City of Palos Heights Roads & Construction Committee met Dec. 14.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Chairman Clifford called the Roads & Construction Committee to order at 6:30 p.m. In attendance were Alderman Basso, Alderman Lewandowski, Alderman Begley, and Alderman McGovern. Also in attendance were: Patrick Shramm from Public Works, and Aurimas Spucys from Morris Engineering.
Chairman Clifford moved to approve the minutes of the Roads & Construction Committee meeting held on October 12, 2021, seconded by Alderman Begley. On a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.
Public request was made at the city council meeting on October 5th to investigate the possibility of installing a signalized intersection at Route 83 and Oak Park Ave. Concerns about the amount of traffic during school hours warrants the signalization of the intersection. However, to fully determine the need for this, Strand Engineering will complete an engineering study. Strand Engineering is currently under retainer from the city and can complete the study for $7,500.00. At the same council meeting, a request for a reduced speed limit from 45 mph to 35 mph between Oak Park Avenue and Austin within the city limits was presented. Route 83 is a designated truck route and higher speed limits allow for better movement of traffic. However, with the area being mostly residential, a lower speed limit would be consistent with other areas within the city. At the committee’s direction, the city can draft a letter to IDOT requesting a speed limit change. Also, a request was made to add additional lighting to the intersection. One option would be to install 5 street lights at Route 83 with an estimated cost of $225,000.00. A single lightbulb can be installed in the Oak Park median directly south of the Navajo sign with a cost of the fixture being $15,000.00, not including any Comed costs or installation. The committee discussed.
Request approval to present the option for the feasibility of the installation of a double arm light at the median of Route 83 and Oak Park Avenue.
Alderman Clifford made a motion to present the option for the feasibility of the installation of a double arm light at the median of Route 83 and Oak Park Avenue, seconded by Alderman Begley. On a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. AGENDA
Request approval for payment to Strand Engineering in the amount of $7,500.00 for an engineering study to determine the need for a signalized intersection at Route 83 and Oak Park Avenue.
Alderman Clifford made a motion to approve payment to Strand Engineering in the amount of $7,500.00 for an engineering study to determine the need for a signalized intersection at Route 83 and Oak Park Avenue, seconded by Alderman Begley. On a voice note, the motion passed unanimously.
Request approval for payment to M&J Asphalt Paving Company in the amount of $39,757.60.
Alderman Clifford made a motion to approve payment to M&J Asphalt Paving Company in the amount of $39,757.60, seconded by Alderman Lewandowski. On a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. AGENDA
Aurimas Spucys from Morris Engineering provided the updates.
123RD Street Reconstruction – A majority of the landscaping restoration and repair work has been completed. The final surface was placed today with two areas on 76th and Richard to be patched. The striping will be done Thursday. The landscapers will begin work on the list of areas left to repair this Thursday. The sod will be inspected in September of 2022. IDOT is currently paying for the construction, and we will receive invoices from IDOT for our percentage starting next year.
Ridgeland Avenue Median Improvements- Director Jasinski requests approval for to go to bid for the ongoing maintenance on the Ridgeland Avenue median.
Alderman Clifford made a motion to approve a bid opening for ongoing maintenance on the Ridgeland Avenue median, seconded by Alderman Begley. On a voice note, the motion passed unanimously. AGENDA
Director Jasinski requested approval of Morris Engineering invoices in the amount of $44,854.78.
Alderman Clifford made a motion to approve the Morris Engineering invoices in the amount of $44,854.78, seconded by Alderman Begley. On a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously. AGENDA
There being no further business, Alderman Clifford moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded byAlderman Lewandowski. All in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 7:03 p.m.