amount of $6,098,292.30.
4. Approval of the Petty Cash for June-August 2021 in the amount of $280.84.
5. Approval to pay the Illinois Public Safety Agency Network (IPSAN) a maintenance fee of $3,024.00 for usage of the basic the Basic Unified Local Law Enforcement Transmission application for July through December 2021.
6. Authorization to accept quote and subsequent invoice from United Radio Communications for fourteen replacement radio batteries for use by patrol officers for a cost not to exceed $2,400.00.
7. Per the recommendation from The Concord Group, approval to pay ECS Midwest (Invoice No. 903507) for testing services provided on the Bedford Park event center project in the amount of $11,566.25.
8. Per the recommendation from The Concord Group, approval to pay Hoefferle Butler Engineering (Invoice No. 24083) for engineering services provided on the Bedford Park event center project in the amount of $3,002.50.
9. Per the recommendation from The Concord Group, approval to pay Nicor Gas $128.22 for gas utility service on the Bedford Park event center project utilized from 7/26/21 to 8/25/21.
10. Approval to pay the Concord Group (Invoice No. 2021F907/02 in the amount of $6,000.00 for technical services provided during the month of June 2021 on the Bedford Park event center project.
11. Approval to pay United Radio Communications (Invoice No. 106025608) for pre-opening office equipment (IT) in the amount of $5,915.00.
12. Approval to pay ShowYourLogo, Inc. (Invoice No. DK126473) for pre-opening supplies in the amount of $6,800.00.
13. Approval of the proposal and subsequent invoice from Uncle Bub’s for catering the picnic event for a cost not to exceed $20,000.00.
14. Approval of reimbursement for Joe Ronovsky for paying $65.00, the fee for video gaming license application for the event center.
15. Approval to pay A.F. Spataro & Co (Invoice No. 912021X) for sidewalk repairs in the amount of $4,500.00.
16. Approval to pay A.F. Spataro & Co (Invoice No. 912021B) for sidewalk repairs in the amount of $4,900.00.
17. Approval to pay A.F. Spataro & Co (Invoice No. 912021K) for pavement repairs in the amount of $3,500.00.
18. Approval to pay A.F. Spataro & Co (Invoice No. 912021F) for sidewalk repairs at the Village Hall in the amount of $6,500.00.
19. Approval to accept the quote and subsequent invoice from Proven IT for computer hardware for SFM staff at the event center in the amount of $9,887.18.
20. Approval to pay Hoefferle Butler Engineering (Invoice No. 24081) for engineering services in the amount of $2,388.50.
21. Approval to pay Ancel Glink, P.C. (Statement No. 83906) for legal services rendered for the month of July in the amount of $3,839.90.
22. Approval to pay Sports Facilities Management (Invoice No. 8732REVISED) for September 2021 Pre-Opening Fees in the amount of $18,000.00.
23. Approval to pay Hoefferle Butler Engineering (Invoice No. 24077) for engineering services in the amount of $21,077.00.
24. Approval to pay Hoefferle Butler Engineering (Invoice No. 24082) for engineering services for Capital projects in the amount of $22,157.00.
25. Approval to pay Antero Group (Invoice No. VOBP-2107-019) for the Connect2Work Pilot Program services in the amount of $6,390.00.
26. Approval to pay Tai Ginsberg & Associates LLC (Invoice No. 17687) for government relations services in the amount of $7,706.21.
27. Approval to pay Air Design Systems Inc. (Invoice No. 0572 99) for supplies in relation to the event center in the amount of $17,672.00.
28. Approval of the quote and subsequent invoice from Bannerville USA branding and installation contract for $17,360 for the event center.
29. Approval of the quote and subsequent invoice for a DJ at the event center for a cost not to exceed $1,000.00.
30. Approval of the quote and subsequent invoice from M.E. Simpson to get the Chicago master meters tested for a total cost of $7,050.00.
31. Approval of the maintenance contract with ALTORFER for the yearly service on all Water Dept. generators for a total cost of $14,433.00.
32. Approval to purchase a new stand-up lawn mower from ALTA to replace the previous mower for a total cost of $7,821.00.
33. Approval of the quote and subsequent invoice from Metropolitan Industries for the replacement of the VFD that blew up at the 70th Street Lift station for a total cost of $2,941.00.
34. Approval for Fire Protection Company to repair issues for the sprinkler deficiencies at the Water Department in the amount of $3,839.00.
35. Approval to pay Cook County Treasurer’s Office for the 2020 second installment property tax bill for 4840 W. 71st Street in the amount of $4,557.04.
36. Approval to pay Cook County Treasurer’s Office for the 2020 second installment property tax bill for 6559 S. Lavergne Avenue in the amount of $1,934.07.
37. Approval to pay Cook County Treasurer’s Office for the 2020 second installment property tax bill for 4900 W 71st Street in the amount of $11.53.
38. Approval to pay Cook County Treasurer’s Office for the 2020 second installment property tax bill for 6700 S Lavergne Avenue in the amount of $748.92.
39. Approval to pay Airy’s Inc. (Invoice No. 25100) for services to the lift station in the amount of $40,954.87.
40. Per the recommendation of Hoefferle Butler Engineering, approval to pay Gewalt-Hamilton (Invoice No. 5824.800-4) for Sayre Ave. extension services in the amount of $350.00.
41. Approval to have attorney Paul Wojcicki provide training on writing better narrative reports for a cost of $300 for a ½ day training.
42. Approval to pay P&G Keene (Invoice No. 220212) for rebuilding generator on Squad 702 for a cost of $3,600.00.
43. Approval to pay Air One Equipment for a new hose in the amount of $2,115.00.
44. Approval to pay House of Doors, Inc. (Invoice No. 212613) for a new door opener for a total cost of $3,308.00.
45. Approval to pay Unique Plumbing Co. for sewer repair in the residential area for a cost of $1,145.93.
46. Approval to pay Monroe Truck Equipment for equipment repairs in the amount of $5,893.17.
Motion by Stocks, second by Errant, to approve the Consent Agenda items as presented.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Pallardy, second by Wesolowski, approval to award bid packet #11 for the Bedford Park Event Center to Alessio & Sons for concrete crushing in the amount of $100,350.00.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Rubel, second by Stocks, approval for Village Attorney Gryczewski to draft ordinance authorizing the negotiations to start with the Belt Railway for property located at 6555 Central Avenue (PIN: 19-21-113-032-0000).
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Stocks, second by Wesolowski, approval for Village Attorney Gryczewski to prepare an offer and begin negotiations to purchase real estate located at 6530 Lorel Avenue.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Stocks, second by Pallardy, approval for President Brady to execute a Sewer Line Agreement between the Belt Railway and Village of Bedford Park with respect to a new road being constructed.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Stocks, second by Wesolowski, approval for President Brady to execute a Public Road Crossing Agreement between the Belt RR and Village of Bedford Park with respect to a new road being constructed.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Stocks, second by Wesolowski, approval for Village Attorney Gryczewski to prepare a contract and offer to purchase property at the cost of $8.50 per square foot between Belt Railway and Village of Bedford Park.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Stocks, second by Pallardy, approval of Ordinance No. 21-1674 regarding amendment to Ordinance No. 20-1645 pertaining to overweight and oversized vehicles.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Pallardy, second by Wesolowski, approval for President Brady to execute an extension to the Water Supply Purchase Agreement until 2050 between American Lake Water and the Village of Bedford Park.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Stocks, second by Rubel, approval for President Brady to execute a Non-Disclosure Agreement pertaining to the water supply purchase agreement on behalf of the Village of Bedford Park.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Stocks, second by Wesolowski, per the recommendation from The Concord Group (Owner’s rep), and contingent upon final review, approval to pay ALPA Construction a not to exceed value of $1,300,000.00 for construction services on the Bedford Park event center project associated with payment application #16.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Rubel, second by Errant, per the recommendation from The Concord Group, approval to execute ProvenIT sales order #227757 for core networking equipment on the Bedford Park event center project in the amount of $147,666.38.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Stocks, second by Errant, per the recommendation from The Concord Group, approval to execute ALPA prime contract change orders 11-15 for various changes on the Bedford Park event center project.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Stocks, second by Wesolowski, per the recommendation of Hoefferle Butler Engineering, approval to pay M&J Paving for 65th Street Improvements and Lorel Public Parking Lot in the amount of $623,763.02.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Wesolowski, second by Pallardy, approval of the proposal and subsequent invoice from Ascend Technologies for data security risk assessment in the amount of $5,400.00.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Stocks, second by Wesolowski, per the recommendation Hoefferle Butler Engineering, approval of the proposal and subsequent invoice from Action Fence Contractors, Inc. for the fence around Lorel Public Parking Lot in the amount of $14,200.00.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Wesolowski, second by Rubel, authorization for President Brady to execute Title VI Assurances (Compliance with Civil Rights Act of 1964) agreement and the Awards Terms and Conditions agreement in connection with the $82,110.30 allotment the village will receive as a non entitlement unit of local government through the American Rescue Plan.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Stocks, second by Rubel, approval to amend the Area I&II TIF surplus amount originally passed at the March 4, 2021 meeting to reflect the current account balance of $339,517.19 which this amount plus any interest accrued from this date will be sent to the Cook County Treasurer’s Office for disbursement to the taxing bodies and the Amalgamated Bank account will also be closed.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Rubel, second by Wesolowski, approval to amend the Bedford City Square TIF surplus amount originally passed at the March 4, 2021 meeting to reflect the current account balance of $391,613.81 which this amount plus any interest accrued from this date will be sent to the Cook County Treasurer’s Office for disbursement to the taxing bodies and the BMO Harris Bank account will also be closed.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Wesolowski, second by Stocks, approval for Hoefferle Butler Engineering to proceed with the bid letting for the construction of sidewalk along Archer Road between 71st Street and the Fire Station driveway.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Rubel, second by Stocks, approval to reimburse Kristopher Aguilar for demolition expenses paid in the amount of $19,480.00 as part of the Residential Home Incentive Program.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Stocks, second by Wesolowski, approval and execution by President Brady of White Sox Sponsorship agreement and subsequent invoice of $131,000.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Pallardy, second by Wesolowski, approval for President Brady to execute Wintrust Naming Rights Agreement for the event center to be known as the Wintrust Sports Complex at Bedford Park for a total value of $3,040,000.00.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Stocks, second by Wesolowski, approval for President Brady to execute the Coca-Cola marketing agreement for the Bedford Park Event Center for a total value of $125,000.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Stocks, second by Wesolowski, approval of the Class 6B Tax Abatement Request regarding 5321 W. 65th Street.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Bills and Claims - Trustee Wesolowski:
Trustee Wesolowski presented the following Bills and Claims for the Board’s consideration: Bills dated 8/23/2021 in the amount of $3,370,983.61 and bills dated 9/02/2021 in the amount of $339,236.43 for a total bills to be approved in the amount of $3,710,220.04. Payroll periods 8/07/2021 to 8/20/2021 in the amount of $547,497.92, payroll period 8/21/2021 to 9/03/2021 in the amount of $523,583.14 for a total amount of $1,071,081.06. For a grand total of bills, claims and payroll expenses of $4,781,301.10. Motion by Wesolowski, second by Stocks, to approve the Bills, Claims, and Payroll Expense as presented.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Police Department – Trustee Errant (in absence of Trustee Kensik):
Motion by Errant, second by Pallardy, approval to rescind offer of conditional employment to Steven Greske.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Errant, second by Wesolowski, approval to offer conditional employment as a Police Officer to Mohamad Shehadah with a start date of October 1, 2021 pending successful completion of pre-employment testing.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Errant, second by Stocks, approval to offer conditional employment as a Police Officer to Jack Goldsmith with a start date of October 15, 2021 pending successful completion of pre employment testing.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Fire Department – Trustee Errant:
Motion by Errant, second by Pallardy, approval to have William Greenaberg continue his internship through September 2021.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Policy – Trustee Pallardy:
Motion by Pallardy, second by Errant, approval of all the Business Regulation Certificates, Occupancy Certificates, Building Permits, and Accessory Use Permits as presented.
VOTE: Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Absent: 1 MOTION CARRIED
Public Works – Trustee Rubel: None.
Water Department – Trustee Stocks: None.
Motion by Pallardy, second by Stocks, approval and acceptance of all ERI retirement letters as a blanket submitted to the Village Board from September 2021 until September 2022 subject to meet all required qualifications with final approval by C.A.O. Curnutte.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Stocks, second by Wesolowski, approval to halt automatic aide commencing on September 21, 2021 for a 60-day trial period to seek data on the financial impact to the village.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Wesolowski, second by Errant, approval to pay the Village’s portion of the IMRF contribution for a two (2) month gap in services years for Adrienne Larson.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Wesolowski, second by Rubel, approval of the proclamation request submitted to recognize National Rail Safety Week during the week of September 20-26, 2021, within the Village of Bedford Park.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Wesolowski, second by Rubel, approval to recognize and dedicate 67th Street and Lavergne Avenue after Michal Madigan and Central Avenue between 65th Street to Belt Railway to William Lipinski.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
Motion by Stocks, second by Wesolowski, approval to offer conditional employment to Alyssa Huff as the Building Superintendent effective October 4, 2021 at the salary of $90,000 pending successful completion of pre-employment testing.
Ayes: Rubel, Errant, Stocks, Wesolowski and Pallardy
Nays: None
Absent: Kensik
A round of applause and congratulations to Jerry Ponio on his retirement from the Village of Bedford Park.
A motion by Stocks, second by Errant, to adjourn the meeting at 7:24 p.m.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Absent: 1 MOTION CARRIED